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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Yeah probably can't go. Just too much going on and I don't wanna use up all my vacation this soon :U
  2. I am in this video because that is my strobe light on Ari's G2 lol...
  3. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=274686&id=768938953&l=eac6e8e5b7 Here's our album. The good, the drunk, the ugly. (mostly the drunk)
  4. Hey guys. I just got home and I am beat. My highlights were: *Finally meeting Shnabubula. Sam is a good friend and I'm super thankful that he came out to this year's Mag. He even played me some Tori Amos and FFVI on piano and is an amazing dude all around. Also he has the highest fucking liquor tolerance ever! lol *Getting to hang with Liz once again, and getting to doll her up! *Hanging with Matt Pollard. He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything... Especially booze drinkin' leeches *_* *Sumeet punching Ari in the gut in the stairwell :J *Lukas and Ari "wrasslin'" in A_Rival's room. *Meeting Beatdrop. Dain is about one of the most refreshingly jaded-seeming individuals I've met in a long time. I mean that in a good way. *That weird talk between Sam, Liz, Alex, myself, and Dain during the last leg instead of sleeping. *Getting Jade extremely drunk. She was hilarious. The next day was a bit rough for her though lol... *Basically bar-tending for everyone and their mother regardless of what room I was in or what drinks were available. I vaguely remember by the end of the last night, I was just handing out straight alcohol and getting compliments on my mixing abilities. *wildfire making ME a drink for once! *Getting to hang with Jade and Abadoss in our room. Despite our original want for privacy, you guys were very nice, fun, and polite roommates and I enjoyed it. *Korean BBQ w/ melody and co. *Getting to meet Hiroki Kikuta. I liked him, and I like his POV on things, even when he's getting asked some friggin' off the wall weird questions. *Randomly getting to hang with Doug on our flight home. He was on our flight randomly but it was delayed, so he was put on another flight, and we were put on yet another flight... Then his new flight is delayed and he is put back on our new flight, and we got to sit together drinking booze and playing more video games *Doug and Sam's duet. I think what I liked the most is that everyone there was just really enjoying themselves. *The party at Stevo's... Things got extremely... interesting by the end. *Stevo and Val's engagement is a beautiful thing. *Meeting Shariq with a soft roll of the r. *Meeting new people like mp, donut, sumeet, pablo, Velocifero, that hat guy, that irish guy, dragon avenger... And hanging with my old crew... *Niraj loving/respecting everyone... a LOT... starla and Rama being chill as always... Stevo being a great host... Dhsu, always running into him and it's always "Hey there"... *NOT losing my glasses lense. Dislikes: *Losing my ID *Ari losing his wallet at the Korean restaurant *A pretty bad hangover most of day 2 *Our booze almost gone on the first night *THE ELEVATORS! *Jamspace crud at the end *strike # 2 *parking I probably forgot a lot, but overall it was a great second Magfest for myself (and Ari) and I am sad that there wasn't enough time to hang with everyone, but there's always next year!
  5. Basically I will be wandering around aimlessly and pretty drunk, if I am not drunk, you should probably direct me to the booze if you see me. Would be pretty par for the course vs. last year. So if you see me, just be aware that I will have no idea what is going on or what panel/event I should be going to and just point me in the right direction lol.
  6. I can see where that rule would make sense. You don't want someone covering a Linkin Park song from a Tony Hawk game and submitting it as an OCREMIX... But when it comes to public domain songs that would be identifiable to the video game itself, especially one as obviously thematic as Super Dodgeball... I think its should be more of a gray area ruling of "what makes the most sense" other than one sweeping guideline rule. Criteria on a more individual song by song basis. The judgment on Jordan's song wasn't just because it was from a folk song, it was because of "how much" of the arrangement of the song vs. the original material was used... But from what I saw Vinnie post there, Jordan used more of the original source from the game and interpretation than the meat of Sakura Sakura... Or am I reading that wrong? I think this is besides the point anyway though. My point is, the remixes are obviously made in appreciation of the video game and the music therein, not so much because they are folk songs we've heard in other formats. I've not heard a few of them outside of Dodgeball personally. Popularity of the source just doesn't seem like a great reasoning for whether or not something should be NO'd when there are other aspects of the songs themselves that can be considered... The inherent interpretation on an 8-bit system, an arrangement to make them more exciting for a video game, and the obvious nostalgia people that played this game experience when they hear these songs redone and posted on OCR. There will be a connection there with the listener and they will be identified towards the video game, not so much the folk song. When I meant discussed, I didn't mean a submission from six years ago... And yeah I disagree with Binnie's argument there too, but it seems just like a safer way to deal with the issue because it can open up a can of worms... It's such an obscure OST with such a blurred use of original vs. arranged materia... But association with the game itself is what I think ANYONE who downloads this album will understand and appreciate. And just, well I'm not placing any blame here, but a heads up in some way to the remixers that this would be a problem, I'm really surprised this is only being mentioned NOW at the very end, it's unfortunate for everyone involved *_*
  7. These songs are from a video game. They are public domain. They are arrangements of folk songs but are definitely "recognizable" to people that played Super Dodge Ball as songs from the game. I don't see what the problem is here. Also couldn't this have been discussed you know, like five years ago?
  8. No swimming for me... Holy shit I hate cold water.
  9. Haha... well holy shit, it's myf. How ya doin' dude? I like the low-fi, kids in the hall build, like some dudes hittin' sticks on your cutting board, got some bitchz dancing with the lettuce, and a bunch of dudes hittin' their knives against the plates in hunger .... It's a detailed build. The lyrics are hilarious lol...
  10. The only nitpick I have is there's a hiss/buzz through the whole thing. Might want to try to EQ it away, if possible.
  11. Jeff gets his very own birthday thread! Though I think I am a day late but HOPE IT WAS A GOOD ONE!
  12. Thank you. Nothing beats Wendy Carlos' original score for the first movie.
  13. Okay, Shrack has officially picked DQ II JOYOUS SONG ... be joyful!
  14. Voted again... HEY EVERYONE VOTE! http://goo.gl/w8c0f go go go go YOU CAN DO IT ONCE A DAY!
  15. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I like physical releases when I care about the artist. Being as this is her first album, I think it's a good idea, and not only that... She gives a free poster and tries to personalize each cd as well with decorations and autographs... It's a fair trade IMO. Anyway get it!
  17. Hey guys! Okay we have some great news. AeroZ has sent me a WIP for REQUIEM from DQ2... So far it's gettin' frickin beautiful... Can't wait to hear the finished product. In other news: Cyrilthewolf has joined the project claiming DQ2, Unknown World! He's promised awesome "droney stoner rock"... Yeah! ShrackAttack has promised to claim a track from DQ2 w/ some awesome vibraphone work, so here's hoping to hearing from him soon with his pick. I'm so excited! p.s. NeoS... Ah yes I still have that... I was thinking to move it to bonus as well to give maybe some more room to anyone who might want to claim it under the track guidelines... But the project is moving extremely slow as of now so I wouldn't worry too much... It's gonna come down to a decision on the flow of the album after all.
  18. Happy birthday pu_freak! >:[Happy birthday Lukas!]
  19. Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.
  20. I did six reviews, but they should count for double because I was really drunk and typing is hard!
  21. Back to the Future for the NES is one of the hardest/worst games ever. I also hated the damned song! But this video has just put a band-aid on one of my most traumatic NES memories.
  22. Hello TO, how is the flaming skull? drunk #6 The atmospheric synths add a nice... er atmosphere to the song. That tinkly synth is a good accompany. The drums are very basic... And when I hear songs that do this, I always think... "Okay, I get that this is an intro, so you save best for later, but staring more complex in some cases might make you push your limits"... They eventually get more complex, with that tambourine and the toms and random fills... The gated synth helps a lot with the rhythm too, and the strings really give a somber mood that I like... But overall, the song was just getting started, then it fades out... with that same overly basic drum pattern that made me kinda ugh in the first place. But I guess that's okay because the thought was established, you came and said what you wanted to, and it then it was over. Maybe the source isn't too complex either, so you were really working it... But then again a little more creativity could have helped. I should review some of your newer stuff sometime :J
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