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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. I would enjoy a game that takes the budget of a 3d game and puts it all into a massive 2d game with an incredible story/music/gameplay/exploration/detail dynamic. You know, like FFVI on steroids.
  2. Great job losing that weight. It's so hard to do, your dedication is awesome. Glad the music here could help you with it. Music is powerful motivation boost. I persoanlly want to listen to the Rocky theme all the time when I work out.
  3. Just an FYI. If Jeff was playing violin for anyone, well, time's up. He's in Alaska now for a couple months. So you may want to look into that.
  4. Chrono Cross had way too many characters IMO. I loved the small character choices in Chrono Trigger because basically the game had a buttload to do anyway. I don't even remember half the characters (or care about) in Chrono Cross. Now onto Obsidian. KOTOR 2 was a great game, except all the unfinished stuff. (and the horrible load time) It really did feel that they were rushed. I actually had an e-mail conversation with the dude that runs the company about that game a long time ago, because everyone was trolling his inbox at that time over the game, and he basically told me just that. Seemed like he knew all the game's flaws and felt very frustrated at their rushed development. He also listened to a lot of my suggestions for the next KOTOR (that never happened). So yeah, if Obsidian does their BEST and has lots of time... Yes.
  5. Nice post, and that's exactly what I don't understand. There is no real point for a millionaire to sue someone for 150K who doesn't have much money. You're potentially and haphazardly ruining people's lives. I'd like to know exactly how much money Kind of Bloop even made in comparison to this sum. He used your picture, so what, the HARM he did to you should be more proportional to the actual punishment, which honestly I think is ludicrous. If I were him I'd be honored honestly. 32K is bad enough, but originally demanding 150K is just absurd.
  6. How dare you WARP MY PHOTO until it is nothing more than a REPRESENTATION of my WORK which is actually a REPRESENTATION of REALITY seen through a glass lens!
  7. Well let's not turn this into a "crucify one person" thread and let the posters speak for themselves. The side commentary isn't really necessary you know? I thought it was at least interesting to read.
  8. I hate you for these times of vaguely sexual descriptions. Also after reading his Wiki, that dude is fucking rich. It pisses me off so much when the rich dude sues the little dude, law aside.
  9. Happy Birthday! Electroisystem is 15... Christ... They come to young...
  10. Hi, I'm not a mod, but here's a review: I think this song is too repetitive. I played Mother 3 and I understand that this source is very short, but I feel you could have done more. You establish the cool drums/synths, and then lead us in with those pretty pads and synths, but the song doesn't really go anywhere with them. I think you need to take a section and just start writing some notes, give the song a lead of your own, see what happens. Get experimental with your writing, don't be afraid to stray from the source, if you want to be faithful to Mother 3, maybe try to incorporate some leads from other songs that could fit into this one. The point is that you're taking the source, honoring it, and expanding on it, to make it worthwhile to listen to instead of the source (not that I'm saying that's what remixes are for, but the idea is to be as good as or better than the original) When your synth chords at around the 2:00 minute mark come in finally they are way too overpowering, my headphones almost exploded :J. The song is also imbalanced by the dry synths you have playing the rhythm, and the pads that are reverbtastic, when you bring in the dry synths again, you can't really hear the pads/piano... Work on balancing your song with the instruments you choose. Also you need a really phat bass, your low synth isn't a true bass to me... It's just playing low notes... Get in there with a low sine or something, fill up the low-end, and give the song more rhythm to pair with your drums. Hope this helps.
  11. I think this could be really cool, but it's a little bare right now. The drums are neat, that bass synth is pretty nice too... But that's when it gets a little hairy... I think a lot of the song you're going for is lost in translation because of solos/repetitiveness in general. The solos are ALMOST cool, but some of them I can tell the settings don't translate well for the whole solo. I hear portamento that is unnecessary. Maybe more specific automations on your synth settings, more attention to detail in them would work. Some solos sound very nice, but I think you really should concentrate on the writing, if everything really fits, tweaks here and there. Those trumpets really don't work. I also think that you're missing a filled out soundscape, some low end pads could help your song a lot, and there really isn't much going on in the high-end except for the highats. Focus on widening your sound. And lastly, your song is too long. I think you could express the same idea you have going in half the time. Pick your favorite solos and take out other sections, because it's really a sectional piece with a lot of repetition. We don't need to revisit your chorus that much. Once you've got a more condensed version of your song, ask yourself where you want to end up, do you have any other ideas? Experiment and switch up the song and see what happens, you got our attention with the first couple minutes but after that... Anyway, hope this isn't too harsh, good luck!
  12. Hi, I guess I am posting to enter. Before I had the internet, or really the ability to in any way, find any video game soundtracks... I used to record Nobuo Uematsu's music while playing Final Fantasy when I was young. I would spend hours replaying games I had already played numerous times, just to have a chance to record the music onto my tape player. I'd get to a point in the game where I knew new music would be introduced, and hit the record button, play the song 2 or 3 times (depending on how much I liked it, which was usually every song), and then I'd fade out with the volume. If the take wasn't perfect, I would reload my game and try again. When I finally had a tape ready, I would play it every night before bed on headphones and drift to sleep. I held these tapes with reverence for many years in a way that most of my peers could never understand. But I loved the music so much, and I am happier for experiencing it. Thanks for inspiring me with your music!
  13. Yeah this game kinda sucks. I guess it tried... What's been said before is basically correct. I'm not even a hugely scrupulous judge of FPS because I just haven't played enough, but even I can tell it's sub-par.
  14. The thing is, these guys probably still have to get up and go to work every day and hate their life, so they take it out on the internet. I can really only imagine that kind of pseudo-intellectual angst coming from someone like that. Honestly, not being able to use PSN isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and I think they will eventually be caught, they've made themselves such a target. We though, we move on with our lives, I feel I didn't waste my time reading that letter, I just got disappointed with how someone can be that stupid and wasteful of their time writing it. It's a half-assed attempt to justify their worldview... And when that doesn't work, they're trying to hide behind a wall of cool to the people that see how illogical they are being. OMG time to fall back on chaos and random to justify my behavior because I don't care anyway. lol yikes. Anyway, their rules only apply to a very small percentage of what goes on in the world, a fraction of the internet, and how important they are doesn't matter, if they are the flavor of the month or the year... Because it's for something incredibly stupid. If they hacked something of mine today, I'd deal with it and get over it. Honestly, Anonymous has more power over people because when they get rowdy, they prank call their houses and light a burning bag of doo on your porch, now those guys can ruin lives... But again, they only can ruin your life as much as you really let them. The reaction is what a troll wants, in whatever shape/form they come in.
  15. I got sad all over again. It was just like over 10 years ago
  16. They got mad at the in Oblivion obviously.Nininini...
  17. Maybe because they called themselves the "Codemasters"... That's so smug! Gotta take them down!
  18. Awesome, I will be sure to check this out! We are going on a roadtrip, maybe I'll give it a listen for that soon!
  19. So glad you guys are getting it in before I initially thought. I'm excited to hear some of this!
  20. It can really only get better from here. There's still so much to cover, and the crazy shit is about to go down.
  21. Yay. This song has been in the works for a LONG TIME! Happy to know you finally got it all done Lastair! Some really awesome arrangement on the FF8 source tunes. Well thought-out... Good planning, and utilization of your resources. Thank you to Snappleman and norg for playing this for him, it's cool guys like you who get the job done for us non-instrument players *_* Really cool soloing all over this!
  22. So yay things are starting to pick up, and they are doing a really good job. Cersie's talk with Robert was great.
  23. Finish your first song then we talk, and I mean really finish *_*
  24. Thanks stevo! And also remixers... Um... Do me a favor and don't be like the tenth person to join who doesn't read the first post okay? Much love!
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