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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. It's true they're both very difficult especially the first time through. When I replay NG Black I play on hard and have won it several times. When I play NG II on new game plus I only play it on Path of the Warrior and it seems easy enough. That's partly what makes it so fun. Starting over with all of your weapons and just going through like a demi God. My little brother on the other hand is a mech. He was half way through winning Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja when NG II was released so the highest difficulty he ever won Black on is Very Hard. Now though he's won NG II on every difficulty including Master Ninja. He had to live and breath it to finally finish it on Mentor and Master Ninja but he managed. Anyways, I just really love those two games and I'm always up for playing them for an hour or two.
  2. Evanescence - My Last Breath really, really loud.
  3. Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden II on the 360. Sometimes it's just fun to kill stuff. I've played through them both multiple times and I still think they are loads of fun.
  4. Definitely going to be interesting to see how well they balance so many characters. Either way it's going to be lots of fun I think.
  5. As a fellow OCR member I have to wonder BGC - When you found out that you got the gig and you would be working with people who are in perspective dinosaurs in the industry, were you intimidated? Also, did you talk about OCR with the other guys on the team? If so how did they react? I don't expect superficial questions like those will be asked in the interview. I'm just curious to know.
  6. Anti mainstream? What the fuck does that even mean?
  7. Recollecting, Batman Returns was pretty damn fun.
  8. And lets not forget how fun it was on the snow level to sit somewhere and snipe of the enemy soldiers as they would come at you indefinitely.
  9. One of my fondest memories of the N64 is when I would enable invisible mode in Goldeneye and sneak up behind all the soldiers shooting them in the ass.
  10. I agree. They don't even consider the fact that the game isn't being designed for 12 year old kids, it's being designed for 18 year old adults. Still, underage people get into R rated movies all the time. It's not the end of Camelot and they really ought to shut up about it.
  11. Don't talk about Yuna in a Wacky thread. He gets all teary eyed and stuff.
  12. That's just cause your a horny Australian Wacky. Just thinking about your country (much less the women in it) gives you a hard on.
  13. Maybe. I say it's on the parents not to get those games for children if they don't want them playing mature titles. The parents are all push-overs. I've seen it in Wal-Mart myself. I know, I know. It's all been said.
  14. I really don't understand why people got so bent out of shape with Mass Effect. I've seen PG-13 movies with far, FAR, more sensual and erotic sex scenes. They're rating the games mature. What more do these dip shits want?
  15. My drunken brother - Going on and on and on about stock and currency trading.
  16. I remember R-Type and Final Fight being very fun. I would recommend Killer Instinct but you said you you don't like fighting games. Since you said you like RPG's I have to recommend Mystic Quest. Fun game and a really, really good soundtrack. Brainlord was/is one of my favorite games ever released on the SNES.
  17. I don't own a PS3 but I have a couple brothers that have them; one of which thinks it is apparently heaven on earth. I like RPGs though.
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