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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. What shocked me was how well the BluRay player functions on the PS3. When I heard it was going to be BluRay I thought it was going to be a gimped player to shave costs. Instead they put a kick ass one in it.
  2. Don't forget Fat Princess. I can totally see AD playing that one. While sucking on a tootsie pop.
  3. Doesn't mean the discussion can't continue just because he made a decision. Tard...
  4. The game play is well done but the storyline is mediocre at best. Honestly I didn't really care for it. After I rented it my brother played through it and won it in my bedroom. He really like it but I thought it was really dull and linear the whole way through myself.
  5. The PS3 is a powerhouse but the 360 is more fun. I have both and I am constantly on the 360. There is simply more fun titles. Also, the 360 is backwards compatible with the original XBox games and the original XBox games are very cheap. The Play Station 3 on the other hand isn't backwards compatible with PS2 games (who the fuck knows why). If you have an elite TV and sound system, don't discount the PS3's ability to play BlueRay discs because the BlueRay player it comes with is actually really nice and operates quite smooth. If you just want to game like no other than get the XBox though. To give a definitive answer, if you want to go with the safer bet buy the XBox. I have more fun on it than PS3 by far. When you do buy it purchase a copy of Ninja Gaiden II....and a 12 pack of beer. Edit: And no AD, the 360 controller doesn't suck it's built much better than the original one.
  6. I've stayed up for countless hours watching forex charts to the point I couldn't sleep because I could see the lines and charts moving in my mind when I closed my eyes. Basically the Tetris effect.
  7. Doesn't matter. Dude, go with the black one. The other one is looking very very generic. Trust me, I've purchased a lot of watches and looked at expensive ones tons. The fact that it costs less is an added bonus. Inside it's the exact same watch. I'll even wager that it's more comfortable. The black one.
  8. It looks really really dumb.
  9. Thanks for this. I enjoyed looking through all of them.
  10. Happy bday BGC. Keep those good jams comin'.
  11. Here's to you two. You look great together. Good luck in the future. Enjoy the tax breaks.
  12. I went through this thread and blocked all the sigs I didn't like and left all the ones that I did, all via Firefox. Hooorah!!
  13. Fixed that for ya dude. Happy birthday Djp and thanks for all you do here.
  14. Luke, I don't know how the fuck you did it but somehow you grew on me. Why'd you change your name ya' poop head. Happy Birthday dude.
  15. If you have the money then buy a PS3, if you're strapped buy a Wii. I don't own one but I borrowed my friends and it is what's currently hooked up in my room. It seems very nice and as stated about quite powerful. The 360 is what I own and the PS3 controller is taking some getting used to. As we all know though, it is by no means low quality.
  16. Bug you as it may, they do so because it makes the game balanced. It's another element of SSB that makes it awesome. If you want to get serious and compete you can. If you want to fool around; that's also an option. But the catch is they get to decide to do that. It's entirely optional. If you don't like that approach to the game you don't have to play that approach to the game. Personally, I do like it. Basically it's genius.
  17. Look around some. This sight is in fact very interesting.
  18. Lmao. Shit like that is funnier after you've been axed. Darke might be harsh sometimes but he's fair enough.
  19. You're so full of it. As reign already pointed out: Impeccable character control. To be even more honest with you; I don't really give a fuck about the Nintendo characters. Honestly I think I would enjoy the game more if it was exactly the same controls and gameplay but a more mature setting and character cast. In other words if I could play as Street Fighter characters under the same play system I would like it more. More than both SSB and the current Street Fighters. The most competitive gameplay I've ever engaged in was Super Smash Bros. Melee. The thing that is so awesome about that game is that you can't button mash and win against someone even moderately practiced. You get rewarded for blocking attacks if your opponent is close, not punished. (see street fighter for the opposite) Finally, the combo system is very very simple and yet at the same time as complex as you are able to reflex. Basically, bite me. You're totally wrong.
  20. You might want to reconsider such warnings because I got a 1 month ban for it.
  21. The sonic franchise has gone downhill for certain. Not only did it cost 9 dollars but I think Sega has made their target market 9 year olds. Edit: And this.
  22. What does this even mean? It has unbalances if you want them. (i.e. levels that have random occurrences, turn on items, etc.) And why are you saying it isn't a fighting game? Couldn't agree less with you on that. Melee was no less of a fighting game than strike III or SFIV. I'll lean slightly to your point if you're talking about Brawl and only because the designers put tripping in it. (Which is completely retarded) It's still a fighting game though.
  23. Understandable. I don't pretend to understand all the details and expenses as well as you do. The thing is though is it doesn't necessarily have to be realistic. It just needs to be fun...
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