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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. He's right about this, and the possibilities here are endless. This is one aspect of FF 3 no one could resist.
  2. The storyline is huge, obviously. Besides that, the first thing I'll say is make sure you have a great protagonist. In the beginning that just means someone who is a)mysterious (meaning there is plenty to learn about them) and they need to be both strong and headstrong. Presenting and maintaining a good main character/hero is paramount. Puzzles are good. Alundra was fun for that reason. Another important aspect to me is the weapons system. Everyone is either turned off or turned on by this, so be creative but don't get too creative. (happens a lot i.e. Squall was a great character, his weapon fucking sucked my balls.) Make sure the weapons throughout the game are diverse and interesting. It holds more interest than you might think it does. Finally, make sure the final weapon has a dynamic (not overdone) look and is incredibly powerful. More to come if this thread persists. Edit: Agreeing with the others that the soundtrack plays a huge role. In introducing characters. In letting you know who you're about to learn about a specific character. Bringing to your attention that the antagonist is near or just that a plot twist is soon to happen. In everything really. It is definitely part of what was soo great about FF 3 and FF VII. Very dynamic soundtracks.
  3. Sort through Darkesword's remixes. He's got some real high class arrangements in that direction. The Twinkle Park Classic from sonic adventures and Her Azure Eyes from Sonic 3 come instantly to mind but he's got a bunch of other great ones too. Harmony already mentioned Short Skirts which I think is a must for your list.
  4. It's true. I tried and tried to get good with him. He runs like a motherfucker and his moves feel as slow as Bowser's. Well...maybe not that bad, but bad.
  5. How could I not mention Guile. People are so good with him too. I've always wanted to be good with him. If I pick him I just get my ass handed to me in a lunch basket every time.
  6. Roy from Super Smash Bros. is like that bad for me. I'm always selecting him. I have no idea why since I lose every time. Especially since I'm formidable with Link and Falco. Not like youtube video insane but formidable.
  7. Better watch your back though. dPaladin is taking this thread very seriously. As we all know: Video games are serious business.
  8. Yeah, but this isn't PPR. You guys can relax and live alittle out here. Not that I'm saying I've never crashed the party. Just....Chill some.
  9. No it isn't. Stop tweakin'. We're just shootin' the bull about games. Sequels can count.
  10. Could have been better, but it was still a great game. Why you gotta be hatin' on Link?
  11. Jeez people. Twilight Princess was a great game. What's with all the nostalgia for The Legend of Zelda?
  12. Played both of them. Shaq-Fu has a special spot on the wall of shame. Killer Instinct on the other hand was awesomely addictive.
  13. An up to snuff remake of Double Dragon would be exciting. They could even keep the 2 dimensional gameplay, just add 3 dimensional depth to the theater. Somewhat like the stages in Super Smash Bros. What ever happened to Tradewest anyways?
  14. I want to see a new amped up version of Blast Corps. A modern sequel maybe. That game was awesome with astonishing replay and a fucking immaculate soundtrack. I would also like to see a new and enhanced walk down the street beat'em up type game. Like Final Fight but modernized with super user friendly controls. Fighting Force did this somewhat well but it just wasn't dynamic enough for me. I did play through Fighting Force and Fighting Force 2, though. Not to derail the thread but: Super Smash Bros. Brawl -- re-released without tripping.
  15. There is a good chance that when you took the job you signed something somewhere that said they have the right to fuck you over at will. What the company is doing may be unethical but it's more than likely legal.
  16. I guess I wasn't online much when this thread came about but one way or another I new that it was so. Anyhow, congratulations to both of you; it's obvious you are both devoted, and driven people and if anyone can make it last you two can. pixie, your voice is incredible. Everyone knows you're going far. Take care of one of OCR's best, like we know you will. zircon, I'm almost certain that I am your greatest fan. I've been listening to your music for years and it's virtually impossible for me to express how talented I think you are. Good luck and stay encouraged! Both of you.
  17. That's true, and it is cheap. I'm just saying, it's not that big a deal. I definitely agree that he should have specified why he had a problem with it. It's a low class review/remark. It's just not something we should get bent out of shape over.
  18. It's bound to happen. It really isn't a big deal. The feed back on the soundtrack has been 98.9% positive. It's been all we expected and more. Let's not get bent out of shape because of an unsure review or two.
  19. Looks good. It does seem a little busy. That's probably a good thing once you understand what's going on though.
  20. If they're copyrighted or a trademark you can get in just as much trouble.
  21. I was laughing so fucking hard through this video I couldn't lift my beer to my mouth. Some first rate hilarity. No doubt. Also, I played the all of the Double Dragons. So I know what he's talking about.
  22. This is what I do as well. Especially if you're sending it through a higher quality amp. Might as well let the amp do the cranking.
  23. Oh wow! You look really good in Armani.
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