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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. Lately I've been rousting through my remix files doing quick reviews on old favorites that I haven't commented on or feel they are so good they deserve an additional comment, and I stumbled upon this one. A surprisingly unique take on the title theme to MegaMan2. I like it, very fast paced. Something that would be great to ride bikes too or work out to. When I used to work construction I would always throw this one on my playlist. Good job. Gotta love the death tone at the end. (Or is that the continue sound? I can't remember.)
  2. I really hate it when Balrog defeats me. For some reason I just have myself convinced that he sucks and that I should never lose to him. Probably because he doesn't kick. Maybe I'm racist.
  3. The EX gauge/system is great in my opinion. It gives you alot of different play strategy options and it's not overly complex.
  4. That's ridiculous and also not true. If you don't suck at the game you can still win despite these things. They still matter and they still change the aspect of fun. It's a great game and still fun even with the inclusion of ultra combos. I just think it would be more fun if they had excluded them or done something different and less complex for a revenge system.
  5. I owe this remix a comment since I listen to it all the time and I love it. Makes for a great driving track.
  6. Well, it kinda is. What I meant was that the Cammy player obviously has better micro and a finer play strategy. The guy using Gen "Got lucky." if you will and landed ultras for both wins. Of course I mean "Got Lucky." as a figure of speech.
  7. Truth. Akuma's ultra also deals an obscene amount of damage. It's easy enough to avoid though.
  8. Besides them unfairly turning the tide of the battle much of the time I end up juggling around making mistakes trying to pull my ultra off whereas if I would just continue fighting on the same strategy I would win. I hate them.
  9. I'm more impressed with the Cammy player by far. This video is a perfect example of why ultra combos should not have been included in the game.
  10. I agree with you. Really I do. Now when are you going to log on so we can bash one another up?
  11. Stop being mad and try a few different characters. Gouken is pretty cool but El Fuerte is barely formidable with someone who is extremely skilled at the the game. It really is a great and well done game as near as I can tell. I'm also curious whether or not you're referring to playing against the computer or against people online..? You might be surprised how much fun you have kicking peoples ass as Ken, Ryu, or even Gouken for that matter.
  12. I absolutely could not agree with you more concerning the ultra moves. Why in the name of mighty fuck were they included in the game? What a waste of disc space. The supers and the super moves system I actually do like and am in agreement with. Honestly I don't feel your pain concerning the wrestler characters. I tend to kick the fuck out of them, although, I agree they deal insane damage when they land. Who is your main character DarkeSword?
  13. This is the most unique take on this track I've heard yet. It is well done.
  14. I like everything Palpable releases. When it comes to Bionic Commando remixes though, this one is definitely Boss.
  15. I think this was skipped over. Frankly, I would like it dignified and my interest in your response is genuine. I apologize if I'm prodding more than I should.
  16. I would think the differences are more evident to you than they are to fans and listeners since you created them. I admit that I can tell your style has evolved since Calamitous judgment. (not any for the worse mind you) I guess what I'm saying or rather asking is: What do you mean by a night and day difference? Besides Calamitous judgment being an incredible arrangement the fidelity on it isn't shabby, even if it was created 5 years ago. Calamitous Judgment is also much more of a work of art then Nuclear Flash in my honest opinion. Interesting knowing that even you've had remixes rejected. I guess that's that high OCR standard that was mentioned earlier in the thread.
  17. The thing is, even if people do agree that downloading a song without paying for it is "unethical" as has been said. They still do it out of sheer convenience. That is part of the reason I was in such strong agreement with what djp said. The corporate scene needs to adapt to some of these realities. How they can or should I'm really not sure.
  18. Sounds like I need to play this Darkstalkers. Never seen it before.
  19. I think an HD remix of a Megaman would be loads of fun and OCR could really knock that soundtrack out of the park. It would be awesome.
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