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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. Are you out of your mind? Ryu went into hell and killed the Devil. He'd eat the red gi man like a fucking skittle.
  2. Happy born day. I thought birthday threads were prohibited for some reason.
  3. If I had to give it to just one game it would have to be when I fell into a 2 year trance playing Final Fantasy XI online. I highly recommend not doing that. Aside from that I'm going to have to say hours after countless hours playing Super Smash Bros. Melee with my brothers right after I graduated from high school. 3rd place would have to go to Ninja Gaiden Black. Wow that game was breath taking the first time I played through it. And difficult...very difficult. I got through it on Very Hard mode but never did win it on Master Ninja. My brother and I were working on it quite tenaciously but then Ninja Gaiden II came out and we lost site of it.
  4. Well the clock just turned here. Happy new years to everyone. Drink responsibly.
  5. Incendiary shurikens in Ninja Gaiden. Less complex and much more effective than the asinine idea you came up with there. Essentially it's just a throwing knife with a small explosive attached to it. Edit: Please never post again.
  6. I've been waiting for someone to say this. It basically sums it up. They fucked around with copyright stuff. Everyone knows how possessive corporations are, it's not a secret and it's not rocket science. You think Weird Al does mockeries of other peoples songs without permission from the record labels? Granted they weren't trying to make a joke of Crono Trigger but they still don't have permission for something that was as high scale as Crono Trigger was/is. Chances are if they are actually smart enough to do a remake or sequel to Crono Trigger they were entirely cognizant of what they were infringing upon.
  7. What about Master Chief? Since Crisis Core was pretty sweet, I think Zack should be included also.
  8. I did too. Especially since my step brother has been hoarding up my bedroom playing MGS4 for the last 5 days.
  9. Great intro. It's really good overall. Crunchy and fun, one of those mixes that makes you want to drive fast.
  10. Very very well done. Anymore you have to do something incredible to surprise the crowd with anything from the Megaman soundtrack but I'd say this does that with ease. I love the intro. The guitar work has all the brilliance it should. Then it chills out at 3:35 and blows you away all over again, and the piano work doesn't fall short of all you've heard before. Incredible job, guys.
  11. This I can definitely agree to. I think if they aren't going to do movies well and make stories with a huge fan base correctly it shouldn't even be done at all, Zelda being one of them. It's not like it's impossible. The Lord of The Rings triology did this as well as can be expected. Of course the books are 'better' but they did well. I would hate to see them ruin a movie of Zelda. Especially since we would all anticipate it like crazed lunatics.
  12. As with all games being made into movies, it's doable. They'll never pull it off right though. Hollywood just doesn't have the passion to portray games correctly though there are countless games that would make incredible movies. The people in Hollywood just see dollars signs and aren't bothered by making it suck and filled with plenty of cheese since games already have a fan base and they'll turn a profit whether it's good or not or they go the other way and are too greedy to share the profits with the companies that own the games and just do it right. In order to not make video games into movies and not have them be cheesy and lame is to make them rated R or push the PG-13 rating to its outer most limits. But then you lose all the little kids. I think a high budget Zelda movie would kick ass, I'm now imagining countless action scenes where link is cutting and dividing his foes, escaping with his hook-shot and doing Legolas type shit with his bow. I think a high budget R rated movie of Ninja Gaiden would be incredible. You would nearly have to go to CGI to get someone that could perform Ryu's actions at his speeds though.. Anyways.. Fun thinkin' about it for a minute. Very unlikely it will ever happen.
  13. Eastern Ice Fields does a great job of this. One that does it even more completely is 'Earthworm Jim 2 Wormaphobic Disorder' by Protricity. 'Earthworm Jim Acrophobia' by about:blank also accomplishes this somewhat. But it never fades out all the way, just makes you think it might.
  14. I'm late to the party on this one, but I definitely need to throw in my two or four bits. This take on this score, no doubt, trumps them all as far as I'm concerned. I won't go into comparing it to some others which I also like. Suffice to say this is an instant favorite. It captures everything it's suppose and adds a bit more. Honestly, the fadeout didn't bother me at all when I first heard it and after hearing zircon's intent on it I like it even better. There is an entire new theme coming in as it fades out. Leaving plenty to the imagination. There's no question guys, this remix leaves you wanting more but that is what good remixes do. The intro is impecable. The jump around transitions at 2:13 and then again at 2:23 are awesome. They just make you smile. You can't help it. You just smile. The bit from 2:54 to fade out is simply beautiful and has zircon trademarks written all over it. I think this is some of zircon's best work. That statement alone should speak for itself. Truly remarkable work. 5 out of 5 on my vista ratings. Incredible job. Congratulations to zircon on taking place #1. This arrangement is deserving of the recognition.
  15. Very informative interview. Great to see OCR getting this kind of attention after all these years. p.s. What's on zircon's mind in that pic? He looks like he wants to fix something with that remix they're judging. Edit: I'm glad you all decided to let 'Inverting the Tower Temple' pass. Cause I think that mix sounds great.
  16. Congrats, that's very cool. Nice chunk of change too. Love your voice. Keep it up. Go zircon and SGX as well. Keep kickin' arse and taken names.
  17. It's great to have you back McVaffe. I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm not surprised you were tempted to say your favorite was 'Darkness and the Light' as it is one of the most dynamic and soothing Zelda arrangements I have ever heard. The piano lead that starts around 2:40 sends chills. I still listen to that piece regularly. All of your work is great but the other ones I can't seem to get enough of is 'Gemini LocoBlanka', and 'Vega's Ballad' from Street Fighter 2. 'Cammy'sLondonDrizzle' also just blows me away every time I hear it. It's been finding its way back onto my mp3 player for years now. Great to have you back. Can't wait to hear more of your work. This new remix is fantastic. Cheers!
  18. This is one of the better Flashman remixes I've heard. All the transitions are just right. Especially the one around 2:10. The one at 2:45 is real nice too. Fantastic collaboration.
  19. In an attempt to help keep this thread alive I sent another $5.00. It's been great to see people supporting OCR through this thread. Good work people.
  20. I'm an OCR fanboy. I've been away and very busy for the last 3 months and just recently with in the last 2 weeks was able to come back to OCR and see what was/is going on. I was very surprised to find this thread and I think it's a great idea. It's great to see people helping out. I download all of the music from this site and I'm a forum regular(when I can be). This place kicks ass. DJ Pretzel not only organizes all the coolness of this website, but finds the time to make FF remixes like 'The Sveldt' (5 stars out of 5 on that one). Big Giant Circles not only makes insanely cool music (absolutely can not get enough of 'Eastern Ice Fields') he does stuff like this thread as well. Don't even get me started on how many hit arrangements DarkeSword has produced. zircon, you are a fucking remixing legend. The list goes on and on. My list of favorites is overwhelming. The music you people provide is awesome, and the discussion(s) in off-topic is believe it or not some of the best the internet has to offer. $20 sent via PayPal. Thanks for everything. Keep up the good work guys.
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