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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. No. That's not the thread. This is a problem that has been annoying me for a very long time and by fuck we need to talk about it. I'm in desperate need of a satisfying RPG and the developers need to get a fucking life. That sword is retarded and doesn't even look cool. There hasn't been a good RPG since Crisis Core and that was a spin off. I'm really mad at them. I don't know who to blame it on, so I'm blaming it on "Them".
  2. See the difference guys? This is the real DarkeSword. His alter ego is even more intense. If you can imagine it. It also enjoys saying NO! in larger letters. He's practically Batman.
  3. The device makes loud noises to intimidate the enemy. Seriously though. It would make my month if Square Enix would pull their head out on this one. Just makes us a good o'le fashioned Ragnarok and Excalibur. They don't need to put a dick enlarger on every sword they draw up.
  4. This is obviously DarkeSwords alter ego.
  5. When I play online people who are good get T.Hawk as soon as they realize I'm not very good just to beat me down. I've been getting much better at fucking them up with Ken though. Uggh, I hate T. Hawk. Mandatory comment though on how bad ass of a job Vurez did on his stage. Truly fantastic job.
  6. Lemunde is producing an instrumental album it appears. Nice album title.
  7. This sounds like the most twisted band ever.
  8. No it doesn't and yes Portuguese and Spanish do sound similar. We American are pretty damn lazy when it comes to learning other languages but we're not that bad at distinctions.
  9. I think this track has a very soundtrack esque to it. It's done well and it makes me wish there was a Metroid blockbuster.
  10. Yeah, this track is brilliant. What game an arrangement is from doesn't really tell you anything. Just have to give them a listen.
  11. Vhat! I vant to us my V's. I would venture to say this vernacular verse validly verifies the visage and void of our vain virtuoso.
  12. Awesome ending. Could have ended: PS3: Sometimes I scared people won't like 'cause everyone says I have no games. XBox: It's ok, We'll be your friends. What you lack in games you make up for in fanboys
  13. I've known they've had a few good hits for years now but recently I've been trolling through a bunch of their other stuff that's gotten buried in their many albums and time has has covered with dust. I must say, they have a lot of awesome songs. After discovering their goldmine I see that big hits like 'Rock You Like a Hurricane' aren't even close to their best work. Song after song is just great rock. Soo, I'm up too late listening to Scorpions with my music too loud, drinking too much coffee, having too much fun for a Thursday. Cheers to the Scorps, and any other bands in their era that rocked out like this.
  14. It would start out about a young boy and end up being about economics.

  15. Not sure. My family never used it I guess.

  16. We haven't seen much production from them lately. Yeah, not terribly surprising.
  17. Someone do TheDarknessandTheLight. That title would make a great shirt I think. BTW, great job guys. Some of these designs would make great shirts if they were ever created.
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