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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Fixed. While a matter of personal opinion, if you wanted to go be statistics (units sold, game library with high selling titles, specs, etc...), it's up there, but hardly "the best". /why, yes, I do like to rain on people's parades
  2. Luckily, that's the theme for his graduating class this year: Katamari Diplomacy.
  3. I KNEW IT! They are the same person! All this time, people were telling me "no, that's stupid, they aren't the same person, I can prove it," and then Zircon lets the cat out of the bag! /joke So... you are planning to share that cake... right?
  4. That would be the proper protocol, yes. Just as royalty and foreign dignitaries have their anthems played when they enter, this should be played whenever he enters a thread. I wish there was a some sort of way to auto-play it when he posts. That would be awesome. Haa haa, oh wow, this might be fun after all.
  5. You're new, so there will be some slack involved here, but getting all up in your own grill isn't going to make this any better. My advice is to just let it go, and hope no one remembers this later. Mind you, I've already got it bookmarked for later, so godd luck with that.
  6. At least you get the damn events. Canada has Gamestops, but they don't participate in any of the stuff the US stores do. Pre-order bonuses, special editions, downloads... None of it. Of course, seeing how there are only a few dozen across the country, I can see why they might think it's not worthwhile. But still, come on. You've got an entire country of players that would like to see these things here. /drove from Edmonton to Spokane for Toys R Us Mews on a weekend //gave them out to people here, hope you guys enjoyed them
  7. Hmmmm ,an older woman that loves Pokémon... Got a number? /why, yes, 60 is within my age range
  8. Damn, I was going to ask if I could have it. It would have been perfect for any online games. I join, play the theme song, and people get all excited or something. Fuck. "Do me a favor?" is getting added to my list of best threads of 2010.
  9. Damn you, thread necromancy. I swore I'd avoid you at all costs! But this is just too cool. I hope more games (or even sysems) use ideas like this. Just watch it.
  10. I don;t think there was anyone else on. I didn't see anyone playing L4D2. Lots of TF2, but not much else.
  11. It was two years ago, and he was four years old. Even I'm not going to swear at a little kid for not knowing any better. Seriously? Car wax?
  12. Did you guys see some of the new levels for Galaxy 2? http://www.destructoid.com/new-super-mario-galaxy-2-trailer-shows-off-drill-power-up-164874.phtml Go to 1:36 and watch. That's some interesting shit happening right there. Too bad my Galaxy disc got a nice floor-wipe from the nephew the christmas I got it. He wanted to play something else, and promptly placed it shiny-side down, and pushed it away. Damn 4-year olds... I can't get past 26 stars, because when the game tries to load, the scratched part is where it reads, and the fails. Maybe Galaxy 2 will be spared this fate.
  13. Someone whip up a video of that with one of those voice pack things from Windows, and I guarantee you, it will work.
  14. Of course I do. After all, I make judges. Hate you two so much right now... DA being in the judges panel is an obvious move to tone down the obvious moral corruption and meaningless hate all the judges have for everything that isn't straight-up techno. Maybe she'll actually get you guys to listen to the remixes first instead of just copy-pasting the same comments over and over. I've seen them, you can't deny it!
  15. Wait a minute... I had Fishy join my project, and he became a judge. I had Another Soundscape join, and he became a judge. DragonAvenger joined, and now she's a judge. My god, I can make people into judges. How can I profit off of this? I'm calling it now: next judge will be... Protodome. I'm not going to congratulate DA on this, because I never doubted that she was going somewhere.
  16. Jesus christ, man, spoilers? It's a decent composition, but you really need to get better instruments. The low-end synthy stuff isn't going to cut it. This, as it is, is going to get an immediate "no" from every judge that gives it a listen. If you can get some better sounding instruments, it would have a much better shot. Do keeping working on it, because there aren't enough Pokémixes out there, and this one at least has good composition and style going for it.
  17. Neither did I. Neither did quite a few of the people that started projects. And yet, somehow, they still made them work.
  18. Yeah, that clip was... odd. But Perfume is good. At least, some of their stuff. I love Computer City for some reason, but I find the rest of the album kind of "meh". Asian Kung-Fu Generation has this odd 90s alt rock thing going on, but it's easy to listen to, and has enough variation that even if you get all of their sons, nothing is really repetitive. Round Table featuring Nino has some nice stuff. They did the opening themes for Chobits, Welcom tot he NHK!, and //Hack.Dusk (a perfect example of a show having better music than story, art and characters). Ketchup Mania has this really awesomely weird little girl punk rock style. Not a lit of songs, but their videos certainly are entertaining.
  19. There are some discussions about how certain pokémon should be part of other evo lines. Namely, Butterfree and Venomoth should be switched, and Kangaskhan was supposed to have been the evo of Cubone but they changed it or something. Mostly, it's based upon certain characteristics of the artwork. FOr instance, the eyes on the Caterpie line don't match with the eyes on Butterfree, but they do match on Venomoth. Switch Venomoth and Buterrfree and the two evo lines look more alike. Go ahead, look them up. Also, you ever look at Nidoking's arm and then at a Beldum? Looks kind of similar, huh? Also, Clefairy and Genger are identical. One's white-ish pink, the other black-ish blue, but they have the same silhouette. But that's getting off topic a bit.
  20. Like Captain America was with that magic bullet that forced him to experience his life over and over without being able to stop? Oh, and now he's not dead as well. So, like... do the DC and Marvel writers just meet up for lunch occasionally and give each other their scripts? Because they seem to have coinciding plots and events every so often.
  21. It turns out that, from state to state, you can tell the officers that you do not consent to any search of your vehicle. If they do search it, anything they find (even if they planted it themselves) is immediately dismissible in court. Also, look up the law on providing ID and your home address. Some cases of police authority abuse have included cops "checking up" people after an encounter, just to see if they can catch them on something else. Or I could just move somewhere closer to US cities that would have said events, and then just drive over the border for an hour and get it.HAH! I still get all the things that make Canada better than you Yanks! HAA HAA
  22. Aaaand once again, Canada gets screwed for those events. Gamestops up here, what few there are, don't do the events. Fuck you, Nintendo of Canada. You never do anything for us when it comes to games.
  23. Ahh, someone else that saw the new trailers and wanted in on it. Yeah, going to try the demo out. I've never wanted to play MMORPGs, but since there won't be levels (and thus grinding), and it's based upon LEGO (see my MOCpages account for my stuff), it magically becomes a "do want". And that fucking secret underwater base thing... I thought no one else remembered that.
  24. Look at that smirk on his face. He's going to be the resident jackass, and he's going to ruin everything he can for you. He'll follow you into buildings and then shit on the carpet, just to make things difficult for you. Bet on it. I'll take two, please.
  25. I honestly do not see how that came across as "outrage". Outrage would be a really scathing, insulting comment. That was more like... casual indifference, with a slight hint of "why did you even bother, it's so obvious?" If you want, we can do outrage. I think I got some leftover from last year. The expiry date says it's three weeks past, but I think we can still use it.
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