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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I'M FIRST! AWESEOMNESSITY! Actually, we're getting pretty done, mostly just the website and about four remixes outstanding. Aside from that, I can't really think of anything else we need. Maybe you could amend the list to include relative amount of completion, so that we can not only see where all the projects stand, but also where people can apply their various talents. Sort of like, "oh, these guys need an artist, but they already have one... oh, these guy over here are done everything but artwork! I can help them!" For the Missingno Tracks, I'd say we're at the 90% point. Just a few remixes, and the website to go.
  2. Well, a really awesome remix album in the making has that effect. It's respectable, maybe even cool, to like pokémon stuff again.
  3. Wait a second... I know for a fact (based upon my random paranoia) that mods can override all th filters and stuff like that at will. They don't even need to do anything, they just think it and it happens for them. WHO ARE YOU REALLY? But seriously, play more. We could totally stomp some other "teams" in versus.
  4. I was too excited by having other people to play against/with, that I did not notice. But you are correct, it does seems rather out of character for him.
  5. Good. Play with the rest of us. It will be fun. Shootin' zombies fun.
  6. Ahh, if only you had started that before I bought mine. But I figure that if the first one cost me $50, and I got a year out of it almost every day, then full price should be an approximate value.
  7. There's a phone number listed, and I'm tempted to call them up and ask if they have any pills or medpacks.
  8. He based it upon the list I gave him, and I forgot to put it in, sorry! I've amended all lists to include it now.
  9. http://pittsburgh.citysearch.com/profile/8613277/pittsburgh_pa/mercy_hospital.html
  10. I don't think the thread for the remix ever actually had a title... And don't bother going to edit the thread, I can tell. GAG gave me that power.
  11. I already have the list of songs and their order used in that sample. I'll give it to you now, just to save you the trouble. 1. Game On - Fishy 2. The Mighty Mighty Pokémon - Level 99 3. Divine Olivine - Chrono26 and Dragon Avenger 4. My Greatest Rival - Jaroban 5. Slowpoke huffle - Willrock07 6. Battle For The Badge - Fishy 7. Spume - Rozovian 8. Hope to see you again soon... - Protodome and Level99 9. Casino Lounge - GSlicer and Another Soundscape 10. Viridian Vibe - the prophet of mephisto 11. Out of Antidote - Cerrax 12. May I have this Swords Dance? - Protodome 13. TEEM.ROKIT - tweek
  12. Level99, I won't hurt you, you do good things for me. Sometimes, even to me. Hmmm... I like the megaupload idea. It's your file, so if you want, by all means, please go ahead.
  13. Maybe someone with some video editing would like to put it up on Youtube? That might be good.
  14. Say, do you guys think we should post that sample piece that level99 put together for that interview? Maybe some people here would like to hear it?
  15. She.. she's been posting things. Horrible things. Things that no sane woman would post. All because she's bored. Have you ever seen an elder god get bored? The stuff she's posting would make Cthulhu blush. All because she is waiting on you for her vocal track to be tweaked. For the love of god man, do something about it!
  16. Steam finally opened up the pre-order. Just got it about five minutes ago.
  17. Why... why did you quote a message from 2006? Hetcenus was a member, but drifted away and never replied to any emails or PMs, so he as cut after a year or so.
  18. Uhmmm, how would you feel about having roughly 500 or so? I think I can get some Pokémon related ones, namely each pokémon and some game-related symbols and icons. LT: I'd pretty much use my discretion on what I'd take, but feel free to do a few to make sure they're the right quality and we'll move from there.
  19. Aside from the formatting of the post, that's how how you get people to remix a request. Provide lots of info and links to the source material. Nice work.
  20. Bitch... it's soooooo on right now.

  21. Basic music theory. I'm not exactly the right sort of mind-set for it, though... Stupid project, making me learn things related to it...
  22. Stop posting on my screen here! It's mine!

  23. Stop changing your name, it's hard enough to keep track of you as it is.

    God, some people... :

  24. Yeah, I know, but these ones are really bugged. They reset every time you play the map.
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