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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. NO, YOU! You know what I meant. And don't you have a remix to do?
  2. It's on the tracklist for the Missingno Tracks. /not a plug... mostly.
  3. Yeah, I'm still a little unclear on what you're getting at there.
  4. That's because you didn't have the first part of it to compare to. It's like two separate movies at that point.
  5. Gah! Something has caught my attention about the track list. "Gary Oak" is the name of a character from the Pokémon anime. The video game character's name should be "Blue". Since this is supposed to be a video game remix project, it makes sense to use the proper name from the proper media. Most fans of the game do not like to mix or mingle the game and the show together. I jst thought you should know in case you get a bunch of "GARY OAK IS NOT IN TEH ANIMEZ!" messages after this gets released.
  6. Damn, beat me to it. Doesn't this completely and definitely qualify as spam? Advertising some event on another site for the sole purpose of drawing attention to it? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  7. A video game, based upona movie, that is based upon a comic book. This is going to go soooo well.
  8. That's not senile. That's writing. I guess the Andromada Strain got him. That, or prions. Maybe he had a lysene deficiency. (Hint, those are bad things from his books)
  9. He showed the Pyro GX from Descent 2. I'm happy with that. Fuck the rest of the review.
  10. Music first, then art, then page and release. Music is mostly done, art is kind of stalled, and the page isn't even a basic layout yet. Incidentally, if anyone here is willing to volunteer some webpage voodoo skills, feel free to contact me about with some sample pages.
  11. I'd say that the multitude of reviews stating so by use of both personal opinion and lab equipment would back that statement up.
  12. Honestly, anything around the $50 mark and up is going to be fine enough for anybody. It's the stuff like free pairs packed in with an MP3 player, or the dollar-store brands, that have the biggest quality issues.
  13. Sennheiser PX100s. They fold up so I can use them on trips and stuff. Turns out they score a lot higher than the next line up, which has noise-canceling built-in. There's also this thread, in case you're looking for more info.
  14. Fixed. I sadly could not do my CSI: Miami thing. I have the suit and the sunglasses. The hard part was getting a portable speaker small enough to carry around, play the "YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the instant I needed it, and the time to not be in agony. It would have been great, too. Random people can unintentionally deliver great setup lines.
  15. There are kids that have decks to make you scream in rage when playing them. I've seen it. Don't fuck with a kid that can use playing cards to strip your mind bare.
  16. How much longer until it's out? Between this and Chrono Trigger, I'm using up my patience.
  17. Obvious attempt at trolling, lacks basic structure and feel. Might be enough to trick people not familiar with trolling (mostly newbies), but insufficient for your average person here. If you had thrown in some vitriol, or even just swore the right amount, it may have had a better effect. 4 out of 10.
  18. I came here for the blender joke, and was not disappointed. A+++++ WOULD READ AGAIN. You might want to hit up some of the card forums out there, they might be more inclined to your offers. A better target market, if you will.
  19. I don't know. No one has commented on it since the resubmission. I like it. It'd say it's pretty much a yes.
  20. ZOMBIES! This is awesome. Pure awesome. I don't even play GTA, and this is awesome. Someone with GTA IV get this and tell us what it's like, please.
  21. What? Hell no, don't buy that MS one. Just about any wireless router should be fine. Go to the X-Box 360 homepage and see if your router is on any list of compatible routers. Then it's a matter of seeing what kind of setup you need to do to get it to connect.
  22. I think there's some sort of Japanese culture thing where ninjas have to play the flute when they're not flipping out and killing people. I think I've seen some old Japanese movies, set in the pre-Meiji era, where swordsmen and assassins are always holding/using some sort of symbolic non-fighting item, and musical instruments are common. It was a long time ago, so I'm not sure. I do recall some story about a policeman and how a ninja o something with a pinwheel was always helping him. The viewer knew who it was whenever a pinwheel was stuck in the ground. Maybe it's a holdover from then?
  23. He's British. That automatically makes him superior in all kinds of humor to anything we dirty Colonials can think of.
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