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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. So, the DSi music player is ACC only. Quality issues aside (a whole other argument entirely), there is something to be said about using the format that the vast majority of the world uses. Reggie says it's a simple conversion... which may be true for people with some knowledge and experience in doing so, but we're talking about the average person here. Most just slap music on the iPod and go with it. They don't know much about formats and conversion, let alone how to do it. Then there's the battery issue. The battery life on a DS is one of the things that puts it over the PSP (again, DS vs PSP is another argument, let's just ignore it), so a drop in playing time is a bad thing. I love my Nintendo portables, but the DSi is really starting to sound less and less appealing with every new detail. Nintendo, just announce a new handheld next time, alright?
  2. I'm not really a fan of Dragonball (the majority of my experience with it comes in the form of the badly dubbed show they had here in North America for the last... forever, and even then, it was only a handful of episodes), and I'm not really up on who's who and what's what. But that was the single most cringe-inducing trailer I have ever seen. It was worse than anything I have seen to date, and will now be the base for which I measure terrible trailers in the future. Seriously, that was just... I'm having trouble thinking of the right word. Shitty doesn't cut it. Terrible doesn't seem enough. Shiterrible might work. It's actually locking up my mental processes. I think my brain mentally puked and is now on the floor, trying to pull itself out of the puddle of cognitive vomit it's soaking in. It's a terrible feeling, and I can't help but watch as it's happening. Fans will see nothing in connection with the manga and show they love, and your average movie-goers will have a hard time figuring out what's going on. Those that see this movie and (god forbid) like it will go on to read the manga or watch the show, and think that it sucks because it has nothing to do with the movie. The spirit of the original story will suffer for it, and it will be this movie's fault. Just.. no. Wrong. Very wrong. All wrong. Eeww.
  3. IT'S CALLED A TRANQUILIZER GUN. God, you keep describing things that have not only been done, but actually exist! Fuck.
  4. You know, I'm a big fan of Nintendo's hand-helds. Short of the Gameboy Lite, I've had pretty much each one to date. I've got Gameboy, GBA and DS games than most people have games from all systems. So when I say this, I'm saying it as someone that really is into Nintendo portable stuff. This news of a new model of the DS is not really compelling. It's actually... kind of anti-climatic. The GBA cart had some wonderful uses. I know people have mentioned Guitar Hero, but you're also forgetting a much bigger and more popular (and a personal favorite) game that used the GBA slot a lot: Pokemon. The GBA games did a lot for the DS games, and now those features are gone. Nintendo just cock-blocked a lot of players that use the GBA Pokemon games. Platinum just came out in Japan, and Japanese players like to use the old GBA games to get items, pokemon not found on the DS versions, they still transfer GBA pokemon to the DS... But not any more with this model. I wonder how the ones that buy a DSi will get around this? Keep the old DS Lite, use it's GBA slot, and then swap the DS card over to the DSi? I guess, but still... I was hoping for some news on the next portable. I guess that's not happening for a while. I doubt I will get one of these DSis when they come out here. Man, I'm actually a little disappointed now.
  5. Hey, I just heard some stuff about hem and some DRM, and I was just wondering. Still would like to see some system specs, though. I'm not really into upgrading for one game. Are there any released yet?
  6. I've been reading up on this game every time something comes out. It's a fun sounding premise, and as someone with a slight obsession with zombie stuff (The Walking Dead was awesome! Read it), this is right up my alley. I do wonder about Steam and their DRM crap, though...
  7. Looks and sounds interesting, but the price is a little high. Yeah, you don't have to pay for games, but still... And it's a severely limited release, so I have to wonder about future support and service. What if it flops bigtime? It's hard enough to get support from the larger, more structured console companies as it is, and that's with current systems.
  8. Haaa, I never noticed it was in space until now.
  9. No, this sort of "effort" requires that we be harsh. This (and the other one) album is just sloppy, rushed MIDI rips. There's a certain level of talent and effort expected at this site, and this whole thing just doesn't cut it. A little harsh, maybe, but it's still something this guy needs to hear.
  10. Downloading games is how companies that make good games go out of business. Fuck you and your flash cart. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
  11. Actually, the DS doesn't handle N64 games very well at all. Mario 64 DS had to be redone from the ground up. Lots of people seem to think that the DS is a portable N64, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. It's a bad comparison. While there are games that are visually equivalent to the N64, the two have very different hardware. NES, SNES and Gameboy games, sure... but anything else is going to require massive reprogramming or complete redoes to make it work.
  12. I'm advertising my site/product/service by posting on a forum? Damn, that's some loose interpretation there. Thanks for telling me.
  13. I'm calling it: Zord's a spammer. A poorly planned, terribly executed spam, but spam nonetheless. Whether this is his music or not, he's just trying to get more interest in it. Seriously, if you want to get people to hit up your stuff, coming here and doing a piss-poor job at spamming is not the way to do it. Also having something worthwhile to spam would help. Most of this is just sped-up and filtered or something. It's uninspired and lazy work.
  14. I hear "Gameboy Virtual Console downloads" from several places.
  15. No... DS Phat was 1.0, DS Lite was 1.5. Same hardware, refined and shrunk down. Adding new hardware features makes it a 2.0.
  16. OK, so by now, I'm sure some of you have heard it. http://kotaku.com/5055944/report-new-nintendo-ds-coming-this-year-with-camera-music-playback New DS with built-in camera and SD card, supports musics, blah, blah, blah. May be DS 2.0, may be new system altogether. Aaaaaaand, discuss!
  17. <insert mom joke here> Fuck you , Splash Woman. Oh, you can't, because you're DEAD. Finally. I hope things get slightly easier now that I have another weapon.
  18. I like how I tell a story about how I was being an asshole mod and that I deserved to get punched for it, and people get offended by this. You guys really do like me.
  19. I don't know... some mods are total assholes, and deserve some form of physical injury. I should know, I was one. Long story short, I banned a guy because he was a massive idiot, but I did it in a wonderfully public-humiliation sort of way. The other mods were all "you were kind of mean", and I was all "maybe if you didn't act like pussies towards the fucking idiots all the time..." and then I quit. True story.
  20. Now for someone with the same agenda to take over his position, but this time be a clear, concise, not-crazy man. Nothing makes an argument look good to the average joe like a good suit and mentally stable comments. We need another J.T. to keep that whole side of the argument from getting even the slightest bit of respectability. On a lighter side, there are lots of "happy disbarment" parties popping up. That means cake. Cake is good. So I guess Jacko getting fired means a slight rise in the bakery business.
  21. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/sep/26/games.ukcrime modhate +1 Good thing no one here has any issues with mods, huh?
  22. Like I said, I'm not good at Mega Man games. 2 I got kind of far into, but 9... what's a good sound to describe rage? Something with lots of "r"s in it, I think.
  23. Capcom has a deal with all three console makers, I swear it. That's why they put out a game that will make you break your controllers on all three systems. FUCK YOU, MEGA MAN 9! FUCK YOU AND GO TO HELL! Three days trying to get past one boss... I knew I wasn't very good at Mega Man games, but god DAMN it, this is just frustrating. Thank god you can save up your bolts and buy extra stuff by going through the levels over and over again and buy extra lives and E-cans. Save games are the only thing keeping me from blowing my brains out on this game.
  24. Wait? Is this game out yet? Shit. Every game site lists the release as this past Monday. How the hell did this slip by me?
  25. Haa haa, what? I thought I was the only person to ever play that game. I used to love multiplayer, and doing that little brake-turn-thing just off of a ramp made it impossible for anyone to hit you. I decided to donate my N64 and Gamecube, since I hardly play consoles anymore. I do, however, have most of my portables still.
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