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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Was it? I thought it was clearly divided into two separate materials, not just damaged.
  2. He got the number of Joker's tailor.
  3. D'oh! Easier? No photo mode? Awwww...
  4. Not liking something as much as another person doesn't mean not liking it at all. I even said I would watch it again sometime. SPOILER WARNING And Lotd2242's reasons for finding it not his tastes are, quite frankly, valid. I found the way the motorbike came out of the Tumbler to be a reach. All the way through the movie until that point, I never had to go into any level of suspension of disbelief. But once I saw that bike pop out of the side, it popped that nice little bubble that had been there since the movie started. If Batman had instead salvaged parts from it and made the bike as a substitute later on, that would have not only been awesome as hell, but entirely plausible. I know this is Batman and all, but since this series takes its realism and serious aspects to heart, this and a few other scenes were just a little too much. I can see Joker sticking bombs in people, I can see him wearing a nurse uniform to get into the hospital. That makes sense. He's crazy. But other parts juuuust creep over the line to overboard. But yes, I think we can all agree that pencil trick was perhaps the single best part of the entire film.
  5. Bleck is going to totally freak over this, but I don't care. I didn't think it it was all that great. It was alright, I might watch it again when it's on TV... it might be something I'd rent later on. It wasn't the awesomest thing I've ever seen. Decent, yes. Bestest ever, no. And now come the insults. And suddenly, opinions don't matter, because mine goes against the popular opinion.
  6. I'm going to have to wait a few hours (from now) to get mine. Other things, more important that getting free Shaymins (I KNOW!), must be taken care of first.
  7. I like the Final Fantasies where you hit people with swords, it's pretty cool like that.
  8. There's always the IRC chatroom thingies. We have one for gaming at irc://irc.enterthegame.com/clanocr.
  9. For the specs and price, you may as well save yourself the cash and get the 150s. I doubt there will be any noticeable difference between them.
  10. I'm going to see it Friday night. With some of the Bioware staff! Yes, my cousin is married to one of the writers, and a friend went to school with some of them a few years ago. They want to go, but won't be out in time to get tickets or seats. I'm picking up tickets early and holding a place in line for everyone. Yay me, motherfuckers.
  11. The only good place to ever rent games in town was a place called Gamer's Edge. They changed hands over the years, and towards the end tried to go into general media; they got rid of some games and went more into movies, putting them in direct competition with the five video stores. They used to be the only place that would rent Gameboy carts...
  12. No, the US economy is bad. My economy is doing rather well, thank you very much. Oil as far as the eye can see...
  13. In Pokémon, you don't have to take care of a garden, have a job, buy a house or pay off loans to some sick raccoon bastard. You play at your leisure and catch as many or as little pokes as you want. Animal Crossing has too many things going on at once for me.
  14. I swear, the amount of ads is getting worse each week. The video clocks in at 8:52, and the review runs, from opening credits to the very last frame of the ending credits, for 4:50. Throw in the 18 seconds of him not talking afterwards, and you have over three and a half minutes of ads. Thank god they're at the end, though. If you had to watch them at the beginning, I'd stop watching completely. Free entertainment isn't enjoyable if yo have to sit through a bunch of shit first. You hear that, The Escapist? You keep those ads at the end of the video!
  15. Are these points in any way transferable to any major stores or shops?
  16. Well, since they have the SNES version included, that means they can just go with the in-game endings. But the anime endings would be a nice extra, and the sort of thing that would shut up some of the "it's the same game why are you paying for it again" crowd.
  17. So, the control scheme has been confirmed. http://www.dsfanboy.com/2008/07/16/e308-chrono-triggers-controls-explained/ And there's an article about the touch screen and some other stuff from the E3 demo of the game. http://www.siliconera.com/2008/07/15/testing-chrono-triggers-stylus-support/ Enjoy.
  18. This might explain a lot about the problems I had with the site: this laptop runs Vista. My XP system is fine with it. Here's the thing I don't get with these games. They're free to play and you just download them for nothing. How do the comapnies that make then operate then? There's no fees or anything, so how do they stay in business?
  19. That flash movie at the front page just about stalled my system. There's something odd about that page. I just found a couple apps running in the Task Manager that I don't recognize. I'm not sure, but I think something got past my firewall and tried to run on my system. That sort of scares me. I just updated my stuff, too. People might want to be careful going to that page.
  20. I got to play Dead Rising for the 360 at a friends place some time ago, and I liked it a bit. I just couldn't validate the expense of another system I might end up not using very often for one game. Combine that with the rather high failure rate of the 360, and it seemed unlikely that I would bother getting a 360. This might be worth getting now, as it's for a system I already own.
  21. SPAAAAMMM! So, it's like the fifteen other free MMORPGs that are out there? What's to make it stand out from the rest of them?
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