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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Having thought it over more, I do know what I don't want for the cover: No bananas. It's a meme, and memes are not appropriate for a tribute album. Nothing with gravestones or funerals. The album is celebrating his work, not mourning his death. No video game characters crying. It's cliched as hell, and again, celebrating > mourning. Avoid any specific religious imagery. I don't know what, if any, religion he was involved with, and arbitrarily assigning one without knowing could be really disrespectful. Better to play it safe. Other than that, I'd not too picky. Remember, the album is meant to celebrate his work, and his life. I'd like you guys here to submit a few ideas. I'm creatively depleted right now, so feel free to throw some ideas at the walls.
  2. Portfolio or get out. No, seriously, let's see your work. Link, post here, whatever.
  3. I can't seem to find anything that I like or fits with what I want for a cover. I think that might be because I don't really know what I want for the cover. I'm really bad with this sort of thing. So instead, I'm going to blame Themysteriousassassin and then take all the credit for when the album goes quadruple platinum.
  4. Yeah, just looked back and saw it. Missed it entirely. Sorry. Are you still in or should I remove you as well?
  5. I blame the assistant director for everything, because that's the job description. Like, the entire job. Taking blame. Says so on page four or something.
  6. No, it's the 15th of October. I swear I put that on the first page.
  7. TWO DAYS LEFT! I would like updates about WIPs and Final WAVs. Also, still having a hard time finding an artist for the cover. No one I 've looked at so far is what I envision. More suggestions would be good.
  8. That is true. On a related note... any one know any good artists? We got remixers a plenty, but I haven't been able to wrangle up anyone for the cover art. I've been asking ones I know for a few weeks, but they're either not interested or not available. We really should have cover art for this, you know? Like, it would be a nice touch. Like having icing on a cake with some sort of artwork on the cake. So if you happen to know any artists, feel free to drop some names here. I'd like to bribe kidnap clone? see their work.
  9. WHY ARE PEOPLE CONSTANTLY PUTTING QUOTATION MARKS AROUND MY NAME? I had it legally changed two years ago, and it's still happening! And I will take you up on that offer, timaeus222.
  10. Me too! But the hospital staff are all "who are you, sir?" and "how did you get in here?" so I don't know how this is going to turn out.
  11. I don't really even care about this. So far, it's announced, with no real footage shown. What little footage that is shown isn't any kind of augmented reality, like looking through your phone's camera and seeing Pikachu running down your street. It's more like you're given a direction on a map and when you get to those coordinates, you get a regular game screen with a button to push to throw a ball. Hardly the same thing, and hardly worth being interesting in.
  12. Oh, Claptrap does lots of things... True story: I was showing Clappy to a friend, and when he started his "wanna hear my new dubstep song?" line, at the end, the auto-balancing system freaked out, Claptrap said "DROP!" and and then fell over. Perfect. Comedy. Timing.
  13. Yeah, more like that. I knew there was a reason I kept you around.
  14. So, I was looking up some Iwata stuff, and did you know his birthday was December 6? I'm thinking... maybe that would be a good time to release the album. Something about, like, not memorializing his death, but celebrating his life? I don't know, maybe someone else could word it more betterer. But you know, something like that? If that happens, then we could have more time to work on it, and get artwork done properly.
  15. In the unlikely event you ever do any of the Borderlands series characters (ie: Claptrap or Handsome Jack), I call dibs.
  16. Little bastard arrived in the mail a few hours back. At the sound of Claptrap screaming for his life, it will be 2:30. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGHHG! See you again at 2:35!
  17. Kirby? I heard a Pokémon remix. Did I click on the wrong link? But still, Chernabogue already claimed the Kirby remix.
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