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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Is it me? If it is, say nothing. If it isn't me, do nothing.
  2. A true friend would. But seriously, it's just a movie. Sit back and just enjoy whatever ride it turns out to be.
  3. You have to have read the 5-part comic that explains how the lightsabre ended up landing in a cargo hauler that left Cloud City before the Falcon escaped. The cargo hauler landed on another planet, where it was picked up by some Jawa traders that didn't know what it was, were robbed by a bounty hunter looking for Han Solo, and then traded to one of Jabba the Hutt's slave girls on Tatooine (what for, use your imagination). From there, it was passed around over the years until it ended up in Maz's place as part of a payment for a job she was running for someone else. Her slight Force sensitivity told her it was important, but she didn't know what to do with it until the movie. Look up the series called Star Wars: Lost and Found. OK, I made all that up. But you looked it up, didn't you?
  4. OK, so now that I've seen it... did Han's death seem really telegraphed to anyone else? As soon as they were in the same area in the... stupid mcguffin building thing, I know that it was going to result in the death of either Chewie or Han. I guess either Harrison Ford didn't want to be in the movies any more, or they decided to not risk him dying for real (the man is in his 70s at this point). And I do agree that there were a lot of little references to the original trilogy, like the chess board, the training probe that Luke used on the Falcon back in New Hope, etc... but at least they didn't do the one thing I was actually worried about as I was watching: they fly off to some planet to find the Resistance, and it was a lush world with lots of water... OH GOD DAMN IT, NO, NOT NABOO! But that was quickly avoided, thank you very much. Yeah, it's got a few too many nods and winks and outright homages to the old moves, but it wasn't bad at all. I went in neutral, and it turned out better than the last three.
  5. I was initially disappointed in the somewhat lower than expected amount of comments and reviews for this album. But after a while I starting to think about it. Maybe doing an album like this isn't about accolades and praise. Maybe it isn't something we did, so we could pat ourselves on the backs and say "we did it". Maybe it isn't for others to compliment and rate. It isn't a lot of things. But I do know what it is for. It's for a man that isn't here to listen to it. It's for his fans to reminisce his work. It's for his legacy. And maybe... maybe that's all it needs to be.
  6. $300 Time Hat? Nah, getting The Missingno Tracks out. Several years of waiting and doubting myself and then wondering if it was ever going to be good enough... turns out, people liked it. So I guess it worked out!
  7. Update for my Secret Santa recipient: the tracking page says it will be delivered during December 31st to January 22nd. Thanks, shipping routes.
  8. As far as I am concerned, this was Iwata's daily work theme. Get up early, rock that shower, power that breakfast. Drive that car to work (or limo, I ain't judging), open that office door, command that desk. End song. Tell me it doesn't work.
  9. I feel like this was a little rushed because of the short time we had to do it, but I really am glad this mini-album turned out so well. I again want to thank the remixers, Sbeast, k-wix, Brandon, timaeus222, PokerusVGM and Chernabogue, Tuberz McGee and Kroasta for their work (and their ability to put up with my random pushes to get this album done. Another thanks goes to Odai, our album artist and the man that came up with the title. Themysteriousassassin gets a thank you as well, for backing me up and pushing the project a few times when I wasn't there to do it myself. And finally to Liontamer for not only giving the go ahead for such a quick project, but also his support getting it out in time. I hope everyone enjoys this album. Satoru Iwata had a big impact on the industry, and even though this is just a small sample of the games he was involved in, I really do feel it shows how much we loved his work. OH MY GOD! We're up on VGMDB! http://vgmdb.net/album/55982 Yay us!
  10. Extra bonus points for presentation of said haul. They're completely worthless outside of the thread, but BONUS POINTS!!
  11. OK, sent in the comments (director and remixes) to Liontamer. Short notice (mostly because I didn't really do them until today but why should I blame myself when I can blame everyone else?) but they're good. Liontamer also asked about submitting tracks for the judges panel, but I was all like "DO THEM ALLLL!" and then I hit send. I suspect I will hear back about that, but until then!
  12. Typo. I use the number row on top of the keyboard for numbers. I've been told to use the number pad all my life, but FUCK THOSE PEOPLE.
  13. December 5th was Iwata's birthday, but I guess one day off is fine. Hell, worst case scenario, before the end of the year is acceptable.
  14. Welp... only a few more days or so until release. I hope everyone is happy with this small album. Not as cool as that giant Castlevania one, I suppose, but still a fun little album. A nice mix of styles and some really good coverage of older, obscure games, which I'm always in favor of. Thanks again to everyone! Hope you guys like it!
  15. Man, there's this great show on but everyone's not watching it because it's exactly like a shitty movie based upon a shitty book based upon a shitty fanfic of a shitty series of novels about vampires fucking werewolves. THOSE SEX SCENES RUINED EVERYTHING FOR US. Even if you don't like the few pg-13 sex scenes, you still have: 1. a good premise (superhero that never got to be one, turned against herself and innocents, trying to find the man that made her a killer) 2. a really good villain (Killgrave is just sooo hate-able. You want him to get punched, but you love hearing him be an asshole) 3. decent drama (the scenes where Killgrave takes Jessica back to her old house, for once) 4. some funny as hell dialog between characters ("Killgrave? Why not just... Murderhole?") So even if you are somehow magically turned off by sex scenes that are out-paced by friday-night rerun movies from the 80s, the rest of the show is still perfectly good.
  16. Well, when your stated opinion is a comparison of a novel series (and a movie or two based upon them) that promotes an unhealthy BDSM-based relationship with a psychopath who treats the main character like shit because "she gradually learns to like it", to a TV series about a woman with super-strength, that has a soft-core, no-nudity sex scene (that I honestly didn't even remember happening until someone posted pictures about it)... you're going to get called out on it. And thus, you have been called out on it. To that matter, let's compare the number of sex scenes from the Shades movie to the JJ series. The movie has 20 minutes of sex scenes, with a whopping 7 scenes (not counting nudity, not counting any of the strictly BDSM stuff, and not counting any of the ass-slaps, which would make that number MUCH higher). Jessica Jones has... two? Three? I honestly can't remember. I can look up Shades stats easily (hence the above paragraph), but I can't find anything about JJ's sex scenes. Well, I guess that means people are more interested in the ones from Shades than JJ. Poor man's 50 Shades of Grey, indeed...
  17. Oh finally, someone wants to talk about this show. This is what the movies are lacking: characters I can give a fuck about. Jessica was completely believable and plausible. She had powers, but she wasn't all bravado and guts like everyone in the movies. Even when The Avengers do get knocked down a peg or two, they just "slow-mo montage with inspiring music" their way through it and get right back up, just in time for the next big fight. Yeah, good for them, but those movies aren't for thinking about: they're for sitting back and watching the action scenes and snappy one-liners. Jessica Jones is for sitting back, watching the characters actually have character, and see them do something about it. There isn't that much fighting or action in Jessica Jones, and I think that's the way to go now. We've been watching Iron Man, Cap, Hulk and Thor smash the shit out of robots and tanks and planes and whatever while Black Widow, Hawkeye and Falcon judo/karate/krav maga their way through faceless minions for now many years now? It's fun and all, but it's all we really get to see any more. (I haven't seen Ant-Man yet, so I can't comment on that one) Jessica Jones (and to somewhat a lesser amount in the case of Daredevil) gives us people that are just soooo realistically flawed and acceptable as people. She has to take shitty jobs for a really despicable lawyer, not go out and punch baddies. If she doesn't take those obs, she's out on the street. She barely gets physical unless she's either out of options or just patience. There's no massive force against her: every day life is against her. Oh, and Killgrave. Ooooh, Killgrave. That fucker! I didn't even know David Tennent was in this show, so when I first saw him, it was a massive surprise. Killgrave is a right bastard, and I could not wait for someone to finally get their hands on him. Every time they did and he got away, I was thiiiis close to throwing the remote at the screen. Best of the Marvel shows, hands down. I have high hopes for the future Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Defenders series now.
  18. YOU DID NOT. Not that I'm your Secret Santa Or am I? No, seriously, I forgot who I had this year. Anyone? EDIT: OK, my actual secret santa recipient should see things sometime between December 1st and December 31st.
  19. Just checking in. Remixes are done, artwork is like, 95%(?) done, nothing else really outstanding (as in needs to be done, not as in quality or work). So... yeah.
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