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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Double post, but only because my gift finally arrived. Hopefully, I am the last person this year (as in, everyone else has there's by now and no one is left waiting). (insert image of Lego set 75100 here, as imgur seems to have lost the image) Contains several parts I didn't have any of until now. More neo-grey slopes and panels is always good, and the trans-clear wheels on the bottom will make for micro-scale display stands quite nicely.
  2. It's kind of animated, in the sense that there is movement. Of the live-action.
  3. Wait, people are still bitching about that? Is it still the same self-proclaimed super-fans that have seen all the movies at least 10 times each, but refuse to see TFA more than five times because it's the worst one of all? Fuck the fan base.
  4. It's more like, I don't know if I will have the time. My work is highly irregular: 2015 consisted of working 6 or 7 days a week, from early February to late September, with only a few days off every month or so. But the year before was a month or so a job, with two to four weeks off between. I simply have no idea how busy I could be this year. That's power plant/oil refinery/whatever the hell they throw us into for ya! If things don't turn out to be too busy by February, I'll reconsider, though.
  5. I do love me some obscure/under-remixed stuff. If you mean me, as much as I'd like to to, I can't grantee I can devote the time towards it. If you mean someone else, then ignore the previous sentence. Maybe a better system would be to have a director assigned (by vote or volunteering) to a year, and then compile a list of games/series that are having an anniversary that year. This way, we can have at least a year for each album (if not several years, depending upon the year you get) and have as much time as we need to plan it and remix it.
  6. Every year or so, remix games that have 10, 15, 20 or whatever anniversaries as part of a larger project? Well, it would keep everyone busy, so there's that going for it...
  7. Yeah, but that's not the original release date. It came out August 11th, 2000, regardless of other regions release dates.
  8. So, 2016 is full of Nintendo games celebrating their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th and even 35th years. Seriously, check out the dates. Donkey Kong - 1981 (35th) Metroid - 1986 (30th) The Legend of Zelda - 1986 (30th), Oracle of Seasons/Oracle of Ages - 2001 (15th) and Twilight Princess - 2006 (10th) Kid Icarus - 1986 (30th) Pokémon Red and Green (Blue)- 1996 (20th) and Diamond and Pearl - 2006 (10th) Luigi's Mansion - 2001 (15th) Pikmin - 2001 (15th) Golden Sun - 2001 (15th) Animal Crossing - 2001 (15th) Wii Sports - 2006 (10th) Super Mario RPG - 1996 (20th) Mole Mania - 1996 (20th) Harvest Moon - 1996 (20th) Mario Kart 64 - 1996 (20th) New Super Mario Bros - 2006 (10th) As others have pointed out, it's also the anniversaries of several other video games. NOT JUST NINTENDO! Dragon Quest - 1986 (30th) Crash Bandicoot - 1996 (20th) Sonic The Hedgehog - 1991 (25th) Castlevania - 1986 (30th) Alex Kidd - 1986 (30th) Arkanoid - 1986 (30th) MOTHERFUCKIN' ARKANOID!! Battletoads - 1991 (25th) Spacequest - 1986 (30th) ToeJam and Earl - 1991 (25th) Metal Slug - 1996 (20th) Quake - 1996 (20th) Jak and Daxter - 2001 (15th) Okami - 2006 (10th) HOW OLD DO YOU FEEL NOW? Saints Row - 2006 (10th) Resident Evil - 1996 (20th) Bubsy 3D - 1996 (20th) Tomb Raider - 1996 (20th) And that's just the ones I could think of/look up on Wikipedia. I'm sure there are a few of the more obscure ones, like Japan-only releases. Not to mention the GameCube and the 3DS are also 15 and 5 years old, respectively. Damn, that's a lot of stuff that's getting old. Now I feel old... So, who wants to do 10 remix albums within the next month? Kidding! A lot of these games came out in January or February, so it's too late for any kind of massive project. But we can still show our appreciation for these anniversaries! I'm looking forward to seeing what they will do for Zelda. The new Wii U Zelda, from what we have seen so far, is looking pretty damn good, aesthetically and mechanically. But until it's out, who knows? All I know is that I still love playing Link's Awakening and I'm glad I went to the concerts they've had over the last few years. Pokémon is 20 this year! To celebrate, Nintendo is releasing the original Pokémon games on the 3DS. You can download Red, Blue and Yellow this February 27th. It's almost identical to the original versions, with one exception: it will emulate the link cable system using the 3DS wireless, so you can still trade and battle! Also, comes with a code to download a Mew for your 3DS games! Golden Sun! I never completed the second game, and I missed out on the third one for the DS, but that doesn't change the fact I loved the first game. I'm hoping for something to commemorate the first game this year, even if it's nothing big and fancy. Anyone else a bit excited for what Nintendo is planning for these anniversaries?
  9. I recommend The Missingno Tracks and Heart of a Gamer albums. I can say without bias and hyperbole that they are totally super cool-awesome, and the crews that put them together are composed up sexy god-spawn. That's at least three times better than regular spawn.
  10. This topic has put me off of both games. Good work, everybody!
  11. Arrow, dude, please. Post a pic of those sentai robots. Kissing, fighting, holding everyday objects, something!

    1. Arrow


      Sorry man, I've got a new job and I've been monstrously busy, with no time at work to barely take a break, and too tired when I get home to even look at the forums.  I'll take pictures as soon as I can.

  12. You better fucking like those gifts. I had to sift through your Steam account, your post history on OCR, and then finally I asked Darkesword for hints. Took me three days of (kinda-sorta) detective work to figure out what you wanted. Seriously, people: the form on the first page, where you fill out your address, also has this big section for a wishlist. FILL IT OUT NEXT YEAR, GUYS. Also, crack those babies open and let's see some action poses, Arrow!
  13. Not a Secret Santa gift, but freqrexy got me something off my Steam Wishlist. Which is odd, because I got him/her/it/I DON'T KNOW STOP JUDGING ME nothing! That's not changing I'm just stating the obvious.
  14. Wait, holy shit, you did music for Borderlands 2? Fuck me, how did I not know this until now?

    Son of Crawmerax was awesome, and that ambient music was one of the best parts!

  15. Hey, long time no see/talk to/hear from/interact with! Totalbiscuit nominated your work in "There Came An Echo" for his Best Soundtrack of 2015.


    And the result is...

    His accent is still kind of cool! Just kidding, "There Came An Echo" won! Congrats!

  16. The references and throwbacks to the original trilogy was done to really connect the new movies to them. Notice how they never said anything about Mitoclorians or the Clone War or Naboo or anything from the prequels? Ignore that shit, focus on the far better movies, and really emphasize how this new trilogy is not like the shit trilogy. That's the plan. Hopefully, in the rest of the movies from now on, they tone it down. We got it, JJ. We got it. You did good on that, now just let us enjoy the new universe as it happens.
  17. OK, being able to put shitty pictures on top of my profile page is pointlessly fun.

  18. MERRY STEAM-MAS!! So, I've got a few extra games in my inventory, gifts from people, stuff I've bought but never installed... and I figure, fuck it. Might as well give them to someone that will actually play them, right? I've already given a few away to some other people on OCR, but I figure it would be easier to do it this way. I've got the following left: Guns of Icarus Online- I bought a four-pack during a Steam Sale... but I've never been able to get rid of that last copy. Everyone I know has it already (and at least a few of them got it from me in the first place). Darksiders II: Death Lives - Super hard monster combat with brutal brutality? Not my cup of tea. I like my monsters like I like my women: small, harmles and rendered in sprite format (plus realize that is just a poorly thought out joke) Rising Storm GOTY Edition - I honestly don't know where this one came from. I'm not into WW2 FPSs. I think there's Nazis in it? Proteus - A 3D adventure(?) game! With colors! And movement! Maybe sound! But it needs a lot more guns, that shoot things like acid rockets or exploding monster trucks. Maybe some incendiary water balloons would shake it up a bit. Any one here that wants any of these games, just say so. Everyone on my Steam Friends List has been given what I had and they wanted, so now it's time for anyone that isn't on my list to take a shot.
  19. It's not bad at all, but the thing that OCR likes more variety and style when it comes to the source material. Try mixing the base melody up a bit more. Maybe add some some sort of background that accompanies it. It's a good start, now just expand upon it. I can see it going places.
  20. Ah... I was about to come post something like "my gifts are slated for December 31st to January 22nd, sorry!" post and then that shows up. But... if there's one thing I know about Sentai shows (from the three I've seen), it's that they like cross-overs. ... THAT'S A HINT.
  21. Nah, just send them one of the 3000+ remixes from here, and rename it. No one will notice.
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