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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That is exactly what I needed to hear. I've never come across a simpler, precise explanation of it until now. Thanks.
  2. Having watched the trailers and some walkthrough videos... I still do not understand what this game is about.
  3. Not mine. The issue in question is only known to affect some games. It depends upon multiple factors. Basically, just don't save in the area highlighted below: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/ekjj/info/index.html The solution? According to reddit, simply try to load the game over and over until it works, and then proceed to save again in another location.
  4. Digging up what little I could, it seems Ruby and Sapphire had a US advertising campaign of $7 million. If they spent as much as that on the game, they still would have made about 7 times that back within the first week of sales in Japan alone. Any other games in the series? Can't find any info on development cost. Nintendo doesn't seem to like posting that kind of info, which I think is a real shame, because in these modern mentality of "big budget = big success", it would show them otherwise. After all, how many games have been considered commercial failures, simply because they didn't sell that extra half million copies to break even? How many times have we heard of a sequel being cancelled because the first part wasn't worth the cost of making it, and therefore, a sequel would never be cost effective? Too many times, I think.
  5. Either. Or both. It depends. (I'm assuming you aren't talking about orchestrations, like the Final Fantasy music collections.) Some collections will have just straight-up rips from the game. Some will go back and touch them up a bit for the sake of quality. Some will even go so far as to completely redo them with newer equipment.
  6. Well, until there are some official number released by someone, we don't know. But if it helps, X and Y were the fastest and highest pre-ordered game in Japan, ever. Something like 5 million pre-orders within 12 hours or something. While I think it would be hilarious for XY to beat all those records that GTA V made, just weeks later, I doubt that will be the case. This game will have strong sales for a while, of course, so that's nice. Game-related: I managed to get a female Froakie on my tenth try, so I can breed Eggs out for anyone that didn't choose it on their game. And holy shit, once I turned on that PSS thing, I got like a hundred random names and faces popping up on the bottom screen. I had to turn wireless off just so I could pay attention to the game. 3DS FC in sig.
  7. Yes, Mega Alakazam has been the talk of many places today. At level 16, it had a Special Attack of 70. That's like giving a Slime a shotgun. That shoots fire bullets. And then the fire slaps you as it burns. Still haven't seen any specs on the other recent Mega Evos, though. Well, I was going to get my copy tonight, but nowhere except EB Games (GameStop Canada) is open, and fuck them. I got free gift cards from work for Future Shop, so I'm going to go get my free game.
  8. Cool news for those that like Flying, Ice, Bug and Fire types: Stealth Rock seems to have been capped at a maximum of 25% damage. Charizard now longer dies instantly upon entering the field. HAA ZAH! Edit: FUCK YEAH! That ability turns Normal-type attacks into Ice-Type attacks. That means Hyper Beam becomes more powerful than Blizzard. Explosion and Self-Destruct would become the most powerful Ice attacks, period. And it seems that Pixalize will do the same thing with Fairy-Type attacks. FUCK YES.
  9. Ah. Tesco is some British store chain, it seems. They might have worked out some deal or promotion or something with Nintendo of Europe. Nothing the rest of us need to concern ourselves with.
  10. Ha, that's funny, because someone on /vp/ actually posted a fake leak about that. Basically, it was about how Nintendo hired all the leakers and gave them fake pictures to put out there to generate hype for the game while also keeping the actual content secret until the 12th. Obvious joke is obvious, but still kind of funny. EDIT: Fuck, Saturday can't come fast enough now. Also, there's some sort of store-specific bonus in-game? http://i.imgur.com/a04XiFtl.jpg
  11. Yeah, waking up this morning, and reading the newest info, it is all pre-Elite 4. Thanks, leakers, for not clarifying that at the time. It stands to reason that if you're releasing info as it happens in the story, anything you put out after the end of the story would be considered post-game. My mistake. EDIT: THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES IS BACK. Having this in Ruby/Sapphire and all the way up until HG/SS but then removing it in BW was just... why? Why would you do that? Now if they also bring back the frame option, to personalize the menu's appearance, I'm happy.
  12. OK. So, some people have been wondering about the post-game content. You know, after beating the Elite 4 and Champion. That post-game. I won't give any context to this, because I have none, it's just some pics from one of the leakers, but it's supposed to be post-game. Whatever is going on, it's fucking odd and possibly wonderful. Click 'em if you want 'em. http://i.imgur.com/mxEVaZY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lkEeYPl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/upEpzny.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vaj4dsr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jevGGDL.jpg There's something strange going on in Kalos.
  13. Now to find out if you can trade between the digital copy and your cart on the same 3DS. Yeah, I know it's not going to happen, but it would be nice if it could...
  14. Anyone here have any experience with buying digital copies for 3DS games? Do they release early, on time, late? Issues with new games not downloading because of server demand? Anything like that? I don't know if I want to go digital or just hit a store late at night/early next morning.
  15. Using one on my team. Don't care about its evos, I just want one to dance for me all the time.
  16. I just realized that The Crystal Method was still around. I haven't heard much from them since Tweekend. I just figured that they were killed in a death-match against Daft Punk sometime in the early 2000s. It took place in some obscure part of Europe, and was staged for super-rich techno fans that also enjoyed blood sports. I like to imagine that it was a close battle, with very elaborate stages on opposite sides of a field, pounding at each other with giant speakers and light shows. Eventually, Daft Punk narrowly won by dropping a single bass so powerful, it broke TCM's lighting. How this could have possibly happened, I don't know, but it was a fun scene to imagine. But yeah, seeing them around again is cool. That one track there seems a touch more towards dubstep, but it's not too heavy into it. Which is nice, because a dash of it is better than a heaping spoonful.
  17. Not really. We haven't seem much of the overworld, what each town, city and point of interest offers, not have we seen the vast majority of NPC trainers and their teams. We also don't have a final list of the dex, TMs, HMs and items. We're missing info on any outstanding legendary pokémon that haven't been shown yet, and we still need to know who this one random mysterious guy named Az is and what he does. The plot has hardly been discussed and we don't know anything about the bad guys this time. All we do know is the majority of the new pokémon, and that's what everyone is really after. As for the game itself... we're happy to play it regardless of what we know already. If anything, it's made some of us even more excited for it.
  18. The oft rumored "Z" pokémon is... real. And it's actually kind of cool looking. Legendary, of course so it has high stats and a rather mysterious ability. http://i.imgur.com/qY9MUwph.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0iyCAb7h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GSKunvoh.jpg And that seems to be it. The majority of the three pokédexes are filled out and we seem to have found out about most of the new ones. Anything else past this is really obscure and/or hard to find.
  19. So, Aegislash, the evo of Honedge and Doublade, has this cool trick to it. Check out its ability stats: http://i.imgur.com/Gbekyz1.jpg But then check out its stats here: http://i.imgur.com/YXhKvWV.jpg See how the Defense and Special Defense stats switched with the Attack and Special Attack ones? According to one of the leakers from 4chan: That is awesome. You can not deny it. Grant = Granite... but other than that, I don't really see any, either.
  20. The gym leaders are now leaked. http://imgur.com/a/zGGUL#0 That seems to be the order you fight them.
  21. For Sir_Nuts: Talk of a Mega Arcanine floating around. No confirmation yet, though.
  22. First, it was Honedge. The people rejoiced. Then, we were shown Doublade. The people cheered. Now, we have Aegislash: http://i.imgur.com/QRjFXOS.jpg It seems to hold a shield in front if itself, as the main body is a sword. http://i.imgur.com/Gdb8Alq.jpg So yeah, that's actually kind of cool.
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