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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. There are a lot of creepily cute pokémon this gen. http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/eMk6wJxATwc/maxresdefault.jpg Just look at them? We got Phantump, a Ghost/Grass type; Pumpkaboo, another Ghost/Grass type; and Burgmite, an Ice type. They're all tiny and weird and awesome and I want to use them all. Here's a chart of all known new pokémon and the new Mega Evos, in case you're curious. http://images.4chan.org/vp/src/1380922632103.png
  2. FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE TO DATE. http://i.imgur.com/FbSiuN6.jpg My 31/31/31/30/30/31 Gyarados just got even more awesome. (for those wondering, it is the result of breeding a high IV captured one with a high IV Ditto until I got the right Nature and stats. Really, the Special Attack and Special Defense stats aren't relevent, but it was nice to get them as well, even if Gyarados can't take a special hit worth a damn) EDIT: On a related note, the guy that was dumping spoilers everywhere is currently in trouble with Nintendo, as is the store that sold the game early. So, it turns out that Nintendo is really strict about this release, to the point where we're actually hearing about them coming down on someone. If any publisher has done this before, I've never heard about it.
  3. Remember that little fairy thing that holds a flower and is really really REALLY tiny? http://i.imgur.com/yr7hYvw.jpg Evo, named Floette. EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/lWwHqc1.jpg I got nothin'.
  4. Amended link to personal photobucket. Mega Abomasnow: http://i.imgur.com/nUu6XOf.jpg
  5. So... Mega Gengar and Mega Aerodactyl! http://i.imgur.com/8ADhItR.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/The_Damned/1380830312925_zps8b0b4346.png (links because they're large images) Oh, and this guy. http://images.4chan.org/vp/src/1380828817927.jpg Some sort of dragon goo. Pile. Of stuff. Cute, might turn into something outrageous, or not at all. Who knows? No one yet!
  6. It as my understanding that the price difference has to do with content not being included in the Steam version. Hence, the lower price.
  7. You know, I was going to post that... but I'm having a hard time accepting it as real. It likely is, but it's just such a departure from its first two forms. Way more than, say, Charmander and Charmeleon to Charizard. It's just really different. Looks like Greninja knows it won the looks category.
  8. The evolved form of the bunny one, forget its name right now. http://i.imgur.com/6DY4eXZ.jpg And looks like that ninja frog with the long pink tongue-scarf is legit. Until more pictures or even a video pops up, it's still iffy, but more evidence seems to support it. Also, yellow lizard guy's evo: http://i.imgur.com/cXZKB9U.jpg EDIT: Hawlucha is real? http://i.imgur.com/laCsQmq.jpg
  9. Perhaps proof that the Fennicen final evo is indeed real. There's a new feature where you can make a custom intro video thing, for both yourself and your pokémon. If this is fake, then that's some serious effort put into it.
  10. Don't forget. It's availible now for iOS and Android phones and tablets.
  11. Yeah... so some guy in Canada (not me, I wish) seems to have gotten the game early. He's got a feed set up on instagram, as well as reddit, and is updating constantly. So, if you want info and feel "to hell with spoilers", this might be interesting to you. http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1njbp1/i_got_the_game_early/ <- the original reddit thread, expanded to include daily uploads and reports, check the top of the page for updated links. So far, he hasn't evolved his starter to its final stage, no we still don't know what any of them look like.
  12. I'm mocking Capcom's position on making more traditional Mega Man games, and why the fans aren't supporting the new ones like that piece of shit iOS "game" they made this year.
  13. I'm pretty sure that the Kickstarter didn't actually happen. Capcom has clearly shown that the fanbase just have no taste for new Meg Man games, like the award-winning Xover (download the demo today!). Indeed, these "fans" are claiming they want more, but when given the award-winning Xover (availaible now for iPhone 5), they snub it for overly complex games like older, inferior Mega Man games like Mega Man 3. Hell, they clearly have no money either, as evidenced by the fact that they aren't buying the award-winning Xover, out now for iOS and Android platforms. IF they did, they would support the Mega Man series, especially Xover for iOS and Android. But here we are, seeing lower sales numbers for it, as they don't have the money to buy such an award-winning game. So really, there is no way fans would willingly fund a game that is exactly like Mega Man, in the respect that it is the parts they like most without all the award-winning features of Xover, available now for iPhone 5. If they can't afford to buy the award-winning Xover, there's no way in hell they could afford to donate 4 million bucks for a game that has none of the true Mega Man Xover spirit, with new in-game DLC purchases available now. ... Ugh, I feel so dirty making . Not because I support Capcom, but because having to think like that makes me feel bad about myself. But parody must go on.
  14. Well... I signed up for Kickstarter, mostly because there's this hardcover artbook, which I'm a sucker for. Also, even though the total says it's not at 3.5 million, the chart says "3DS and Vita Versions" reached. Which is cool, I guess. I hope the 3DS version is my digital copy. That's be cool.
  15. 11 days to go, and we still haven't heard about what each version has exclusive to it. All we have so far is this list... and that's it. No differences in areas, characters, items, anything. I'm still not sure what version I want, and that is usually decided a few months before the game comes out here.
  16. With 40 hours to go, I wish I had half a million bucks to drop on this so we could get 3DS and Vita versions. Maybe with enough sales, they can commission them later? Hopefully?
  17. Pikachu is a small yellow rodent-like animal from the series Pokémon. Since its introduction in 1996, it has gone on to become the mascot character of the entire franchise. Appearing on Pokémon-related merchandise from books to stickers to clothing, Pikachu is synonymous with the series, and is one of the most well-known video game characters of all time. Pikachu, referring to both individuals and groups, are quick and agile, overcoming their low physical strength and endurance. They concentrate on outmaneuvering their opponents, then hitting them with strong Electric attacks. They can use the devastating Thunder Wave to stun an opponent, or dash at them with Volt Tackle. Rarely, a Pikachu may know the powerful Surf attack, a tidal wave that crashes down upon an enemy and sweeps them away. Their Electrical powers are so strong that when several of them gather, they can inadvertently cause thunderstorms. Though typically found in lush woodlands like the Viridian Forest, they have been known to appear in cities and power-generating plants. They are attracted to the electricity in the wiring, and are sometimes spotted suckling the wiring like a straw, sipping voltage. Whether they increase their power or simply replenish their energy this way is unknown. Trainers (people who capture and raise Pokémon for battling) are advised to exercise caution during physical contact. [1] The red spots on Pikachu's cheeks are actually pouches which store vast amounts of electrical energy, and careless contact can result in a powerful shock. Pikachu are also known to quickly turn around and bite whoever tries to grab their tail. However, with enough love and attention, Pikachu will not only follow their Trainer, but may even sit upon their shoulders or head. Pikachu are deeply affectionate and make lifelong friends with those they trust, defending fellow Pokémon and humans from harm. [2] Sources: 1.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_3 2.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Yellow_Version [1] Added a caution about physical contact that should tie the entire section about the dangers of Pikachu handling. [2] Changed "from enemies and natural disasters" to "from harm" as it seemed kind of extraneous. Does it matter what they are protecting them from, so long as they protect?
  18. Adjusted. Version 5.0.Idon'tknowanymore Pikachu is a small yellow rodent-like animal from the series Pokémon. Since its introduction in 1996, it has gone on to become the mascot character of the entire franchise. Appearing on Pokémon-related merchandise from books to stickers to clothing, Pikachu is synonymous with the series, and is one of the most well-known video game characters of all time. Pikachu, referring to both individuals and groups, are quick and agile, overcoming their low physical strength and endurance. They concentrate on outmaneuvering their opponents, and then hitting them with strong Electric attacks. They can use the devastating Thunder Wave to stun an opponent, or dash at them with Volt Tackle. Rarely, a Pikachu may know the powerful Surf attack, a tidal wave that crashes down upon an enemy and sweeps them away. Their Electrical powers are so strong that when several of them gather, they can inadvertently cause thunderstorms. Though typically found in lush woodlands like the Viridian Forest, they have been known to appear in cities and power-generating plants. They are attracted to the electricity in the wiring, and are sometimes spotted suckling the wiring like a straw, sipping voltage. Whether they increase their power this way or are simply replenishing their energy is unknown. Trainers (people who capture and raise Pokémon for battling) that wish to use a Pikachu are advised to watch out for the red spots on Pikachu's cheeks. They are actually pouches which store vast amounts of electrical energy. Careless contact can result in a powerful shock. Lastly, Pikachu are known to quickly turn around and bite whoever tries to grab their tail. With enough love and attention, Pikachu will not only follow a Trainer around, but may even sit upon their shoulders or head. Loyal and steadfast, Pikachu will defend fellow Pokémon and humans against enemies and natural disasters. They are deeply affectionate and make lifelong friends with those they trust. Sources: 1.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_3 2.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Yellow_Version
  19. Oh hey, free time. Better use it wisely by finally getting around to the thing I said I as going to do. ----- Pikachu is a small yellow rodent-like animal from the series Pokémon. Since its introduction in 1996, it has gone on to become the mascot character of the entire franchise. Appearing on Pokémon-related merchandise from books to stickers to clothing, Pikachu is synonymous with the series, and is one of the most well-known video game characters of all time. Pikachu, referring to both individuals and groups, are quick and agile, overcoming their low physical strength and endurance. They concentrate on outmaneuvering their opponents, and then hitting them with strong Electric attacks. They can use the devestating Thunder Wave to stun an opponent, or dash at them with Volt Tackle. Rarely, a Pikachu may know the powerful Surf attack, a tidal wave that crashes down upon an enemy and sweeps them away. Their Electrical powers are so strong that when several of them gather, they can inadvertently cause thunderstorms. Though typically found in lush woodlands like the Viridian Forest, they have been known to appear in cities and power-generating plants. They are attracted to the electricity in the wiring, and are sometimes spotted suckling the wiring like a straw, sipping voltage. Whether they increase their power this way or are simply replenishing their energy is unknown. Trainers (people who capture and raise Pokémon for battling) that wish to use a Pikachu are advised to watch out for the red spots on Pikachu's cheeks. They are actually pouches which store vast amounts of electrical energy. Careless contact can result in a powerful shock. Lastly, one should never grab a Pikachu by its tail. They will quickly turn around and bite you. With enough love and attention, Pikachu will not only follow a Trainer around, but may even sit upon their shoulders or head. Loyal and steadfast, Pikachu will defend fellow Pokémon and humans against enemies and natural disasters. They are deeply affectionate and make lifelong friends with those they trust. Sources: 1.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_3 2.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Yellow_Version ----- I ditched the berry thing entirely. When I first wrote it, I thought it would help explain behavior more. But two months of not looking at it made me realize it was actually rather pointless. No one really cares about what video game characters eat unless it's a very important part of the game, story or character. Kirby eats stuff all the time, that could be useful info. But you don't actually feed Pokémon in the games, and when you do, it's not really direct or obvious. They can use berries in battle, but that's about it. Poffins/Pokéblocks? No one cares about those either, and they have no real effect in the games aside from some side-game distractions. Fixed all spelling and grammar suggestions from before. Thank you for the help. This one should be good to go, I hope.
  20. I'm still waiting to hear what version exclusives there are. Gen 5 had entirely different cities/areas as well as pokemon, but what will XY give us?
  21. Maybe it's because I'm on a phone, but I see all three pics.
  22. Mega Charizard. That is all. http://imgur.com/fI5U9c5,tVK2rmR,Mil0i8H
  23. I've seen other sites using the same base forum as OCR use a spoiler tag, so I was wondering if it might be implemented here. Simply add a " " and " " to the beginning and end of your spoilers, and it blacks it out. Clicking or it or even just moving the mouse over it will reveal it. We're not a spoiler-heavy site, but it could come in handy and would be much faster than manually turning the text white... which doesn't always work with some of the background colors and custom color schemes members use. Any one else agree?
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