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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I didn't even know this was a thing until just now. And how the hell did you get this done in a month when mine took three+ years? Now I feel bad in like, eight ways.
  2. So... you would rather play against data transmitted over wi-fi than play against data transmitted over wi-fi? OK. If you mean you feel better about playing against an active player, than I would point out that the AI in the games will do the same thing you would.
  3. That's because you don't know what you're talking about. The millions of Pokémon games sold every generation seems to indicate... I don't know... millions of people? I can't find any statistics, but that there are just under 34 million 3DSs in the world, you could take even 10 percent of that and get millions. That's faulty logic and I can't even begin to explain how bad a point that is. "I don't do x so no one else must do it either." The reason why you see other Pokémon games on consoles is because they are spin-offs and auxiliary games. Stadium, Colosseum and Battle Revolution were games that needed your GameBoy/GBA/DS games to get the most of them. You could use what few Pokémon were offered just in the game, but you were always better off using your own team from your own game. Snap was a non-fighting, non-RPG game that could have used any other setting and characters, and it would be the same game. It wasn't about catching, trading or battling, it was about taking pictures. Even the recent Rumble games are just stand-alone games that could have used other assets from any other game (or even original ones just for it). They used Pokémon for it to drive sales and make money. There are 19 Pokémon games and series that are found on portables, while only 17 on consoles (and 6 are releases on WiiWare or Virtual Console). If you also count the core series, that puts the number of portable titles to 30, not counting individual titles (like Red and Blue). Doing that puts the number well over 40. More than twice. So yeah, it's a portable-based series. That's what Game Freak wants. That's what Nintendo wants. That's what the majority of the fans want.
  4. Yeah, sorry. Work is scaled up huge right now. 14 hours days and all that. Today is my first day off since Dafydd PM'ed me. If someone would just point out what needs to be fixed with a big red marker, that would be great, because I no brain work good right now.
  5. Game Freak has repeatedly stated they do not want to put the series on consoles because the entire point of the game is to take it with you wherever you go. The reasoning being that it makes trading and battling easier if you can just take it out of your pocket and do it right there. "But wise and most sage of all members named Damned," you are thinking, "you can do all that at home with wi-fi." No, you can't. That's not even the point. The point is you are supposed to be able to find other players on the way to work, at school, wherever, and play with them right then and there. Maybe that situation is easier in Japan because of the population density, but it still applies here as well. That why the 3DS Streetpass system was created: to make casual passerbys into random players. Kind of hard to do that when it's on a console that needs to be plugged into a wall outlet and hooked up to a TV.
  6. Well, to that effect, Walking Dead and new Borderlands 2 DLC and level cap, along with all the other stuff, makes this fall season a fucking christmas morning that stretches out until... well, about chrsitmas morning. This is going to be a good fall.
  7. I'm fairly sure that most of the US has Do Not Call laws in place, so I'm sure that if they ask you to not call again, you have to remove their name from your call list. What the corporate people do about that is what I think is really going to show how they think. Will they tell you to ignore it? Will they comply with it? Will they gamble on any fines against them being worth the supposed increase in business? I'd suggest that anyone go goes to GameStop/EB Games often ask to have their file updated with a do-not-call request.
  8. You bought a USED game a few years after it was released for $6. Since then, the number of cartridges for sale has dropped to the point of impossible to find, and what few are out there, they are collectors items and fetch a price accordingly. So bitching about how much you paid for a USED GAME 15 YEARS AGO is fucking stupid. And in case anyone is wondering, I'm not even a fan of Earthbound. Shock and dismay, whatever. The point is, people finally get a rerelease and they bitch about the pricing, despite the fact they probably also spent more than that on old Steam games last week.
  9. Because of Canadian labor laws, Wal-Mart can't get away with all the shit they pull in the US. Canadian Wal-Mart workers are paid better, get more benefits and work better hours. Not much better, mid you, but still better. Which is why if I can't get what I want at other stores, Wal-Mart is the only logical choice left. More towards the end of the list, but it's still on the list.
  10. Yeah, I'll go to Wal-Mart or Radio Shack or anything else before I buy from Game Stop (more accurately, their Canadian version, Electronic Boutique, aka, EB). But luckily, the EB I used to go to was fairly OK with pushing their stuff. They never asked again if you said no, they wouldn't go out of their way to ask you for reservations or pre-orders. I just assume that that one store was the exception.
  11. That right there was when I knew Mr. Torgue was one of the best characters in the series.
  12. I know that some of us play Borderlands 2 on Steam. I know this because I see names from here pop up on the notification when I play it. So, I figured that some of us might be interested to know that Gearbox announced new DLC campaigns and a new level cap of 72. For those of you that never got past the first playthrough or any of the first DLC pack, this may not mean much to you. But for those of us with level 61 characters and gear, this means more of the same. As in, the same thing we liked playing Borderlands 2 for. Which would be a good thing. I will happily spend hour after hour shooting, sniping and grenading my way to level 72 and getting my gear up to spec as well. While some lament the mediocre Torgue and Hammerlock campaigns, the Scarlett and Tiny Tina ones were awesome and really added so much to the game. Hell, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is good enough a reason to play. So if this first new campaign as as good as either of those two, it will be perfect. If it's like the mediocre ones... well, not every thing can be perfect. So... anyone else ready to badass your way to the top again?
  13. Damn, between the new Pokémon game in mid October and more Korra in September, this is going to be a fucking good autumn. All I need now is something in November and BAM, perfect fall. Winter, though, will still suck.
  14. Speaking of books... I saw one of these at a local comic book store today. Considering purchasing it.
  15. If you're playing Borderlands 2 and TTAODK, you might as well get all four DLCs. The Torgue campaign alone is worth it for a high level Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold. It's a pistol that shoots 14 explosive bullets in two horizontal lines. It's one of the most powerful handguns in the game, if not the most powerful. Seriously, it does over 112000 damage with a direct hit.
  16. You know what would be nice for this thread. Not having the same two guys continuously argue with each other for the last three weeks. Man, how about this system and its respective lineup of software? Isn't that just discussable?
  17. It was an exclusive for a long time, so it sort of was. But let's not forget another GameCube horror game, Eternal Darkness, that was a Nintendo exclusive and a second-party IP. Plus there are other games, like Star Fox, that while they have "cute" animal-based mascots, are still about spaceships and battles with decidedly non-cute designs and action.
  18. You can't. At least, not that I have been able to find out. The only option seems to be to sell them. And Brunchfire? Sleeping Dogs is on sale no for $6.24. Better get too it. EDIT: OK, seems Birchfire already got it, everyone go back to sleep.
  19. Ugh, these fucking cards. I got people from this site (you know who you people are) asking for cards. I don't know how to get rid of them. I rather enjoyed people not messaging me for handouts, and now I've got several of them today, all for cards. I only have like seven, they can't be that rare.
  20. If you mean Duke Nukem Forever, that is a terrible thing to say about any game. You should apologize to Game Freak for that insult. In non-slanderous news, NEW TRAILER! Shows the new pokémon from the CoroCoro scans in battle as well as the new bad guys. The new professor looks really young and is a nice change from the stuff old men the Oak and Rowan. Sure, he's no milf like Juniper, but you can't have it both ways all the time. Except when it comes to rule 34, which I'm sure exists on every single new thing we've seen since yesterday. Fucking internet...
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