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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Actually, it's the same price as Steam's sale right now. No difference there.
  2. Remember, only 93 days left until X/Y come out. Finish up those pokédexes, level up those teams, finish those side quests! Because if you don't, it's going to be a while before you pick up your 5th gen games again, and by then, the change back might be hard to get used to.
  3. Good thing you can name it just about whatever you want after you get one. I'm getting a non-evolving vibe from it. Besides, if anything is going to turn into a ghostly suit of armor, it would be a Banette evolution. Small doll -> larger doll -> suit of armor, plus a much needed second type to help its stats. Banette just doesn't get any love. Its counterparts have gotten evolution, but it doesn't? Bullshit.
  4. English name for new ghost-sword is Honedge. As in, "hone" to sharpen, and "edge" as in the edge of a sword. Just to clear it up, we're all going to have one, right? Eery team will have a Honedge on it, correct?
  5. So, there is now an English-subbed version of the video posted before. Enjoy the non-French subtitles and non-shakey-cam! EDIT: No, it's not Mirby.
  6. So... new pokémon revealed. No English name released yet, but in French it's Monorpale and in Japanese, HitotsukiIt seems to be a Steel/Ghost type. And it's a living, haunted sword. Anyone that complains about the design of a ghost-sword can shut the fuck up right now.
  7. Just a heads up for anyone that is using the Global Link feature on their Black and White 1/2 games. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Global_Link_for_Generation_V_games_to_shut_down_Jan._14 Basically, by January 14th, 2014, the fifth gen Global Link will be shut down permanently. You'll have a few months before that to finish up anything you still use it for, like tucking in/waking up pokémon for the Dream World games, or changing C-Gear skins and Musical songs. But after that, it's gone. There will still be 5th gen Global Trade Station access afterwards, but not much more beyond that. Once X/Y are out, Nintendo will be focusing more attention to that. So use it while you can.
  8. Added a section on diet and personality, altered the Trainer section a bit, slightly changed some of the wording and threw in a few synonyms for the sake of not repeating the same word in the same sentence. ----- Pikachu is a small yellow rodent-like animal from the series Pokémon. Since its introduction in 1996, it has gone on to become the mascot character of the entire franchise. Appearing on Pokémon-related merchandise from books to sticker to clothing, Pikachu is synonymous with the series, and is one of the most well-known video game characters of all time. Pikachu, referring to both individuals and groups, are quick and agile, overcoming their low physical strength and endurance. They concentrate on outmaneuvering their opponents, and then hitting them with powerful electric attacks. They can use the paralyzing Thunder Wave to stun an opponent, or dash at them with a powerful Volt Tackle. Rarely, a Pikachu may know the powerful Surf attack, a tidal wave that crashed down upon an enemy and sweeps them away. Their electrical powers are so strong, that when several of them gather, they may inadvertently cause thunderstorms. Though typically found in lush woodlands like the Viridian Forest, they have been known to appear in cities or power generating plants. They are attracted to the electricity in the wiring, and are sometimes spotted suckling the wiring like a straw, sipping voltage. Whether they increase their power this way or are simply replenishing their energy is unknown. Pikachu prefer berries and fruits, but will eat man-made foods from time to time. Wild Pikachu are known to use their Electric attacks on hard berries, attempting to cook them until they soften. Sometimes, they underestimate their power, and accidentally incinerate the food they were trying to prepare. Trainers (humans that capture and raise Pokémon for battling) who wish to use a Pikachu are advised to watch out for the red spots on Pikachu's cheeks. They are actually pouches which store vast amounts of electrical energy. Careless contact can result in a powerful shock. Lastly, one should never grab a Pikachu by its tail. They will quickly turn around and bite you. With enough love and attention, Pikachu will not only follow a Trainer around, but may even sit upon their shoulders or head. Loyal and steadfast, Pikachu will defend fellow Pokémon and humans against enemies and natural disasters. They are deeply affectionate and make live-long friends with those they trust. Sources: 1.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_3 2.) http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Yellow_Version ----- The only part I don't really like is where I put in the bit in the second paragraph explaining how the name refers to both singular and plural. I know it explains it, but it also feels kind of forced in.
  9. Having played with a Wii U today at a Toys R Us, I would actually rather have a Nintendo tablet system. I just liked how it felt and it looked pretty good on that screen. Make the space between controls and the edge of the screen a bit smaller, give it a slightly bigger screen, and I would buy one.
  10. The thing is, the other articles tend to recycle the same content. Hence why I just went with the character specific page instead. I could use wikipedia as well, but again, it's the same content. Would that suffice?
  11. In case the link above is unresponsive due to traffic (like it is for me most of the time(, here is the full text.
  12. Ten years since the last game, and NOT ONE WORD about it since. That's some bullshit right there.
  13. OK, looking it over, I had too much in-game specific info that really didn't matter or belong, so I rewrote it all. ---- Pikachu is a small yellow rodent-like animal from Pokémon. Since its introduction in 1996, it has gone on to become the mascot character of the entire franchise. Appearing on Pokémon-related merchandise from books to sticker to clothing, Pikachu is synonymous with the series, and is one of the most well-known video game characters of all time. Pikachu are quick and agile, overcoming their low physical strength and endurance. They concentrate on outmaneuvering their opponents, and then hitting them with powerful electric attacks. They can use the paralyzing Thunder Wave to stun an opponent, or dash at them with a powerful Volt Tackle. Rarely, a Pikachu may know the powerful Surf attack, a tidal wave that crashed down upon an enemy and sweeps them away. Their electrical powers are so strong, that when several of them gather, they may inadvertently cause thunderstorms. Though typically found in lush forests like the Viridian Forest, they have been known to appear in cities or power generating plants. They are attracted to the electricity in the wiring, and are sometimes spotted suckling the wiring like a straw, sipping voltage. Trainers that wish to use a Pikachu on their team are advised to watch out for the red cheeks on Pikachu's face. They are actually pouches which store vasts amounts of electricity. Also, you should never grab a Pikachu by its tail; they will turn around and bite you. ----- Source for habitat and behavior are from pokédex entries from the series, http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries_3. I think this is better overall, because it doesn't require any understanding of the game mechanics, as someone pointed out before.
  14. I don't understand how that works. Do you often buy systems but no games for it? Do you just put it on the shelf and look at it? That's cool, I guess.
  15. Proph, you want a DS. It's backwards compatible, has no always-on requirements, plays used games without any issue, is pretty low in price, no system installs, hundreds of good games and has online. Want to watch TV? There is an optional accessory that lets you do that (in Japan). BAM. Meets all your needs and is readily available.
  16. Official artwork for the new pokémon shown today. Clauncher, water type. Need a crustacean for your team? Why not (a blue) Zoidberg? OK, so the ugly looking seahorse thing is actually based upon an actual species that camouflages itself as kelp. Hence the name. Is it just me, or does Talonflame (aside from being kind of a lame name) have a shadow on top of its eye? Does his red crest act like armor?
  17. SO, if you're interested, the Pokémon Twitter account is giving out details about the game. https://twitter.com/Pokemon There are now Horde Encoutners, where you can end up facing multiples of a Pokémon. An example they used in the roundtable is Gogoat facing five Houndour. Crazy shit, man. And just now, another update says that some Flying Type pokémon can enter "Sky Battles" where they fight in the air far above the ground. A new Fire/Flying type, called Talonflame is shown.
  18. Some new Pokémon from the Developers Event today, just after the Nintendo Direct. http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/71/E3_Trailer_Pok%C3%A9mon_1.png Haunter versus some new bird type http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/41/E3_Trailer_Pok%C3%A9mon_2.png A... seahorse? No idea, might be a bad angle or something. http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/12/E3_Trailer_Pok%C3%A9mon_3.png Cool looking bug thing.
  19. Name is win. Borderlands 2 ref = auto-victory.

  20. The newest trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmywDbnC5oc.
  21. At the 0:51 mark, I thought, "I'm The Doctor" and it worked out nicely.
  22. Kingdom Hearts 3. Better exclusives. Used games. No always on-line. FLAWLESS VICTORY.
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