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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Some names from that list that Sinewav posted (and will be prosecuted for once SOPA goes through. Sorry Sine, but that's a lot of copyrighted names you just posted ILLEGALLY): 60 Plus Association - STOP DOWNLOADING OLD PEOPLE! ABC - OK, networks make shows. I understand them taking this up Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) - What? American Federation of Musicians (AFM) American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) There goes every single video that uses non-public domain music for any reason Americans for Tax Reform - What? Building and Construction Trades Department - STOP STEALING OUT GYPROCK, DAMN IT! Christian Music Trade Association - because people download christian music? Isn't stealing one of those rules they have? Church Music Publishers’ Association - I don't get this one... they're against people playing church music? Coalition Against Online Video Piracy (CAOVP) - More like branch of MPAA, amirite? Concerned Women for America (CWA) - STOP DOWNLOADING THE WOMEN! Congressional Fire Services Institute - Fire fighters hate having to wade through your downloaded movie collection during a fire rescue Creative America - The same Creative that made some of the first MP3 players, and was called a leader in letting people pirate music by the record companies back in the 90s? Nah... Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - Because... they like serving warrants and having to sit there watching some legal department guys from a company go through someone else' stuff? International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE) International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) - These people get paid during the filming of movies and TV shows, not after. They aren't affected by it anymore than the guy that hands the DVD to you at the register at the store. They might see loss of work if production of movies and TV shows stops because of piracy, but that hasn't stopped it in the last 40 years, so why would now be any different? L’Oreal - STOP DOWNLOADING OUR EYELINER! Penguin Group (USA), Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING OUR PENG... OK, that joke is getting tired. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) - Guys, that medicine is PIRATED! Stop getting your prescription from torrents! Pfizer, Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING DICK PILLS, GOD DAMN IT! (OK, it's not tired anymore! Revlon - Did we tell you to stop downloading out eyeliner yet? The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) - careful, they may call in an airstrike on your compou.. oh, not that NATO? The United States Conference of Mayors - STOP DOWNLOADING THE VOTES! That's OUR job! Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) - I fear that people may actually download this shit... Man, there are some weird names on that list. I can't believe some of these are on there. Some have no products that can be pirated, and the rest have products that are pirated, just not digitally (ie: make-up and purses, clothes, etc). Some of this list looks like they just handed a petition around at a meeting and some of the signers didn't even read it. Looks like there was some band-wagon hopping-on.
  2. Cool. What game/series were you doing, again?
  3. Good. Now to do it for Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and all the other big players.
  4. The only problem with that is you have many time-line theorists that refuse to let you toil in ignorance and force the explanation of it, as well as their personal theory, upon you the instant they find out you don't know or care about it. Seriously, it happens. No, I don't mean just on the internet. I'm talking about real-life. Sitting down, playing a game, they see you, you start chatting, the time-line thing comes up, and BAM, they won't SHUT UP ABOUT IT. Internet fanboyism is bad enough, but when it happens in your own living room, FUCK THEM.
  5. I've played it many times. It hardly has a story, and it doesn't seem to tie into anything at all. I'd say it was a stand-alone multiplayer game than part of the series. It's kind of like Mario Kart; it doesn't really fit into the regular Mario series, and nothing that happens in it is carried on in any other game. In case anyone doesn't want to read a Japanese half-translated bunch of pics and would rather have some sort of simple layout to the whole thing. English chart WHERE ARE FACES OF EVIL AND ZELDA'S ADVENTURE?
  6. I have been working on a time-line for Madden NFL. There must be a connection between all the games... If we can figure it out, it would explain everything about the series! Who knows what secrets are hidden behind every corner! I find it funny how the first 5 games didn't need time-lines to be enjoyed, but now, no Zelda game can be taken seriously without fitting in to one somehow. I also find it funny how they include the obviously non-canon stuff like Four Swords Adventures while ignoring the three CDi titles, which were just as official as any other in the series. They were authorized by Nintendo, after all. I bet most of the people that play Zelda games have no idea of any time-line stuff, and even if they did, they wouldn't care. But on the other hand, it's nice to see more art books of games. There really aren't that many. I'd kill for a Game Freak art book.
  7. Meh. I didn't see it before. I guess KieranCarden's post really was overlooked. BUT STILL, IT'S FUNNY, RIGHT?
  8. What I don't like is that SOPA and PIPA could destroy independent review sites. "Hey boss, there's this review about our new game, and it uses a few minutes of footage without our express permission." "It is a good review, or a bad review?" "They gave our game an 5 out of 10." "Let's use SOPA and get it shut down. Any other issues?" "Another site is up to an hour of footage and multiple screenshots, and they didn't get permission either." "What was the score from them?" "They gave it a 9 out 10." "Hmmm, I think we can let that one slide for now..." I can see it happening. Bad reviews get blocked because they didn't "get" permission. Good reviews are left alone, because they did "get" permission. The worst part is, even after it happens several times, eventually it would become the norm and then no one fights it anymore. Gamers and internet users have short attention spans when it comes to politics, and we don't exactly strive to keep the fight going for long. After a year, everyone will be so accustomed to it, we'll mock sites that get blocked for being obvious idiots. Seriously, we suck at this sort of thing. I'm hoping that Obama guy vetoes this and other bills like it.
  9. In somewhat related news, the RIAA was just caught downloading the entire Dexter series, and at $150000 a episode, that's 9 million in fines. Can SOPA or PIPA be used to shut down the RIAA somehow?
  10. No, no, no. I didn't say it wasn't going to be released outside of Japan, I said that people are complaining/speculating that it won't. There's no sign that they won't, and there's more signs that it will. Both series have a history of US and Europe releases.
  11. I... I haven't found or made a replacement yet.


  12. I still rendered services, whether they were of use to you or not is irrelevant! This isn't communism, damn it!
  13. I only charge $50 an hour for tech support, and it's a minimum 30 minutes per case. Paypal is accepted.
  14. Check your settings on your 3DS. If you ever had to use a specific setting to access another network, you may have to reset it and set the connection again.
  15. Too soon. The announcement and release dates for the remakes haven't followed that closely. Also, the last time CoroCoro had a big "shocking" thing to reveal, it turned out to be a Mewtwo that you could get on WiFi. Dude, if you want starters, I got them all. Friend Code is in sig, just PM me for what you need and we'll arrange some trading.
  16. I have heard ofit, but I haven't looked into it. Most of the attempts to bring the old games up to modern times have been shitty DOS emulation or half-assed mods of other games.
  17. He had to log on to the eShop before August 11 of this year. If he never did, he can't get them. Nope. You can not talk, beg, plead or convince your way into the program. It's simply too late for him. The reason why they wanted people to log on to the eShop was to get ID numbers from each 3DS. That's how they track which ones would get Ambassador status. If he never logged in, he never got registered. There's nothing that any service rep can do about it, because it's completely out of their hands.
  18. It's Pokémon combined with Nobunaga's Ambition. It's an isometric, turn-based strategic tactics game. Not familiar with that? Think Final Fantasy Tactics. Yeah, PokéTactics. No one saw that coming. I'd like to state that I had the idea for a tactics game for Pokémon back in the early 2000s, so Nintendo should have just asked me first. But OK. People are complaining that it's on the DS, not the 3DS, so it sucks somehow and will never be released outside of Japan for some reason, despite the fact that Pokémon games get released outside of Japan all the time, and Nobunaga's Ambition has had multiple releases around the world. So any way... yeah, totally did not see that coming.
  19. Uh... I donate on a semi-regular interval. Not as much as I could, but I do send the poor boy some cash now and then. If I win the lotto, I'm covering OCRs costs for five years. That's a promise.
  20. Oh fuck yeah. Descent was one of my favorite games and to see even one remix is just perfect. I'd even call this an early Descent-mas gift.
  21. I see six titles out of the ten that I actually have interest in (and three of them I still have the GBA carts for), so this isn't bad.
  22. Fuck yeah, Mega Man 5 for the Game Boy. Someone do it. DO IT NOW!
  23. I've lost all respect for you now. Sorry man, but that's just unforgivable.
  24. Well, at least you won't shoot your eye out with that...
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