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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Agreed. I found the stiff controls to be a hindrance when moving about and shooting. Mind you, I've never really been an RE fan...
  2. Damn, Megaupload was very useful for remix album files. It saved so much time and effort on several occasions. But really? Racketeering and money laundering? Da fuck?
  3. The truth. I still like to watch it occasionally, and I hardly ever rewatch anime. That and Trigun... I liked Trigun. It was nice.
  4. Some webcomics that are in on the blackout: http://www.smbc-comics.com/ http://somethingpositive.net/ http://www.vgcats.com/ http://xkcd.com/
  5. You watch anime. You have no taste. /thread
  6. Holy shit, really? 9 spots left? Damn, that went quickly.
  7. I found Scryed to be an odd show, actually. It's supposed to be your usual shonen action flick with all the usual tropes... but in the end, it felt kind of underdone in its execution. Your mileage may vary, of course. PRAISE ME. PRAISE ME MORE. IT FEEDS ME.
  8. Thank you for the comments. I don't get many of those. Usually it's all "jesus fuckin christ, would you SHUT UP ABOUT POKEMAN ALREADY!?$" or the occasional "I always suspected you were a closet (insert topical phrase here)". FUCK YOU. Even as a proponent of trying out shows, I have to admit that Evangelion is not for everyone. If you like, say, Escaflowne, you may not like Evangelion. They may be in the same genre, even the same sub-set of said genre, but they are different shows. I have no issue with someone being unable to get into it, only issue with outright dismissive attitudes. My original post was actually a three-part break-down about why people hate on Evangelion. The first was older fans that have gotten tired of the various "tropes" that Evangelion has spawned over the years, and the adherence of modern shows that adopt them. The second part was newer/younger fans that "discovered" anime and have a superiority complex about themselves by way of it, covering what you managed to shrink down to a single line. So, +1 internets to you for brevity?
  9. I think the hate towards Evangelion is based upon one key issue. Yes, lots of mecha shows existed before and after. But here's the big thing that makes Evangelion stand out: instead of a natural-born pilot or leader (or for that matter, the over-used "I'm going to beat you to show you the truth" bullshit that was so favored at the time), you have a child forced into piloting an alien... thing, and told to save the planet or else everyone is going to die horribly. No pressure, right? Suddenly, we don't get the over-used "I'm a hero" lead character, and instead we see what might be the most realistic portrayal of a human being in that type of situation: he can't handle it. Shinji is every teenage boy from a broken family. He was fucked up before, and the whole angels thing isn't helping things. Yes, he is totally a whiner and needs a good slapping/fucking from any one of the women in the show. But what the fuck do you expect? He's a goddamn child. His asshole father lied to him about everything he knows, he's been emotionally blackmailed into to piloting an alien being, the government has forced him to face horrific fights against beings that would make any normal person shit their pants, and then Shinji had to deal with it all on his own because he's too fucked up to realize he needs the support of others. But people were (and still are) used to the archetype of the awesome guy that can do everything awesomely and overcome all the obstacles that his enemies throw at him, even if he stumbles sometimes. You see this in Naruto, Bleach, One Piece... hell, even outside of shonen manga and anime, you have the same archetype used for main characters in just about anything. Shoujo likes to have the determined young girl that manages to express her feelings for the guy; harem anime has the male eventually deciding on the girl he likes, and all the trials of the past are resolved. Think of any show you know of, and think about how the main characters eventually wins the day. Evangelion doesn't do that. It shows what people are like facing almost certain doom daily. You see the cracks in their facades and what they do to cope with it. It's nice and comforting to see fictional characters be strong and resolute. It makes us think that we would be the same in their situation. So when we see Shinji freaking out because of all the traumatic and terrifying things he's had to deal with, we don't like it because it reminds us that we're more likely to act the same way. It's something that most people don't like to acknowledge. We're not instinctively brave. We're hardwired to do what gives us the best chance of survival. Often, that means running, hiding or just not dealing with it. Basically, we have a terrible double-standard for the show: anime is supposed to be about cool awesomeness. But let one specific kid in one specific series fall apart because that's what people do when they're overwhelmed beyond rationality, and that character and/or show sucks.
  10. The WIP date was for remixers already on-board. I'll update the first page a bit. As for Kirby, it's not taken yet. Rave-esqe? Wispy woods? Oooh, that could be interesting. Sorry, haven't updated things lately. WillRock's fault. And Proto-Dome's. Somehow. Nope. None at all.
  11. Guys... as nice as all the things you have said about him are, it's not his birthday. It's in July, not January. Someone just keeps bumping this thread randomly.
  12. There were episodes of the anime sold as GBA carts, as well as other shows. That might explain it. As for the RBY thing, it makes sense, but it's limited by the fact that the third versions of each generation (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum) have music made specifically for them and isn't found in the previous games. So, really, it should be Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl, and then Black and White. Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum (and then whatever any third version would be later on) should be separate, provided that the remix is based upon any of the version-exclusive music. Otherwise, it goes under the coupled titles.
  13. Pokémix all the songs! I would have loved this for the Missingno tracks, but stupid time travel doesn't exist yet.
  14. No, you added us all because you need more people to flood with Swapnote messages.
  15. Totally over. I expect the divorce papers any day now. Do some pokemanz stuff!
  16. I gotta say, the new site looks nice. Does this mean the Penny Arcade honeymoon is over?
  17. Per person. As much as we liked having one person do half an album, it's kind of unfair to bump other remixers out of the limelight. HOWEVER! This does not apply to collaborations. That's cool.
  18. Now stop being all "I don't have a 3DS... waaaaaaahhh" and such.

  19. You guys made Killer Studio Chop shirts? That guy is never going to live that down now.
  20. JPGs for just submitting, but I guess any final images would need to be a higher quality format. Icky JPGs.
  21. Yep. Give ten experienced testers a month, and they won't find anything. Give a million random people a week, and they will find every little flaw, glitch, exploit and trick. And then proceed to abuse the fuck out of them.
  22. Here's a (somewhat) related question. I have a bunch of comic books of various tiles, numbers and conditions. I was thinking since i no longer need them or have any interest in them, I may as well sell them. But I'm not paying $30 or more for a book that I will have no real use for afterward. Is there a site that lets you put your collection and mark its condition, and can give a rough estimate of what to expect? I know that the value is based upon demand and rarity, but it should at least tell me if it's worth selling, right? I've googled it but Google likes to suggest mortgage loan calculators instead of comic book values for some fucking reason.
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