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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Hmmm... Cradily, as it can take hits all day long and wear stuff out Or Banette, because it's a possessed S&M-themed doll out for revenge for being abandoned by the child that owned it. And people complain about the generic-ness of everything after 2nd gen...
  2. I'm going to assume they are joking as well. Otherwise, I fear for the future.
  3. I forgot that sarcasm doesn't come across well in text. I thought it was obvious. Lesson learned (again).
  4. Fuck all this starter/evo/story bullshit. Time for some... TIMELINE THEORIES First, the most accepted timeline. It's based upon hidden data found in some of the review copies given to Japanese reviewers over the years. But then you got the 4-way timelineists, who believe this utter tripe: Totally out of left field, isn't it? Makes as much sense as a three-way Zelda timeline, huh? But the most utterly insane, balls-deep in stupid theory is this one: That is some seriously bullshit stuff, man. The only thing is, no one seems to have put some of the puzzle games, as well as that new one with the samurai stuff in it, into any of the current timelines. I suspect that once they come out, we'll be able to shove them into at least one of the many, many, MANY gaps that perfectly explain each timeline.
  5. I imagine a Flying/Fighting type to be the Farfetch'd evolution that we've been waiting for since 1996. He's a Flying type, he swings a stick (or wood or otherwise, depending upon the item you give him) so he's obviously fighting, he needs an evo really bad to give him a place on any of the tiers... Game Freak, you said he was one of your favorites, so just do it already. Don't want to make a new sprite? Make him wear a head band on the current one, we'll take it, no questions asked.
  6. All three starters will evolve into ____/Fighting. THERE, PROBLEM SOLVED.
  7. QFT. Also, you will always have a rival that gets the starter that is of the superior type, there will always be a professor, and there will always be a team of bad guys. There are the tropes of the series. What? What about the ones where you get Meowth and the like? Spin-offs and not part of the main series. Pikachu in Yellow? Bah! Yellow was a rehash of the three games that already existed at that point. It had anime-exclusive characters (Jesse and James) and barely counts, as they only showed up a handful of times for no reason. Simply an attempt to get a connection to the anime, nothing more. Though, I did once see a (hopefully) satirical time-line of all the Pokémon games.
  8. Oh my god, stop spamming this place with your helpful servers for games everyone here plays. Attention whore.
  9. The next starters should be Ghost/Dragon, Dragon/Ghost and then Draghost/Draghost. FUCK YEAH.
  10. There you go, all the viable trios of starter types. Pay attention, though, to the fact that Bug-Psychic-Poison is kind of useless now, as Poison no longer hits Bug for Super Effective damage (since Gen 2 to present), and that Fighting-Dark-Psychic has an immunity in it, so that makes it a bit unbalanced. Not to mention the obvious Ghost and Dragon trios that are just... no, that's not really balance so much as it is lazy. But aside from that, there are some viable alternatives.
  11. That was the point, seeing how the song was used in the part where they're in space. Mind you, that's like two thirds of the series, but still...
  12. There are two ways to prevent trading over level 100s. The first way is to lock trading until the main story is competed. You have to use the pokémon you find in the game. Possible variation is you can trade from another BW2 game. Second (and possibly combine with the first method), allow trading, but only to a certain level. For instance, how about only being able to trade pokémon that are the same level as your highest level? That way, you can't go any level 50s when you only have a level 25. You want that level 50, you better spend some time leveling up. Just so ideas, but there are ways to prevent leveled-up trades.
  13. No. They might change the available pokémon in some areas and points in the story (namely, you will see any of the currently existing pokémon), but there will be no new pokémon (as in, not seen or released before). Most likely we'll see some pre-Gen 5 pokes popping out of the grass and caves that weren't there in Black and White. As for the plot... ?
  14. He used to be a trainer, but then he took Fearow to the knee.
  15. Hey Rozo, this is the last version, right? Right? Rozo? ... He must be working on the remix a bit more. Oh well. I still love the use of the sonar effect throughout the remix. It fits so perfectly. I still feel a bit bad that I asked him to redo little things over and over... "Hey, the sonar is a bit loud," "I think the bass is too low," "Could you make it a bit longer?", etc. That had to have pissed him off at least once.
  16. I actually did a Nuzlocke on my Ruby cart before christmas last year. I did not survive the seventh gym. Pyroraptor the Combusken was wiped out by several good hits, and the rest of the team fell after that. Nuzlockes can be downright hard, depending upon your luck. Even if you don't go with a "only use items you find" rule and spend money on lots of Potions, you're still going to lose lots of pokémon along the way. My advice is to level up in areas with much lower-level pokémon in them. It will take far longer to level up more, but you also severely reduce the chances of critical hits and not being to get out of a losing battle. I did do another later, with an emulated copy of Crystal. I added the rule of "no recatching", where if I had already caught and lost a pokémon, I can't get another of that line (ie: you catch a Pidgey and it dies, you can't catch and use another one or its evolutions). That made using a Flyer really risky, as I ended up losing every Flying-type line but one, and at that point, I said "fuck this" and NEVER USED IT IN BATTLE, EVER. Sometimes the best challenges are the user-imposed ones.
  17. OK, updated the first page. Sorry I've been so in-communicato-ish, but 14-hour days do that to you. A month of 14-hour days makes it worse. The next month also being 14-hour days doesn't help any. But at least the bank account will be happy, right? Right?
  18. Ha! Usually, I have the problem of not being able to load and view the site or videos. Now it's all turned around. HA, I say!
  19. Toss me and WillRock a sample or a WIP, and we'll see.

  20. Dies Irae was in the crossword puzzle at work today. True story. Now I can tell everyone what it means. TAKE THAT, CO-WORKERS!
  21. I DON'T LIKE COMBOY BOPOP BECUS JASS AND IT NO HAV STORY IN ALL EPISOEDS FROM 1 TO NEXT. NEEDS BETER CHARCTERS AND LESS JASS. Totally understandable. The funny thing is, I remember when a member of the old local anime club interviewed three people (one was a jazz musician, one was an instructor, and the third was a music historian at the university) about the music in Cowboy Bebop and all three said "that's some decent music, but it isn't jazz" and then went on to pan all the music as being fluff, soulless, the work of commercial musicians and had no contribution to jazz music at all. Needless to say, the comments consisted of "well, just because these guys base their livings around jazz and they said it wasn't, doesn't mean that IT ISN'T JAZZ AND FUCK THEM". I wonder if I can find that article...
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