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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. 1810 yen a share, as of 10 AM MST today. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=9697:JP
  2. "Guys, no one is buying our games anymore!" "Hmmm, must be pirates. Can we send some ships into a harbor and blow them up?" "Jesus, man, for the last time, not that kind of pirates." "Suuuure, whatever you say." "Oh for fuck's... OK, the point is, we need to do something that will protect our copyrighted material from being taken online. I heard about this bill they have in the US that might do the trick." "Does anyone disagree with it?" "Pretty much all the internet experts, tech companies, our entire consumer bass, our fans and about 80% of everyone else." "BRILLIANT! Get our names on that right it, that will show them we mean business!"
  3. The same people are now distancing themselves from their earlier "Nintendoomed" comments. On a related note, the Vita had Uncharted, Marvel vs Capcom 3 and about a dozen other games for its launch titles in Japan, and the North American launch titles are just as varied and impressive. I have to wonder how people will react to having that line-up on the first day. "oooh, there are no games for it, it's doomed" or will they actually look at the list and see that there are, in fact, multiple games that are worth getting. But you know... internet rage.
  4. Oh hey, I just saw on some hardware sales for 2011 that the 3DS sold just over 14 million units since it came out in February 26th, 2011. At this rate, it should hit 16 or even 17 million by the first anniversary. +16 million units in one year. Is that still considered a failure? Maybe we should keep up the "nintendo is doomed!" stuff a bit more, just to be sure.
  5. No, Kid Icarus hasn't been claimed by anyone so far. Interested?
  6. From an article I just read RIGHT THIS MOMENT! Nice work. I trust this is new and not something you told us a while ago, but I didn't hear it then.
  7. Hmmm... I thought it was just having each others FC registered.
  8. Hmm... how about both? I figure a WIP shows us what you want to do with it, while a completed track shows us what you can do with the final thing. I suspect WillRock is on holidays or something. Or dead. Yeah, probably dead. If he posts here, just hit him with with a shovel until he stops moving again. It's the only way to be sure.
  9. y haro ther x-men issue 1, long time no see. Back when I actually liked the X-Men series, and would buy them every month.
  10. There, I now have every single one f you on my 3DS. But only about a third show up as accepting my request. What did I do (besides the obvious stuff that shouldn't really matter that much)?
  11. But it puts Link's Awakening in the amazing category, so it's right.
  12. OK, it seems that there is a new timeline that was just put out by Nintendo today. It covers a fourth timeline, one that no one saw coming (just like the idea of three timelines) Link (no pun intended) This explains a lot more, and will certainly cause more conflict amongst the various theorists. Which is good, because the sooner those guys take each othe out, the sooner we can get back to just playing the games and not writing giant walls of text about timelines.
  13. mechafone's FC is still incorrect. Everybody bug him until it's fixed.
  14. I don't remember any of that happening. I'm pretty sure you're just making the entire last year up.
  15. I can't believe this is only getting posted now. The album came out back in March! MARCH! But still, all good things to those who wait, right?
  16. Shut up, you copyright-loving hippie communazi bastard. You'll do anything to stop us from stopping SOPA, won't you? I'm on to you...
  17. Did you guys hear about the special edition 3DS for pre-orders of Metal Gear? Holy shit, that's gotta be the coolest case ever. It's not a skin or one of those shells you put on, that's the actual 3DS itself. Fuck yeah.
  18. Seriously, why did you guys let Jack back in? He gets more warnings from more mods than anyone else and multiple temp-bans, and yet he's still around... because?

    Or does having him around give you guys something to do on slow days? :)

  19. Why are people quoting Jack? Has he come truly come back? Is that why I see his text, in black? In those quotes, so neatly stacked? Or do I see someone new? No, I see that it is true. Jack is here again, you! Prepare for philosophic battle, foo'. My apologies to Mr. T. I do so hope he pities thee. I did mean to mock of he, that man who would surely toss me. So once again, I see it's Jack. It's so nice to know he's back. Yes I used that rhyme back two tracks, it's awfully hard to rhyme like that. But now I ask, for I must, did his last ban just go bust? In the mods, should we still trust that their bans are still so just? Nay, I plead to you all. Do not let this troll fall his ax of wrath and rage on you all. Be the better man, and stand tall! Rather more, let us continue on ahead to the matter that fills us with dread. Should this bill not soon be dead, surely it be a watershed. Indeed, having read it some, I indeed feel, a bit, undone. It seems a terrible idea, this one. Almost like a political pun. But enough of this silly rhyme! It is nearly almost my bedtime. Of The Coop I shall no longer mime, for truly he is OCRs wordsmith prime.
  20. What about Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko? They helped create most of the golden age Marvel stuff with him. Without them, there wouldn't be any of the current big sellers.
  21. NO. No no no no. You see, now that there is a timeline, you have to think of it every time you play any Zelda game at all. New, old, doesn't matter, it must be in the foreground of your mind at all times or you won't be able to enjoy it on the same level as everyone that cares about any timeline stuff. Failure to consciously think of it at every point in any game means you aren't a true fan and if you aren't a true fan, then you aren't allowed to play Zelda games anymore! STOP ENJOYING ZELDA IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT TIMELINES! Seriously! Stop that! STOP ENJOYING SOMETHING IN A DIFFERENT WAY FROM THE REST OF US! I MEAN IT!
  22. Oh, it's on, I just forgot to update it. I was busy. With stuff. AND things.
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