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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I have an mp3 of the original Japanese version, it's actually rather close. As for the remix, it's better now. Improvement in general. The chiptune really was holding it back.
  2. The entire series is one line of sequels. The only difference is that the remakes happen around the same time as their concurrent generation. Essentially, the timeline goes like this: RSE -> FR/LG -> DPPt + HG/SS -> BW -> BW2. (This is based upon the events that happen in FR/LG that relate to RSE, as indicated by some of the plot points in them. There is no stated gap between them, but it stands to reason that RSE takes place either just before, or overlaps into, FR/LG. HG/SS and DPPt seem contiguous because of the TV report in the beginning of DPPt mention the Red Gyarados. BW and BW2 should be set after them, barring another coinciding remake, namely RSE) Unless one of the new formes for Kyurem happen to be Water/Fire, this isn't going to happen. This is still Gen 5; you don't go introducing new pokes in the same generation. That breaks game compatibility. The only other way this could happen is if they give some other pokémon a new forme, and then that one happens to Water/Fire. But there's no news of this, so...
  3. Either he's really good at replicating the original GameBoy sound, or he just straight-up used the original GameBoy music. Either way, I gotta agree, it has to go.
  4. There is no info at all at this point. Only the people at Game Freak and Nintendo know, and so far, they aren't talking much about it. And given that we've only seen multiple regions once (in GSC), it seems unlikely. Though, to be far, gen 5 is all about upsetting the status quo a lot. For all we know, it will take place in a new region, because why not? U mad. U nvr mak it passed Norman guy and u dies. TRU STROY! But seriously, what's with the Hoenn-hate?
  5. For shows that have manga with the exact same story (like Bleach and Naruto), I vastly prefer to read the manga. I already know what the characters sound like, so I imagine they have better acting skills when I read it. Also cuts out all the bullshit filler seasons. Seriously, Bleach had like, six seasons of filler. SIX. Fuck that.
  6. Yeah, that's kind of the point. If you aren't fluent in Japanese, you can't tell how bad the Japanese acting is. That's why subbed anime is better by default. You don't know any better, and that big grey zone of ignorance acts as a nice bit of padding from the terrible truth.
  7. I was reading this post on some other site that the old pokémon were not only more original, but had better expressions. Now I know why: they just used the same faces from one to the next. Also: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/pokemon-theory
  8. God damn it, this actually makes sense. The dex entries are legit too. I wonder if that was intentional or just a coincidence.
  9. Not the people that apparently got it already. I'm reading complaints about everything, from voices to controls to being unusable with the 3D effect on. It's probably just a vocal minority, but it seems that there are issues with the game. I'll wait until someone here gets it, and then we can get a more detailed breakdown of the game. Though I hear the multiplayer is supposed to be fun as hell.
  10. What the fuck? Really? What the fuck kind of birthday party is he having? ... Nope, still sounds kinky.
  11. Fixed. The Fuze itself was pretty good. The Fuze+ was a piecce of shit.
  12. I read this as "F-Zero-G2" and was very excited about it. Then the realization sank in. It's still good, I guess. Just not F-Zero good.
  13. Oh god, yes. A DAP thread! Time to geek out a bit and show off! A highly rated device, one that is much loved by certain sites for its audio quality and reliability. Good choice. They are terribly durable and reliable, and have what some consider to be the best output you can get for that price. Some even compare it favorably to far more expensive high-end gear. Yes! You, me and hundreds of thousands of others around the world can attest to this. It was such a turn-around from the prior devices, even the old E series they put out back in the early 2000s. Did you find the touchpad to be really unresponsive? Or the need to rebuild the library every time you turned it on? God, what a waste of hardware. They knew that the Fuze was popular, because tehy asked people that bought them. But Sandisk decided that touchscreens where the current fad, so they went with one... except they made it a touchpad, and then fucked it up right off the bat. J3 or S9? Those seem to be the top choices these days. But the Cowons sounds so good, don't they? Their BBE and JetEffect EQs are supposed to be top-notch. There was once a CNet (or some other place like it) that did a step by step comparison between a Nano and a Clip+. Though they preferred the look of the Nano, they favored the Clip for everything else. The Apple fanboy response was, to say the least, interesting to read. I think they later redid the article and gave the win to the Nano. Thanks, Apple fanboys. Have you tried Rockbox? It's a customizable firmware that lets you do things like, say, play WAV and alter the appearance to your personal liking. It's available for multiple players from just about every year. Oh, and you can with it. Also, with RockBox, you can use SDXC cards in it (set to FAT32) and use a 64 GB card. Not that many people bother to do so, of course. Again, a highly rated (and deserving of it) device. Did you know that Cowon announced they just stopped production of the J3? If you want another one as a replacement, now is the time to get it. So many people with good players. I thought I was the only one. And I've had a similar experience with iTunes. Let's just say that it took a day and a half to get my computer and its files back to normal. My personal ones include a Walkman NWZ-S545 (16 GB with speakers and 40 hours battery life, though I've had it up to 45 a few times) A Walkman NWZ-A847 (64 GB, wonderful specs and performance... just wish the battery life was longer. 20+ hours isn't really that long) And a Clip+ (8 GB, still one of the best sounding devices I've ever had the chance to listen to). I've had others, including an iPod, but I've returned the ones that I didn't like (or even just outright failed to work properly). I think I've more of a fan of Sony's Walkman lines now (which should also help assuage any comments that I am an anti-Sony fanboy), though the recent news that the Cowon J3 is no longer being made makes me think I should grab one of those while I can. Wait, does anyone own a HiFiMan or ColorFly? Please tell me no one does. I'd have to slap said person around for buying one of those pieces of overpriced shit.
  14. Yeah,it was intentional. And funny. But mostly intentional. (but mostly funny)
  15. Sooooo, the covers for the Japanese Black and White 2 cases are out. Again, the Black version looks coolest. Sorry, White versions, it just ain't working out for you.
  16. Script blocker? I had that happen a few times, and once I told it to fuck off when on OCR, it never happened again.
  17. Where's Descent? Three games with a couple of expansion packs = lots of music to pick from. Seriously? No Descent? One of my favorite series ever, and nothing?
  18. I DID add you. Anything preventing you from seeing me is on your end, not mine.
  19. Make said 14 year old kid play the original Red and Blue. FORCE them to see the progress the series has gone through over the years. Then they will appreciate the history of the series. Any of the three DS games are good. BW, like DS said, is aimed at being "this is your first game", but suffers from any good post Elite 4 content. Versus Platinum and HGSS, where there is a lot to do and explore. Even the half-assed Kanto in HGSS is still a lot of time to go through. I guess it depends upon how much you think this kid will want to continue.
  20. Oh for fucks's sake... now I can't see any of the videos again. Fucking escapist... no other site does this, just theirs.
  21. Game Boy album is now all Game Boy chiptune. GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!
  22. If you plan to ever listen to your ipod on a bicycle, you have to get the Cycling song from Pokémon. Any of them, but it's better if you have all of them. Make it a playlist or something. Red/Blue/Yellow version - or Fire Red/Leaf Green, if you like the GBA sound - GCS Original, or the DS - and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuAO1mpKuRgRuby and Sapphire - Diamond/Pearl - Black and White - THEY WORK SO WELL.
  23. I should amend this to include designs, but it's kind of covered in the second part. Making fun of others in the same fanbase is entertaining.
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