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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Hmmm... might have to push The Missingno Tracks back a bit more to get these remixed.
  2. The best name for a metal band I have ever heard. And how the fuck am I crazy? That achievement thing is completely true. It really did happen. I was accused of aim-botting. We still beat them. Totally, brutally beat them. You only think I'm crazy because of the project we work on.
  3. All remixers got to choose the songs they wanted to remix. If a song isn't remixed, that's just it: it's not being done.
  4. Oh, Steam is telling me that Left 4 Dead 1 is currently downloading something. I guess I'll be playing it first. That's right, I'm playing The Sacrifice on Left 4 Dead 1. On. Expert. That's how hardcore I am for oldschool. I guess that makes me oldcore and hardschool.
  5. "If" being a very big condition, seeing how you would be comparing a media and web tablet that happen to play basic flash games, to two dedicated game systems that have limited (or in the case of the DS, practically non-existent) media and web capabilities. I'd say that would be like comparing Apples to oranges.
  6. Anyone else see this" Exploding barrels, like from Half-Life? SAME UNIVERSE/CONTINUITY CONFIRMED!
  7. I can;t wait until they get the English names figured out. It's a lot easier to keep track of them when it's not several slight spelling variations of the Japanese names.
  8. I know of Starla, but I don't know him personally. In fact, I may have that "him" part wrong. Happy birthday, person who I don't even know the right gender of!
  9. Maybe he's starting to turn? What about his beard? What if it's turning? They never stated, even in the comic, that all of the survivors are totally immune. They may just be showing really high resistance. After all, in The Passing, we see Fallen Survivors, people that were supposed tobe immune but did eventually become infected. Also, The Sacrifice isn't out yet. Valve time, pffft.
  10. Anything that involves proper dentistry or lack of dark ales, I would think.
  11. Well, honestly, I don't think there would be any room for a third portable in that market. Nintendo has what, 75% and Sony has the rest? Yeah, good luck getting in there. But really, I think this is going to be the next N-Gage.
  12. http://gizmodo.com/5655371/exclusive-first-photo-of-jungle-panasonics-portable-online-gaming-system Panasonic's portable online system. Kind of a silly anme, but it's most likely a placeholder until they figure out something better. It's supposed to be mostly for MMORPGs, but runs Linux, which is what almost every MMO of any kind doesn't run on. I can't see how this is supposed to be the thing that gets everyone to play outside, as it's not the native system for every game it supposed to be for. But the specs are supposed to be pretty good, like HD display and HDMI output with full wireless (maybe even 3G). Could be a fun little toy to mess around with if you're a Linux expert. Yes, I had to use the pun in the title it's required by law. Also, .
  13. Well, i should have changed it, yeah. But really, it's only two remixes that I'm not sure if they're still being done or not. They were both very far along, but now I have to wonder if they are getting cut or not. Everyone bug pu_freak for those two remixes.
  14. Well, there is this one game, I played it years ago. It came with my GameBoy as a pack-in, it was a puzzle game where these different shaped blocks fell on top of others, and if you made a line across the screen, they disappeared and you got points for it. I think it was based upon some Russian thing of some kind.
  15. The only other Apple IIe games I can recall were Prince of Persia and a WWII side-view fighter plane game. Sadly, neither one match what you're describing. Maybe a list of Apple IIe games might help job your memory?
  16. Motion to have Zircon and Chthonic use those same fonts in all regards, ie: their name field, their signature, and whenever someone types their name, it will appear just like that.
  17. Did you guys know there's a secret mission in the campaign? I didn't. I found it by accident when I got bored and went about destroying everything I could find. It's in the map where you use the Odin to attack the UNN network on Korhal. In the bottom right corner, there's a civilian building. Destroy it, and an object appears. Grab it with any ground unit, and it unlocks a mission you can play from your bridge. I'm not going to spoil it, but it's one of those infiltration-based missions where you have a set number of units. The real fun part, though, is how they use the game engine to create traps.
  18. PROBLEM SOLVED! GO BACK TO YOUR HOMES, and wait for further instructions.
  19. Hmmm... I got 3.6.10, so it's up to date. Maybe older versions don't have any issue with it? Or my system is just being stupid for no reason.
  20. No, I meant, click on "sync video to slide" and watch it crash Firefox.
  21. Cool. Well, the 32 gb SD cards are SDHC, so... EDIT: Also, anyone watching the English video for the press conference? Click on "synchronize video to slide" and tell me what happens.
  22. The price is exactly what I was expecting. How much was I expecting it? I have 5 fresh $100 bills in my desk, that's how much. That would be $300 for the 3DS, and $200 for games and a few misc accessories, in case you were wondering about the math. Sadly, the lack of a definitive North America price and date suck a bit, but at least we have solid info now. Two questions, in case anyone can help clarify: 1. Is that black dock thing a wireless charger? It looks like it might be, as none of the new videos show any kind of plugging in cables. 2. Any more news on the SD card slot? Specifically, is it SDXC or SDHC compatible? I'd like to know what I can do with that extra memory, and how much I can use.
  23. That's a good point... I don't think anyone has mentioned that so far.
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