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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I'd try it... but I have way too many songs on this here project, ROCK!
  2. Awesome! Really soundtrack-y, reminds me of the Fifth Element score. I even like the structure so far... it gives it character, can't wait to see where it goes.
  3. I demand more Dougan! Also, the My Love/Humps mashup was pretty good.
  4. I'm still waiting on Luiza. Though, I'll probably add a few bars to my half of the mix soon. I've got some killer ideas.
  5. Hi there, my fine feath...ered friends! So, lately I've been listening to more rock musics, & it's starting to show in my originals. I've got these 2 wips I've been making... they're still rough, one moreso than the other. I'm thinking of adding my vocals at some point, but right now, they're just instrumentals. Thrash - A very... breakbeat-ish... synth rock-ish track. I'm still debating if I should get a live guitar instead of the crunchy synth. in dust - Kinda trip hop... but not really. I just might add in some epic string parts. Also should add, this are really early, & basically a jumble of ideas at the moment. So, yeah, feedback appreciated.
  6. So tomorrow is "Beatdrizzle, my shizzle grizzle!"? In anycase, Happy Birfday guy. Happy birfday indeed.
  7. Well, I'm keeping my pimp hand strong. You know, for the mixing.
  8. Yeah, man, I agree with OCRemixgfan. It follows the original a bit to much. Sounds kinda like a midi rip. You should really play around with the melody a bit more.
  9. For the record, if anone still wonders how someone in Texas got to hera the CD before they did... just read what zirc said he would do on the 10th, if asked. then read a few pages more, & see what I asked zircon. Then, blam, you get the answer!
  10. dude, I swear I'll have something to show you for Gambit... soon-ish. I've just got to find(make) some time.
  11. That's totally rock! Though, if you haven't already sent them out, I'd like to donate my CD to the charity. Sell it, make them some more money!
  12. Dude, the album rocks. It has at least 3 tracks that sound like Sreets of Rage Next Gen. Hardcore. Also, the 2 more "Anthemic" tracks, Breathing You In & Antigravity, did not disappoint! Rock!
  13. Whoa... was my speling that bad in the original email. Man, I needs to double check spelling stuffs when I send it in the middle of the night (in reference to my comments!). Nonetheless(sp?), twas an honor, sir. An honor I say!
  14. "a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy." Heck yeah! Also, were you still going to allow those of us who preordered a chance to d/l the wavs free?
  15. Long story short, the project will be hardcore as hell. When you finally do hear it, your face will melt & you'll be transported to another dimension, ala that episode of "Billy & Mandy" in which Mandy smiles & the world ends. Hoozah!
  16. Yayers, yayers... yayers.
  17. [incoherent] Yeah, & I replied... & I'm tired, also I bought a 42 HDTV... it is awesome! Yay, tired & happy, rambling, peace out![/incoherent]
  18. I's is cool with it, yo! You know, provided I actually made it on the album.
  19. Am I still a part of the project? I mean, I dropped out, but if you need me for anything, I'll take a look at it & see if I can get anything.
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