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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Well, in that case I think we should.
  2. Beautiful. The demoscene/chiptune community is going to have a field day with this.
  3. I love you. And yeah. Tesla.
  4. Is it just me, or is the guy's crotch glowing with a rainbow aura @ 1:01?
  5. A little bit of googling about lead me to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Studio Sounds VERY cool. Some of the apps it comes pakaged with definitely look like they're worth checking out. I think I'm going to stick with regular Ubuntu for now, but this is definitely worth keeping in mind for when I get a more studio oriented machine.
  6. Mildly funny story... I used to have the Super Mario Bros. soundset as my system sounds. You know the the "Boing!" sound when you hit a "?" brick and get a coin? Well, somehow it sneaked its way into one of my school projects while I was exporting the audio. Strangely enough, the levels were perfect and it hit exactly on the beat, so I just left it in there. Everyone who heard it later actually though I had put it in intentionally.
  7. I used WUBI. It made installation deceptively easy. Just be ready to do some major web savaging for working out the initial kinks once you get everything installed. For example, it took me a while to figure out this wireless thing (just figured it out about an hour ago; Thanks Drack!), but after a lot of digging around I got it. Learned a lot from the process too. Don't let that scare you away though. The OS has definitely been worth the work so far. Tell me more about this JACK server thing. I've never heard of it before. Hellish learning curves are a small price to pay for excellent software. I'm actually going to school for Audiovisual stuff, and I plan to do it professionally when I'm done. I figure it's probably worth it to figure out how to use the best tools now while I'm learning.
  8. I'm surprised there aren't more remixes out there with squawking otakus in the background.
  9. I've heard there's some decent alternatives to Pro Tools, but I'm waiting to see what's recommended before I clutter up my hard drive.
  10. Ironically, I'm actually using a craptacular Broadcom 4306 trying to connect to a craptacular Belkin router, which is connected to our craptacular local phone company's craptacular DSL service. I knew this would be an uphill battle from the beginning. ANYWAY... I wanna get this back on topic, so it doesn't get moved to Tech Assistance for n00bz (though it might not be a bad idea to start a separate thread there). Recommend me some good open source and/or linux programs. General everyday use stuff, fun games, and anything creative (music, video, pics, etc.) would be awesome... or just stuff you've found useful.
  11. If you're being serious, then I feel like a huge asshole... but I'm pretty sure you're not. I think my Sarcasm-Detector plugin needs updated. Back on topic... background noise is pretty cool if you're not trying to make something sound studio quality. Though sometimes it makes the recording seem that much more... organic, maybe?
  12. This thread could turn out to be really fun. You pic is definitely a good concept, though I agree that it's a bit choppy. What did you use to make it?
  13. Agreed, mostly. Still trying to figure out the wireless thing myself actually. Best I've been able to figure out, the problem isn't so much the drivers as it is the proprietary firmware can't be distributed freely, so you're left trying to figure out ways around it. Really it's not so much an issue of inferiority in design as much as it is a problem that not all third party developers have embraced the OS yet. It's kinda like saying Windows is a better system than Mac because it has more games. And I'm not really saying that it's better because it's open source (though I'm not not saying that either), but if you had the choice to get a good product for free, or pay for an okay product, what would you pick? I don't have to give my money to Microsoft (who I really have issues with ethically), and in general, Linux seems to function better. At least if I can figure out this wireless thing... which isn't that big of an issue yet, since I can just plug in an ethernet cable for now. And like I said in the OP, I still keep Windows around for a few things. EDIT: As far as my tastes go, I really like anything game related or anything related to creating artsy stuff, like music, video, pictures, etc. Also, I really enjoy non-video game role-playing, if there's anything out there like that. Beyond that, I'm just looking for general use stuff.
  14. lol @ Atmuh complaining about someone's posting quality. Actually, make that a rofl.
  15. After countless years of feeling guilty for giving my money to a private company I abhor (Microsoft), I finally came to see the light and realized that there are few proprietary software products that don't have equal or superior open source alternatives. So I switched to Linux. Specifically, Ubuntu 8.04. Still working out a few kinks (I'm completely ignorant about hardware, networking, and coding in general), but overall everything is running smoothly. So far I'm liking it much better than Windows XP... mostly because it's faster, it lets me uninstall stuff I don't want, and it doesn't do stuff behind my back like a cheating spouse. The only reason I use Windows at all now is for a few games and Propellerhead Reason. Any starting advice for a n00b? Any recommended Free/Libre or Open Source apps for Linux?
  16. That pic is amazing. In fact, I think I wanna rip it off for my facebook picture now. Permission from copyright holder? Pretty please?
  17. Probably not, but I also doubt that I'm the only one who liked it. A lot.
  18. So everyone's favorite dystopian future/Mega Man/rock opera band just released a new demo to everyone on their mailing list. Their music is all original, but it's video game related enough that I figured that there's probably at least a few fans on OCR. The Protomen - Breaking Out (Demo) It's obviously not entirely finished, but that hasn't kept me from listening to it repeatedly all day. If you're familiar with their first album, prepare for something much different sounding. It's very... early 80s, maybe? I was very surprised with what I heard when I first listened, but honestly, it seems to me that they're improving quite a bit as musicians. Personally, if the new album is going to sound anything remotely as good as this, I'm going to be really pumped. Thoughts?
  19. I like death metal, but I'm not that familiar with it. Though I REALLY like it when death metal bands throw in some variety and incorporate other genres into their music, rather than just constant wall-o-sound (which is pretty cool too... just not as cool).
  20. So it says that you've teamed up with GearCrave, but what is OCR's involvement in this exactly?
  21. The purpose of VGMix was much different than OCR's. VGMix was much more of a community meant for people to build off of each others' skills, while OCR is clearly meant to showcase only the best of best. After things cooled off between Dave and Jake, I think both of them would have told you that neither of the sites were trying to compete with each other.
  22. Sinewav


    Except this isn't a research paper. It's a thread about a Uwe Boll movie. Click the citation yourself if you care so much.
  23. That was pretty neat. But what does it have to do with Twisted Metal? Is this based on a game or something?
  24. I actually saw this recently, and I expected it to suck massively. I'm pleased to say that I actually enjoyed it very much. The cheesy announcer and the cartoony character modeling style gives off a bad first impression, but if you can get past that without writing off the movie completely, it gets much better. Obviously, this is marketed towards kids more than anyone else, and surprisingly this is actually turns out to be a good discussion IMO. One of the more interesting characters is Anakin's padawan who kinda reminds me of Jade and Batgirl from Jackie Chan Adventures and the most recent Batman cartoon respectively. I think the biggest thing this movie improves upon from the new trilogy is that it actually has a pretty decent sense of humor. Anakin and his padawan do a lot of bickering that is actually somewhat reminiscent of the old Star Wars movies. In that regard, I think a lot of the movie's charm is that it doesn't take itself too seriously like the last two did (and the one before it overdid the humor). Anywho, this is actually a movie I'd be willing to see again, which is unusual for me. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of wannabe movie critics out there who rag on it for all the obvious reasons, but if you go into the theater with an open mind and a positive demeanor towards Saturday morning cartoons, I think you'll find you enjoy it more than expected. Did anyone else see this? Thoughts?
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