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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Holy crap. First Jill's album, then Audix's album, now this. I hardly ever win contests like this, but I seem to be on a winning streak when it comes to OCR. So what now? Are they going to email us with prize info?
  2. lol. I think he's just joking with you.
  3. SUCCESS! Personally, while I agree with you about the repetitiveness, I think you were on the right track with this. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to see you take another swing at Chemical Overdose with everything new you've learned in the past few years.
  4. In other news, a recent study has found that sex is the leading cause of pregnancy and that cancer is the leading cause of death among cancer patients. Story at 11.
  5. The 2002 Honda Accord stock audio system. It sounds good enough to me.
  6. Since it's up for free, I'm assuming it's probably not illegal for me to ask this: Can anyone email/upload/torrent (or find a torrent; I can't) this for me? I'm running on Linux (which iTunes is not compatible with) and it doesn't work correctly on on windows for me. I don't get to listen to new music outside of OCR much these days, because I have a big conscience about piracy, and I'm too poor to pay money for it... so I try to do my best to snatch up any chance I get to listen to some free stuff.
  7. Note to fellow OCR users from a (hopefully by now) trusted/respected member, sinewav: I thought this was spam at first, but it definitely is not. It's actually pretty on-topic and interesting. Basically it's a nerdy music blog, and it's doing a contest that some users here might be interested in.
  8. Could you give us some of the other titles you were looking for? Maybe we could hunt them down too. As for the tale of VGMix, I believe it went something like this... *cue dream sequence music* VGMix is a video game remixing site originally created out of a feud between djpretzel (ocremix owner/creator) and virt (former judge). Both of them have since then made amends with each other, but the two sites continued on separately. The big difference between OC remix and VGMix, is that anyone can post a mix on vgmix where quality control is maintained with listener reviews and some kind of point system, while at OCR songs are accepted or rejected by the judges panel. In early '06, VGMix was hacked by (ironically) another disgruntled OC Remix judge, who after leaving the panel, has been generally giving everyone in the video game music community a hard time with his abilities to bend computers to his twisted will. Virt lost a lot of songs (how many I'm not sure) and has since been working on/pretending he's working on VGMix v3 (the hacked one was VGMix v2). If you go to VgMix now, it just has VGMix X as a placeholder, and the 2.5 version of the old forums.
  9. Wow. I'm not familiar with the source tune, but that song is friggin' great for a newbie remixer.
  10. Uh if anyone checks this, soon, ChatZilla keeps saying that there is no such thing as "irc.esper.net"
  11. Happy birthday, 5 and a half hours late.
  12. lol. Didn't he try and work his computer magic against OurStage at one point? Kinda weird seeing one of his songs competing legitimately after all that. But I guess even OurStage can't say no to those tasty tunes.
  13. Knowing Japanese would be really useful right about now. Cool contest though. How would an english speaking person get involved?
  14. Why'd you have to bring that up? My mom just had a huge seizure and nearly died last week. They put a pacemaker in at the hospital. I hope you feel terrible now. Just kidding. Except, everything I said was true. Including the almost dying part. I hope you feel terrible.
  15. Good Lord, Jeremy.
  16. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!! I can never enter competitions here because of time constraints, but I should easily be able to carve out an hour to participate in this. Can someone help a brotha out and tell me how to assign General MIDI instruments to a MIDI file made in something like Reason 3?
  17. Does this count?
  18. Which build of linux were you using? Ubuntu as a desktop is really a million times easier for me than Windows (which I've been using for years), and I just started using it a few days ago. VerSus22, I started a new thread over in Help to try and figure this thing out for you. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=445556#post445556 NOW BACK ON TOPIC! ALL OF YOU! I know there's a ton of good stuff out there, but so far in the last 3 pages, I've only gotten a few suggestions. This makes me sad. <------ See that? Sad.
  19. I'm starting this thread so that my other linux thread can get back on topic. For the rest of you out their who might want to jump in and help (I'm fairly new at this, so some real experience would be much appreciated), here's what I know from the conversation so far: He's using Unbuntu 8.4 Hardy Heron installed using WUBI, presumably on Windows XP or possibly Vista. So far it sounds like a similar issue I had with my Broadcom 4306 wireless card. I figured it out with a little help from Drack and this post on Ubuntuforums.com, though I barely made it through all that, and I imagine it would be a little over this guy's head for now. VerSus22: I'm going to try and walk you through this as baby-steps as I can, but know that it's not because I think you're dumb or something. It's mostly just because half the time when I scour teh intarwebs for answers to issues like this, people always throw a bunch of technical jargon at me and expect me to somehow know what they're talking about. This pisses me off, and it makes learning much harder. So first off. Up in the top left corner of your screen, click Applications/Accessories/Terminal/. Once you've done this, type in "lspci". A big list of hardware stuff should come up. Highlight, right-click, and copy all of it, then post it here. Specifically I'm looking for the item called "Network Controller".
  20. Look, all I'm trying to say is that Intel is going to usher in 1000 years of peace and harmony followed by 1000 years of war and famine. Not that big of a deal.
  21. Think of all of the places in the world that don't have electricity right now because of the cost of wiring everything up: Third world countries could very feasibly get vastly improved healthcare systems. Hospitals could have the most advanced technology, even in the most remote locations. Production and everyday use of electric cars would become much more practical for everyone. Energy costs would plummet to the point of being nearly inconsequential. If we suddenly didn't need to rely on something as simple as an electric outlet to operate our high powered machines on a day to day basis, global society could quite possibly skyrocket into beautiful Utopian levels of World Harmony. The potential of this kind of technology to advance the human race is beyond all human understanding. And then think what would happen when someone entered the "world code" for the government's top secret EMP satellite weapon: Our dependence upon technology would have grown far past the point of no return. People would forget how to operate without all of our newfound luxuries. A third World War dubbed "The Energy Wars" would break out all across the globe as nations struggle for alternate energy sources. Cities would burn just for the heat and women and children would be eaten just for survival. If we suddenly had to rely on something as simple as our wits rather than technology just to survive on a day to day basis, global society could devolve into unthinkable Dystopian levels of Hell on Earth. The potential of this kind of technology to destroy the human race is beyond all human understanding. PS: I love writing science fiction.
  22. I love how you can get away with quoting Modest Mouse lyrics because you're a girl. If one of us guys did that, everyone would tell 'em to take it to LiveJournal. Good song, btw.
  23. Fair enough. I guess the difference was that I went in with low expectation on a whole, but high hopes that they'd get the whole saturday morning cartoon thing down. Everyone is right in saying that it didn't really feel like a real Star Wars movie. It felt more like a pilot episode for a Star Wars cartoon (which is exactly what it was). I guess the difference is that I went in with different expectations. That, and I actually LIKE shows aimed at a kid demographic. But that's just me. Point is, I can understand why a lot of people were disappointed... though you've at least gotta admit that Jabba's gay uncle was a pretty amusing concept. And I didn't know that about Hutts. I don't get into the Expanded Universe very often outside of video games. You make a very good point. It's actually a bit like the Matrix trilogy in that way. It was really exciting and full of mystery and wonder, until they go and turn the protagonists into nigh-unstoppable combat mosters and explain away all of the mystery with some boring Hollywood pseudo-science. Star Wars (and the matrix for that matter) were... and would still be much more entertaining with more flawed beatable heroes. Kinda like how 24 started to get boring once you realized nothing bad was ever going to happen to Jack Bauer.
  24. Well, first of all are you trying to connect via Wireless or though an Ethernet cable? Also, I just downloaded the Ubuntu Studio audio package last night. Haven't got to play around with much of it yet, but I can safely say that Hydrogen completely wallops Reason's ReDrum. Doesn't have the schnazzy GUI, but it's easily just as functional (if not more so), and it's pretty easy to figure out if you've worked with programs like it before. Oh yeah, and it's free. I love this.
  25. Sweet. I'm kinda tempted to actually fill up my tank and head down there. I really don't have any money though.
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