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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. I've just grown accustomed to a more intelligent form of speculation around here... not this "OMGZ DED RIZING WITH WAGLEZ GIOING 2 SUX HAR HAR" drivel. Personally, I haven't heard official mention of any downgrades that Capcom hasn't addressed yet. From what I've read so far, it sounds like they're doing their best to make sure this game stays fun. Let's let them do their thing before we pass judgment.
  2. Of course posting illegal links is against the forum rules, but I didn't get the impression he was looking to pirate it... just asking where he can get it. Like a link to an import shop or something.
  3. http://www.cuil.com/search?q=cuil and http://www.cuil.com/search?q=cuil.com ============================vs.================================ http://www.cuil.com/search?q=google and http://www.cuil.com/search?q=google.com I don't say this often but... FAIL.
  4. Why is it that whenever a port is announced for the Wii, everyone assumes right off the bat that it's going to suck? I can't believe I just wasted my time reading 4 pages of people whining over hypothetical situations. I feel like I'm on the GameFAQs forums.
  5. So why bother releasing this to the public when it still needs so much work? It's not like they were on some strict deadline for a release date, were they?
  6. This is a serious question... not sarcasm: Where would one ask for OSTs if not in the Community forums?
  7. So I was driving around today listening to some of the more rock oriented OCR and DoD tunes, and I decided that it's time I finally learn to do some of that crazy stuff myself. To clarify, I'm not a complete guitar noob. I've been playing casually for many years, and I'm very comfortable with simple strumming and fingerpicking of all the basic chord shapes. It's just the second I try to do a solo, melody, or rhythm part that isn't just chords. It's not that I can't get my fingers to move in the right patterns... it's just that I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. The way I generally learn an instrument is to play a few songs I like over and over until I feel comfortable with them, then I move on to something else. So I looked at some guitar tab websites to try and pick out a few songs I liked, but the problem is that most of the stuff is really inaccurate... Anyone have some OCR or other remix tabs that I could practice with? I guess I just really don't know where to start. Are there some scales I should be learning or something?
  8. HA! Never noticed that before... The thing I found most interesting about that film were those little one man aircraft that had wings like a dragonfly's... I'm surprised I haven't seen that ripped off anywhere yet.
  9. Good lord, I've seen more intelligent flame wars between 9 year olds. Grow up and calm the hell down.
  10. Looks like I might have to dig out my old copy of this after all.
  11. Yeah... not enough original movies. But at least it's a movie WORTH getting a sequel, instead of yet another Alien Vs. Predator or something.
  12. Yeah... my computer is to crappy to run TF2, so I keep hoping... Maybe I'll ask the guys in the TF2 thread if they think I might be able to get it to run on my piece o' crap machine.
  13. I've never played MM7 before, but this is great. Turboman's stage is really frustrating me though.
  14. You really should use the EDIT button instead of triple posting. People around here don't particularly care for that sort of thing.
  15. That sounds like just about every choir I've been in.
  16. Dude. I loved this game... I might have to pick up another copy. Clan OCR matches anyone?
  17. Good luck guys! I'll be voting for you.
  18. Thanks. I knew all those countless hours I spent sitting on my fat ass eating popcorn coated butter would someday become useful to others.
  19. I'd be very interested, though all I have is Audacity and a Shure SM57 plugged in through my laptop's mic jack. I have a little bit of choir experience. I can do either tenor or baritone. How are you going to get everyone timbre to match over the internet? Singing in a choir is different than singing solo, as I'm sure you already know.
  20. who's djp? sum noob? Yeah, I know it's overdone. Happy Birthday dude.
  21. Typos are truly the greatest form of comedy.
  22. Laputa is one of my favorite movies, and I'm not even into anime that much. I'll have to try this Mega Man Legends game. What system is it for?
  23. I love this thread. I'm a big movie geek, and you pretty much just asked me to listed half of my collection... Off top my head, here's some movies I would consider to be an 9/10 or higher on the manliness scale. 300 Army of Darkness Azumi Big Trouble in Little China Braveheart Crank Chronicles of Riddick (sequel to Pitch Black) Desperado Die Hard Escape from New York Falling Down Fearless Hard Boiled Hot Fuzz (it's a comedy, but if you like action movies you'll love it) Leon The Professional Lucky Number Slevin (another non-action film, but the characters are so badass) Machine Girl Man on Fire Once Upon a Time in Mexico Pitch Black Planet Terror Predator (lots of cheesy one liners and manly action.. GEET TO THA CHOPPA!) Rambo Shoot 'Em Up (he has sex while gunfighting; it doesn't get manlier than that) Smokin' Aces ...and pretty much anything with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Bruce Willis is guaranteed to be a giant man-fest. Also, clips: Falling Down Plant Terror http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrSj_9GEgYk&feature=related Machine Girl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2mmjxLe3ZQ
  24. I've gotta ditto what just about everyone in this thread has said so far. Though I'm gonna make my own personal addendum to what a few of you have said: Yeah, go ahead and get yourself a beater guitar/rental instrument/whatever. BUT if after a few weeks of playing you decide that it's something you want to keep doing, start looking into getting something a little nicer. The nicer the instrument you're playing with, the easier it will be to learn. Or as my piano tuner once told me, "A musician is only as good as the instrument he practices on." Also, it will sound better and motivate you to practice more. I started out on a crappy little electronic Casio keyboard and a $50 Yamaha practice guitar. My brother started on a rental cello. They worked just fine starting out, but both of us eventually hit a wall and got discouraged. Once we upgraded our instruments, both of us started making major improvements in our abilities. Also: Quality =! Expensive. One of my favorite guitars only cost me $250 brand new.
  25. My worldview has just been shattered. Next up: djpretzel isn't actually a DJ and Liontamer has never tamed a lion.
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