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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Exactly. Since when did this become a bad thing? This is coming from a guy who regularly enjoys no-name indie/art films.
  2. For example, some of you may have heard of "A=440". This basically means that a click or similar drum sound will generate an A note when played at a tempo of 440. I think that's what he's getting at anyway. I've experienced something similar, and possibly related. Sometimes when I'm listening to music (live or recorded), but not necessarily paying immediate attention to it... it will sound like the song skips a beat. Like a CD skipping, but it's almost always exactly 1 beat regardless of tempo. Am I going crazy or is this normal?
  3. http://www.drawnbypain.com/ It's an interesting low-budget/indie merging of live action and hand-drawn animation. It takes a few episodes to get the story going, but the depth of emotion displayed by the main character makes this series really engaging for me. Anyway, everything but the last episode has been posted. Has anyone else been following this? What do you think of it so far?
  4. Amen to that. Shoot 'em Up was a lot of fun.
  5. +1 to people who think X-Wing Series and Tachyon where amazing. (I was to young to realize who Bruce Campbell was, but not to young to realize that the game was incredibly well made.) I played Beyond the Red Line a little bit, and it was EXTREMELY well made. I had a lot of difficulty getting it to run smoothly on my computer though and wound up uninstalling it . I'd still highly recommend trying it out.
  6. favorites thread lock/delete kthx. But really, this seems pretty cool. I just hope it doesn't get overrun by fanboys voting for their favorite game instead of the best song... like when GameFAQs does this sort of thing.
  7. I'm glad they didn't trash it just because it sounded like crap. Remember this next time you make something you think is innovative, but just not "good enough" to make the cut.
  8. Yeah, pretty much what Dshu said.
  9. Not knowing anything about the comic, I thought the trailer looked pretty cool, if only for the special effects (not something I usually judge a movie based on, but these ones looked particularly cool). The plot seems fairly typical for an action movie, but if the guy who directed Nightwatch is behind this, it should at least be pretty. Usually movies with Angelina Jolie are a turnoff for me, but the Matrix was still pretty fun in spite of Keanu Reeves, and this looks like a similar sort of concept. I'm honestly hoping for the best with this one, but I'm in agreement that nothing this summer is going to be as cool as The Dark Knight.
  10. I'll wear my OCR shirt (black). When did they make these jerseys? I've been lurking here since 2002 and I don't really remember them at all. And I'll consider purchasing an OCR shirt, since my current one is starting to get worn out.
  11. I'm enjoying this Oceanlane band. I would never have guessed that they were Japanese. Their english is even clearer that most american bands of this style, and their sound would fit in well on the playlists of some of the local alternative radio stations I listen to.
  12. Man, it's really sad that I know the names and faces of so many terrible actors and actresses, but I am made aware of real talent like this only upon his death. Rest in Peace.
  13. I'm really wanting to do the 21c Hotel thing. That place looks awesome. One problem... I just had surgery, and my sinuses are all clogged and apparently making me snore very loudly. Supposedly, I should be better buy the time of the meetup, but no promises. just to be cautious, is there anyone who isn't going to sleep much, or sleeps really hard, who would like to share a room? Transportation: Yes. Batman: Hell, Yes. Helping out Mr. Tallarico: Sure. What kind of stuff would we be helping Tommy with? I'm more than willing to lend a helping hand, even if it's just carrying equipment. Just curious.
  14. Wow. This is really exciting... congratulations. Remember me when you're famous .
  15. Amen to that. I remember this from back when it was a WIP. I must have looped it a hundred times back then. I couldn't begin to imagine how it could get any better... now I'm hearing it again with the addition of the piano and violin section, and improved guitar work. Excellent work guys. Looks like the rest of my iTunes library finally gets to take a vacation.
  16. Dayum. You're like the Indiana Jones of remix finding.
  17. By all technical means... yes, you're right. However, isn't it pretty much common knowledge (at least in game music circles) that remixing is accepted and even encouraged by the industry? I can't imagine that OCReMix takes away from the profits of these companies whatsoever... in fact I imagine it does just the opposite in some cases. So although it's technically illegal (though it is somewhat of a grey area; I've heard many different interpretations of the copyright law regarding these matters), we don't have to worry about the copyright holders at all. While I suppose this part of my music collection doesn't follow the letter of the law, from what I've seen, it seems to be fairly accepted that it follows the spirit of the law. Also, (and I realize this isn't a valid argument from a legal standpoint) we're talking about remixes here. The industry is going to go after people who have pirated original copies of original music, not liberal re-imaginings of their tunes. Have you ever heard of the RIAA suing a garage band for covering a pop song? It's along the same lines, methinks.
  18. Just throwing more ideas out there... It doesn't solve to problem of the quality of the reviews, but maybe we could get more reviews if we launched some kind of "WIP awareness month" campaign... we had a good turnout with Support OCR month, and the whole remix review writing campaign... why stop there? I personally rarely go onto the WIP boards, not because I'm uninterested, but because I forget that they're there. When you enter the site the layout imediately draws you toward either the newest remixes (which I'm sure is intentional) or the Community Discussion boards. When you enter the forums main page (assuming you don't click straight to CommDisc) the WIP boards are all the way at the bottom of the page. Out of sight, out of mind.
  19. Well the idea wasn't to get more reviews, but to give the WIP posters a way to differentiate between good and bad advice. Fishy makes a good point though. Non-Pro reviewers might get discouraged when some people ignore their advice, even if it's valid.
  20. Are you talking about this?
  21. #ocrwip is a million times more useful than the WIP boards. Most of the people who hang out in the channel are really cool and just sit there waiting for something to evaluate. I've been in there a number of times and I got some excellent feedback. I'd also make the suggestion that you put a link to your WIP board thread in your sig. It usually only helps a little, but it does help. zirc: instead of "appointing" official WIP reviewers, why not just give a special "Pro-WIP Reviewer" (or something like it) status to regulars who regularly give good advice? It would make the distinction clear that they are a voice to pay heed to, but aren't necessarily on the same level as the judges. Maybe you also could appoint a judge or a moderator not to review songs, but to screen the quality of reviews? Just a thought.
  22. I honestly can't think of anything to change... this song is pure sex. I love the low-fi drums and the rhodes keys. The guitar adds a sort of laidback intesity to the piece. I'd YES it.
  23. This has been a long time coming. I'm gonna miss him though. I found his antics very amusing.
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