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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. I did not realize this. Very useful indeed. Test.
  2. Can't believe no one has responded to this... looks awesome. Makes me wish I lived somewhere remotely close to it.
  3. This. IMO, most musicians don't develop their sense of rhythm as much as they should. It's especially important for bass players to be able to cooperate with the drums (especially the kick drum). If you have a kick drum playing one rhythm and the bass isn't complimenting it, things start to sound muddy and awkward. If what I'm saying doesn't make much sense to you, don't worry. Just do your best to focus on the drums when you're playing along with a song and it should come to you naturally with practice.
  4. I agree. Just throwing it out there, that's all.
  5. I for one, don't have any illegal music on my computer, which is exactly why it bothers me that the government and the RIAA wants to grant itself the right to go through my stuff. Border and airport security is one thing... but being searched in my own home without a warrant? It's hardly the same thing. I don't blame anyone for wanting to protect their copyrights... but it's a ridiculous double standard to demand that your rights be protected by infringing on the rights of other, unrelated parties.
  6. It's a complete story, unless he decides to make a sequel.
  7. This program is great. $14 for learning mode is a steal too. I think it would be awesome to try to put together a collection of MIDI versions of OCR piano tunes for use with this program. I bet a lot of people would buy this program just to learn some Reuben Kee or klutz. I agree. There are more than enough so-called "guitarists" who think they're hot shit because they can pound out all three chords of some Green Day song. We don't need the same thing for pianists. However, for someone like me who has a little bit of theory knowledge and CAN read sheet music (but doesn't like to), this is a great practice tool. It's not the end-all for piano learning programs, but it's a good suppliment to lessons and a great place to start.
  8. The game looks fairly... normal... for a singleplayer-focused FPS. I'll agree though, the shrink ray looks awesome. The show that had all the clips was really entertaining too.
  9. I think the predictability is actually a good thing in this case. There is a constant sense of doom looming over the reader at all times. You see it coming... but it's the journey there that makes it so intense. This story might make an interesting concept for a live action roleplaying game...
  10. Yeah, I'd much rather spend my money supporting artists who aren't in it for the money... especially one's who distribute their music for free, like in the free music thread. Movies are a much different case, I think. I imagine that movie piracy mostly limited to the more net-savvy people like BitTorrent users, as opposed to music which has much smaller file sizes and is much more readily accessible.
  11. I listened to the source tune and it's been stuck in my head all day! I really don't have any time for this, but I just might have to put something together for my personal satisfaction.
  12. Linky Thought this was interesting. What do you think? Will we finally be getting Pheonix Wright: Ace Judge?
  13. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that it's illegal by now. There's just lots of people out there who don't care. They should be stopped, but laws like this don't help. It's just an excuse for The Man to rifle through our hard drives as if they're channel surfing.
  14. I posted my feelings about this in Dshu's thread (EDIT: this post was in the wingless' thread before it was merged with Dshu's), but I'll go ahead and say it here: Everyone should read this. It's that good.
  15. Sweet. I didn't realize Bushnell founder Chuck E. Cheese too. DiCaprio biopics are usually pretty good. I'll definitely be going to see this one.
  16. No argument here, Imagery. Personally, I'm adamantly against digital piracy, but laws like this serve no practical purpose but to take away peoples' rights.
  17. I think it was prophesied in the Bible somewhere.
  18. How long has the database had a listing for this game? I used to hang out in the ClanOCR irc channel and participate in some Pokemon Diamond/Pearl matches, but I never noticed this game listed there before. Maybe I just didn't pay attention to it because I'd never heard of it. Alpha servers are where I've been playing too. EdgeCrusher: What is it exactly about this game that you don't like besides the players? Everything seems really well designed and balanced to me.
  19. Wait so it doesn't require a copy of Q2 to play it? Cool.
  20. Actually, one of the things that makes me like it so much is the quality of players. One of the things that really irritates me about Counter-Strike are people exactly like what you're talking about... So far I've had exactly the opposite experience with this game. The other day I couldn't figure out how to plant the bomb, and the hardcore crazy awesome players didn't even care. The community is very n00b friendly IMO. The only thing I've seen people get kicked for is outright cheating. Also I think there's been some updates since you last played, because I've had no problem with the water movement. I'd love to try AQ2 and the other variants, but I have no money for the retail games . Tremulous looks interesting though, so I'll give it a try.
  21. I thought you said this was a kid's movie.
  22. http://www.urbanterror.net/ So recently, I downloaded and became extremely addicted to this game that I found in the freeware thread. It's sorta Counter-Strikesque, but not necessarily a clone. The website accurately describes it as "a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game." It's really easy to pick up... I've only been playing for a few days and even the ridiculously skilled hardcore gamers are fun to play against. Personally, I also appreciate the fact that it's one of the few good multiplayer FPSes that runs smoothly on my piece of crap computer. So I was wondering: any OCR folk who play this game? I'd love to schedule some OCR matches and possibly get a clan together or something.
  23. I don't know about their basses, but Ibanez makes a great electric guitar. I've always been a big fan of the action on their necks (not that that would mean anything to you).
  24. Man, I can't get this thing to run for the life of me. I open it up and get a black screen and nothing else. Tried all the troubleshooting in the manual and got nothing. And apparently the Radeon IGP 320M is integrated into the motherboard and ATI doesn't even support it... so drivers or upgrading to a better card aren't even options. I hate my laptop.
  25. I took piano lessons for 10+ years, but I never practiced until I quit the lessons about 5 years ago. Now I write my own stuff and play it all the time. I took guitar lessons for about 5 years, and I'm fairly competent at that, but also fairly out of practice. My real passion is singing, and I've been self-teaching myself that for 8 years our so. I took some voice lessons in college, but for some reason they only helped me in making singing more difficult and less natural sounding. I'm probably going to destroy my voice in a few years, but nothing feels better than to belt out some rock songs while banging on a piano. I'm currently in a different college working on an associates in Audio/Video Production. From your post, I think this might be something you might want to look into. Basically, it's technical training in all the workings of film production (camera operating, lighting, editing, directing, etc.) and audio equipment (studio recording, mixing, live production, etc.) It's like an all-in-one package for learning the technical side of being creative. If you go to a small community or technical school, you'll more than likely get to learn a lot of this stuff hands on instead of wasting time on most of the garbage universities make you take. As for myself, I'm REALLY enjoying it so far. I can't recommend it enough.
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