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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. To be fair, the only time I ever go down to Clifton is when I'm seeing my doctor at the Medical Arts building. I'm willing to admit that it could be a lot more boring than it looks.
  2. I think this post will be the inspiration for my next movie. Also, I agree that this would make an cool art compo. It would be awesome to see what an OCR game cart would look like.
  3. I've always enjoyed being in the city. Louisville really surpassed my expectations. It's certainly a lot cooler than Cincinnati, with possibly the exception of the Clifton area.
  4. Anakin Skywalker is totally stabbing ifirit in the back with his lightsaber. It was fun to get to hang out with everyone. We should do it again sometime. I'm going to bed for now. I'll post pics later.
  5. I'll see you all there!
  6. The best I know of are some dice rolling programs which you can easily find with a google search. I haven't tried it yet, but I imagine something like a paint chat would be useful. I like to play a lot of old and new World of Darkness games, and a lot of the people I'd like to play with are all over the place. More tools for this sort of thing would be useful.
  7. I got a hold of him. Everything should be going cool now. Sorry if I caused any trouble.
  8. Uuuhh, maybe it was because you went to see GET SMART???
  9. Well, he's at least better at Mario Kart than I am. Though I lol'd when he slipped on his own banana peel.
  10. Your wording is a little muddled. I'm not sure I quite understand what you're trying to get at here. Could you clarify?
  11. Also, just in case anyone didn't know already, violas are almost exactly the same as cellos except that they are an octave higher.
  12. My brother is always trying to figure out video game songs on his cello, so this thread is great.
  13. Personally, I thought Capcom did an excellent job on the Wii ports of RE4 and Okami. Plus, I can finally play this game without going over to my friends house or buying a 360.
  14. Good god, it sounds like she is gargling listerine. Or someone is strangling her. Everything else is excellent though.
  15. Lets see here... road trip with ifirit and neko +1? And splitting the gas money 3 ways? Eh. Why not? Also, we all should PM ifirit our cellphone numbers just in case. That way we don't find ourselves in a situation like waiting at the hotel wondering if bgc is ever going to show up.
  16. Yeah, I'm aware of the difference. I was just using it as an example of how different things make more sense to different people. Thanks anyway for clarifying. I could see how that would get confusing.
  17. I took piano lessons for 8 years and guitar lessons for 5 years. I worked at it quite a bit, but I still can't read sheet music or tabs without stopping and figuring out each note. It just doesn't make sense to me. On a somewhat related note, I've noticed that games can be the same way. I could play Tetris all day: something about making the different shapes fit together is stimulating and makes something click in my head. My friend just can't get a hang of Tetris though. He says his brain just can't compute all the different shapes in the amount of time it takes to get to the bottom of the screen. One day he picks up this cellphone game called "Galaxy Balls" which is somewhat similar to Dr. Mario. He's hooked on it now. I tried playing it for days, but just couldn't make much sense out of all the falling colors. I think this is probably the same deal with music. This is why some people prefer tabs, others prefer sheet music, and some prefer something like Synthesia. Personally, a horizontal piano roll (I am getting used to Synthesia though) is the only thing that ever made much sense to me, even though I've been using sheet music and guitar tabs for much, much longer.
  18. Sounds good to me. We could always just roll the windows down or something if the AC isn't doing it's job.
  19. I tried to watch the videos, but it says they're not available.
  20. Hey Neko, I think I might take you up on that ride, but I need to know a few things first: 1. I get kinda claustrophobic in the back seat of some cars, so what kind of vehicle do you drive? 2. I get carsick easily, so how aggressive of a driver are you? I can bring my acoustic guitar, but something gives me the feeling that there are going to be a lot of guitars at this meetup.
  21. This brings a tear to my eye.
  22. Nice. Sounds even better than the original! The new site looks great too. Ditto atma. I'd go to one of your shows.
  23. I just listened to the first track. I think I need to take a shower now.
  24. I definitely want to see it at IMAX. I can have the cash for you when we get there. As for afterwards, I'm up for whatever really. Card games/video games sound fun. I've been brushing up on my Street Fighter II lately. Someone would probably have to re-teach me Euchre. Maybe someone could bring Super Munchkin or Killer Bunnies? Street-jamming sounds like fun too. I've never really done anything like it before.
  25. Games and music sounds like a good way to spend the evening, though I would think we would need to be somewhat quiet after dark at the hotel. Does anyone here play any instruments? I'm pretty okay on guitar and keys and I certainly wouldn't mind a jam session with some other game music enthusiast. Any particular games anyone is wanting to play?
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