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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. alright, so we're locked in a constant downward spiral, all music will soon suck due to the lack of reviews, everyone break out the razor blades and warm baths. we're screwed, and vgmix won't do anything to help the community. we get what you think already, andy, you don't have to just keep shooting everyone down after they post how they feel =) that's what ppr is for if the system is so fundamentally flawed, what do you propose to do to fix it? realistically, of course.
  2. the community's also a lot larger than when 2 was around - like, three or four times larger. i'd be really surprised if the average wip WASN'T getting more reviews nowadays.
  3. omnisphere has choral sounds, but it's not a good choral simulator. at all. you're quite limited in what you can do from a vocal standpoint, mostly just special effects and limited-application synths. i'd suggest looking into some of the EWQL choral stuff - they've got an enormous body of 'literature' to choose from.
  4. if you can think of it, there's a website for it. next time, use google.
  5. for the future, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ is way better than making a topic about it.
  6. mine's done, he just hasn't updated it yet.
  7. i agree with halc. it came down to traffic - even with a shitty track you were bound to get a few comments.
  8. IV GBA, actually.

    really, i just got bored. been a long time since i played a sprite-based FF.

  9. all of jeremy robson's remixes would be bloody fantastic. you'd also want to look at some of the work of the artist nutritious, his stuff is pretty great as well.
  10. eh, i got to the moon and got lost, and since the random encounter rate is so damn high i can't go three steps without hitting very difficult enemies. i just got sick of fighting the same few amoebas over and over again and stopped.

  11. i have VIII somewhere, if my friend ever gave it back to me. still, sqeenix is known for milking cash from its customers. you'd think they'd have released every version on PC just for the extra 20$ a pop it'd get in the bargain bin.
  12. huh, i didn't know that. i wonder why they never released X and XII on pc, then? that'd be something to see.
  13. i saw that on a feed today. i'm hoping that it comes with whatever super edition they release. i'd happily pay 150$ for that in english, with the game, some art books, a making-of dvd, and a collector's tin, or something like that.
  14. so, i'll admit it - i'm a horridly avid FF fan. i've played them all to some extent, and i've particularly enjoyed IV (never quite finished it), VIII, X, and XII. and dissidia, but i'm specifically talking about the major releases, not the 'alternates'. FFXIII marks an occasion for me - it's the first time a FF game is coming out on a console i own (i played X and XII close to launch, but i didn't own the systems so i didn't buy them). i'd like to commemorate this by getting whatever mega-super-special pack comes out. i own both the ps3 and the 360, but i'd like the ps3 version for a variety of reasons - namely, it was developed lead on a ps3, the upper end of the graphics is way higher on the ps3, i won't have eighty discs that could scratch, etc. so that's decided. what i haven't heard is any official revelations on what special-edition packs will be released. i know about that ridiculously ugly 'lightning pink' console, which i wouldn't consider even if it wasn't horrifically ugly. but i'm definitely interested in getting whatever else is released around that time. i'm planning on getting the special-edition strategy guide, and probably the soundtrack (if it's not in the box). but beyond that is up in the air. has anyone else heard anything about the special editions beyond that nasty pink thing?
  15. fantastic. make a wip that's within the genre restrictions and you're in.
  16. wow, 102? that was a LONG time ago. that's definitely a different take on this track than all of the versions that this project has created.
  17. holy SHIT. i can't wait to see you at mag, man. you're going to be more sveldt than i am! i would be pumped as hell to have vgmix back. i wasn't much into the forums, as i said before, but it'd be awesome to have the wip management and review structure back.
  18. i'm looking forward to meeting you, obtuse. i'll be there! also, emperor, face shrine is my baby. one of my first completely finished remixes that i felt was good enough to pass through the gates of OCR's judges, and then i made it BETTER with a full orchestral accompaniment to fill out the original string quartet, harp, piano, and saxophone arrangement.
  19. i got the magazines today, tomb hamilton. i'm very excited! they're not in as good of condition as i had hoped, but they're still awesome and i'm really pumped. i'm planning on sleeving them all and putting them in a collage on my wall in my 'man-cave' once we get a house, with all my game memorabilia and systems.
  20. i love the customizability of this. really cool stuff.
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