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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. there wouldn't be an issue if you showed up at magfest this year, you fruitcake.
  2. so, if i use that flp you linked on the fl forums, i'll be able to use AT and the wheel? that's honestly all i care about, really.
  3. i'm buying this thing tomorrow, if it makes all my midi data work like BGC says.
  4. i'm still not really understanding everything that jbridge does. everything works on it? how? is it a wrapper or something that brings in midi data differently?
  5. the best part is that they haven't posted since they wrote that whole thing.
  6. wait, you're getting more than 3.5 gigs in your daw in a 32-bit partition?
  7. welcome to games back in the day. you must be a young one or something to not remember these edit: who changes these damn thread titles? mine get 'adjusted' constantly. is this a mod thing? seriously? when did minimodding come back into style.
  8. yeah, i'll try it out tomorrow and tell you what happens. do you have a solution for omnisphere? that's become a big part of my work, and to be able to use aftertouch for the choruses and strings especially would be really nice.
  9. oh, i know. i was actually considering rejoining the project just to be 'that guy' when RTY was posted.
  10. there's a bunch of old lucasarts games on steam for super-cheap, if that counts.
  11. i had a thing for lost causes, but i seem to have misplaced it.
  12. trilogy, like spectrasonic's trilogy? the bass synth? i love that thing. it's soooooo phat when you need something warm and big on the bottom.
  13. so, i know that this has been repeated ad nauseum, but it appears that people don't understand how to explain themselves or use normal english in their answers over at the FLStudio forums, so as a whole i have no idea what's going on. this is for either FL 8 or 8.5 beta 4. please don't take anything for granted - i honestly don't know squat about MIDI anything. i need most everything explained to me because i don't understand the crappy tuts that are out there already. 1. is it possible to change MIDI channels from an axiom 49? i don't want to change channels in FL Studio (VSTs like orchestral or omnisphere require multiple MIDI channels per instance), rather i want to be able to select a VST in fl and then change channels directly from my keyboard. if that's not possible, what do i have to do in FL to allow me to switch between them? i use edirol orchestral and spectrasonic's omnisphere a lot, and i can't trigger anything other than whatever's in channel one for anything. i want to be able to switch between channels/layers so that i can play any of them whenever i want to - and i can't right now. it's incredibly frustrating. 2. i got the transport keys working - play, pause, and stop - but FF and REW don't appear to do anything other than bring it back to the start of the piece regardless of when i use them. i watched kablam's guide from the FL forums, but his settings don't appear to work in the 8.5 beta, at least. 3. so, is there a working way to get aftertouch into FL? i've tried about fifteen different workarounds to make it work, and nothing seems to run properly. i use both NI's massive synth and Kontakt's string modelers (gofriller, mostly), but both VSTs require the use of aftertouch to make the instruments they create sound real. gofriller is horrid without vibrato, and the only way to make it work is with aftertouch. i know my keyboard's putting it out right - both synths work fine in standalone mode - but i can't make FL actually do what it's supposed to do, no matter how i do it. i've tried doing the "link to controller" thing, the midi out thing, all that - nothing works. how is it possible that a major keyboard company like m-audio's products don't work with this program without having to tie yourself in knots? m-audio blames fl, fl blames m-audio. seriously, man up and make it work. this is ridiculous. image-line recommends buying m-audio keyboards and then nothing bloody works in their program.
  14. wait, there was an article about this and they didn't mention me at all? what a crock. i was integral to that project's fulfillment of destinies untold.
  15. http://bethblog.com/index.php/2009/07/09/daggerfall-now-available-for-free/ one of the better RPGs to ever come out for DOS. you'll need DOSbox to make it work, but that's easy to get and they've got a tut on how to make it work in your system. check it out! totally worth the money edit: stop changing thread titles, mods. it's not your business, there's nothing in the rules that says everything has to look pretty or some bullcrap like that. you changing what i write makes me look differently, not you.
  16. well, larry confirmed it in his post there: no project until 2010. he's got THE shittiest broadband in the country.
  17. i heard djp say that there actually wasn't an ff4 project at all, and it was just a way to get people to go to otakon.
  18. a mission statement? really? pretentious, if nothing else :

  19. the game was called SYMPHONY of the night, for goodness sakes. if course the sound quality would be of higher importance (this is a joke kthnx)
  20. zircon's Lunatic Moon with sixto is pretty friggin rawkin.
  21. see, i never minded that. it forced me to actually go have an idea and run with it rather than puttering around for ages. guess it's an opinion thing, then.
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