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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i'm partial to most anything by haroon piracha, star salzman, and zircon's stuff. there's been some excellent project mixes that aren't on the site as official remixes. check them out too.
  2. apple tax means that the macbook pro will likely run around $2k or so.
  3. woot.com's selling a great laptop with a 17" widescreen for 800$. it's a refurb, but it's got 500 gigs of hd space (5400rpm, though), 4 gigs of memory, and a t5800 cpu. wireless n, esata...it's a pretty nice machine. no warranty, just a 30-day thing. it's 64-bit vista, though, so compatibility might be an issue. edit: and it's got a bluray player/dvd burner.
  4. i did a track for both summoning of spirits and thieves of fate that have vocals. as time goes on was the track for SoS and thieves of fate was the self-titled lead track on the other album. both have good guitar stuff.
  5. make sure to actually set up your output properly.
  6. unfortunately, i despise aerosmith. do you need four guitars? i'll buy one off of you. i'd prefer wired, really, it saves on batteries.
  7. never got into the GH games, but i might have to. at least, with a guitar only. the peripherals are just too damn expensive.
  8. wait, you use winamp as an actual media library? that's your problem. use it for quick loading of the occasional track, but use a real media player for your library work, like itunes or songbird.
  9. i'm leaning towards this. with SE opening a cali-based office, they're probably screaming for experienced game personnel. and, like it or not, those three major series (hitman, tomb raider, and time splitters) have had moments of brilliance. i personally love hitman 4's gameplay, particularly on pc. of course, with all the rumors about ff7 lately, the fact that they published the pc version likely helps.
  10. laptop dimms are more expensive than desktop ram, hence the higher price when i quoted it. you want good ram, too, rather than just crappy stuff, so you've gotta consider that, too.
  11. things to look for: -dual-core processor, preferably intel. huge difference in quality, reliability, and performance. don't go lower than a pentium dual-core (don't touch anything with celeron in the name), and remember that FSB (where the cpu connects with the system) is just as important as clockrate. my wife's is a 2.2ghz pentium dc, and it's pretty nice. handles vista pretty well (nothing compared to a desktop, though). -whatever you get, max out the ram as soon as you get it. laptop ram is stupid cheap - like 4 gigs for under a hundred - and really easy to install yourself. plan on it when you buy. ram generally costs a lot more from the salesperson than from newegg (and they rarely stick one larger chip in, they'll usually clog your ports with two smaller ones) so buy low and install high. -large, bright screen. seems dumb, but screens die with age, so aim for one that's more than enough for what you want. -not much bloatware. all that extra crap just slows you down. -discrete graphics are pretty expensive nowadays for some reason, probably related to the high cost of PCBs. buy accordingly. if it's nvidia, don't buy anything that's got numbers lower than 8500 in the name. 9600 would be excellent, but it's pricey. the 9500 is great, an 8600 is definitely capable. the 8400s and 9400s aren't worth the cost of the solder on the chip. -hard drives are cheap. if you 'order up' on a custom-built deal, make sure it's worth the cost. check newegg or something. if it gives you a choice, choose a 7200rpm hd over a 5400rpm, and choose standard over ssd. sata over ide/pata of any kind. if they offer two drives, don't buy the second from them. just get one and buy the second when it goes on sale for half the cost, and install it yourself. there's not even any plugs to worry about with lappy drives =) whatever she gets, wipe all the crap off of it immediately and load firefox and all that on there right away. that other stuff is terrible for performance.
  12. or have some people who are allowed to delete tags. having a jillion tags per song helps too, since the best ones will be repeated a lot. if you can only pick tags out of a group of them (like, ethnic, voice, jazz, strings, etc), that'd help too.
  13. does thread tagging allow for a visual tag cloud and searching, like through all remixes? if so, that'd be good enough for someone like me who just wants to be able to go through and stick some labels on tracks. of course, there'd have to be some way to limit it only to review threads.
  14. i got to thinking about this the other day. is there a music player - preferably iPod-compatible - that employs tagging of files with different terms for searching (like 'saxophone' or 'vocal')?
  15. i really support the idea of having tags for tracks - even beyond genres, being able to tag a track as 'saxophone' or 'vocal' or 'ken ardency drumset' (lol) and then look up all the vocal mixes when you're in the mood would be awesome. i wish that stuff like itunes had a tagging feature, too, for personal listening. playlists would be awesome, too.
  16. yeah, goldwave's ok but audacity probably fits the bill for what you want. can't do that many at the same time, though, but if you're just chopping them up you can do it efficiently, at least.
  17. you're all missing the point, here. besides the whole issue of wanting to convey images and themes through words (which, last time i checked, most instruments can't use), there's also the issue that this is fucking donkey kong, for goodness sake. it's not like they made the appassionata sonata into a country song or something. just chill the fuck out and be happy that people (other than me, lol) care enough to put out a project like this. if you're such a good music critic, write some of your own, asscan.
  18. jeremy and i have talked about that several times before, interestingly enough.
  19. i'm sure we'll still be running for a while, so feel free to jump in then, pez.
  20. 'show her my craft' = 'show her my dick' lol sum chick
  21. i had a bunch of people ask me about this for thieves of fate. it's kind of offensive, actually.
  22. so many people having trouble with ff8. you can beat that game at level 11 or so, every enemy scales to you regardless of where you are in the game. i played around with oot, but i never got into it. everything got depressing after he grew up and i got stuck in the fire temple. worst gamer shamer? hrm, probably when i admitted to a buddy of mine that i wasn't that into diablo II. he'd been playing since it came out, and this was about two years ago. he almost shat a skeletal-warrior-sized brick.
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