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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i'm willing to bet one of your tracks is corrupted. use the project recovery tool to knock out individual instruments until it loads. edit: oh, it won't open anything? huh. you're using the newest version? demo or full? legit purchase?
  2. it's not necessarily for people who can't work out the originals. i have no problem working out the notes by ear. i just prefer to use something that's already down on 'paper', since it allows me to save some time. i work very fast, but i have limited time. so, if i'm spending an hour writing out the track, but i only spend six hours total, that's a huge chunk of time that i'm spending on something that's basically irrelevant by the end of the process. i don't like to waste time.
  3. oh wow, i seriously didn't mean that to be a pun. whoops.
  4. LETS GO DAWG spring man is so freaking terrible. i'm so glad i picked it, though. i've really felt myself stretched finding new ways to remix it.
  5. i think i'm ahead by two at the moment, unless i miscounted something.
  6. looool don't take it personally, kingpiano. neblix if 15, and knows everything. he's just trying to give you the gift of his mind. it's a beautiful thing.
  7. busking isn't a slang word. it's just not one that shinny's heard before, apparently. it's pretty popular in NYC and other metropolitan areas.
  8. this may be a dumb point, but i used to have this issue when using very large samples (like an orchestra worth of orchestral instruments with VST). i fixed it by moving the files around so that they were on different hard drives and one drive wasn't trying to load and play everything at once. it got to the point where the cellos were being rendered by themselves and i was still getting occasional dropouts. it'd be fine when using playback, but it wouldn't work on render. if you find a fix, i'd be interested.
  9. about 95% correct. while it isn't possible for a soundcard - with the internal equalizer set flat - to color the sound much, it is possible for his outputs to be not getting the proper connection to his speakers or headphones. neblix has the right idea, though - your soundcard doesn't affect the equalization or saturation of the sound. get a nice pair of headphones before you throw down cash for a card.
  10. lol, voting's been closed, as per the discussion of the last two pages.
  11. i really feel that this game is terrible. it's unfortunate, because there's a lot of good humor, but the ars review said it best: 13 years ago, duke was a joke based on the ridiculous hero-person stereotypes of the 90s. now, he's not based on anyone, and his joke - and his stereotype - is played out. i didn't find the constant dick jokes and gay humor to be offensive, but so many other things he said and did were just dumb. not funny, but dumb. there's a ton of dark, creative, awesome humor hidden away in spots of the game, but the gameplay just kind of sucks dick.
  12. he's not around most of today. make your extra time count!
  13. wooooo! i don't know if i will beat you, but i think i did a pretty good job. i pulled in a lot of late acoustic/early electronic herbie hancock ideas to pair with vig's kind of slow-jazz style, but i don't know if i pulled them off well. i feel like i did, but we'll see. i also went with a ratio of time rather than equal time per theme. since spring man has two longer pieces and hard man has three pieces that are varying lengths, i did roughly 60% hard man and 40% spring man. up till now, both themes had two good parts, so i just went with 50/50, but here it clearly wouldn't work like that. however, i used primarily the melodies of hard man, and the (slightly modified) bass line and background parts with some melody for spring man, so to the listener who didn't listen to the OSTs first, it sounds like it's mostly hard man. i promise that the holy ratio is intact =) it's definitely a full meld - it's just that i took from stuff other than the melody, which winds up being the only part that most people can sing of a theme. there's more there than a lead, so i decided to take advantage of that
  14. same. i was like, WHAT DID STEVO TAG ME IN.
  15. submitted my track just now. i'm not around till friday, and i got a good feeling, so i just did it now. props if you can hear the vigilante reference =) it's pretty obvious, but yeah. i was going to include a zelda quote since lemon's such a fanboy, but i couldn't find a place to do it tastefully (unlike the joke taucer and i put into the baba yetu remix we did).
  16. and tagmi can see that. thought that it was in there somewhere =)
  17. armor lock's not very good on higher difficulties, i've found, simply because the enemies know to back off when you're locked up. for me i primarily use it as an anti-vehicle weapon, in both single and multi, but it's also an excellent anti-sticky device =)
  18. i can agree with him that armor lock is next to useless in the campaign, but it's awesome in the multiplayer.
  19. loooool! that's like saying an RPG is fully comprehended after an hour of intro battles. what an ass
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