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Kureejii Lea

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Everything posted by Kureejii Lea

  1. So much for the idea of Luna taking her father's place as editor and then dueling Rita Seeker to the death on a crumbling bridge over rushing water. Still, it fits. =P Despite a couple of tiny nitpicks, I enjoyed the book overall. I was a little worried that Rowling would have build up this massive thing and left herself with nowhere to go, but it looks like she really did have it all planned out from the start, and it resolved better than I'd hoped for.
  2. The production's definitely nice, it all flows pretty well and the oil-and-water line was a great touch. It's easily competent work (especially nice to have a track like this that actually has the sound and tone for rap, which isn't something anyone can do), but I dunno, it didn't really reach out and grab my attention. Not bad, though. I'm sorry, what's the name of this site again? You're not even criticizing the song itself, just bitching that it falls under a genre that doesn't appeal personally to you. Grow up.
  3. Well, not everyone in Melee could wallspring. I think this move looks like a fun addition, however.
  4. As far as I know, there are no plans to bring Tales of the Tempest over right now. That shouldn't come as too much of a surprise though; a lot of Tales games have never seen localization.
  5. The roulette's still on the main page, under the recent reviews.
  6. Is it really that rare? I've pretty much trashed my fiancé and all his college buddies in Melee. His brother's only managed to beat me once, and then said he'd attained his goal in life and left the room. On the other hand, my brother beats me more often than not (but he pretty much does that to everyone), and back when I fought Smasha (years ago... man how time flies) I only won twice, but still. Now that I think about it, though, pretty much any other girl I've played SSBM against has only been a casual "oh-look-you-have-a-nintendo!" gamer.
  7. Drat. Well, you kinda hafta take these kinds of things with a grain of salt, I guess. Or a whole shaker.
  8. Aw, come on. If anything, by comparison this is a step up from the Bowridlisk cloud!
  9. So, uh, don't know where this is from exactly, but it seems that in an interview here Sakurai says that they're waiting for a final confirmation from Sega to officially state Sonic as being in the game. Guess we'll know in a few days...?
  10. So, yeah, just got back from seeing it, and while I'd been trying to avoid spoilers, I'd been getting an overall general reaction of "awesome!"... all things considered though, I don't think I went in with particularly high expectations, but all the same, I wasn't all that impressed. Well, maybe that's not the right word. I mean, it was entertaining for the most part, had some refreshing lines and actions, some awesome scenery, some badass explosions, but on the other hand, it didn't really feel focused. You're introduced to the main concept (decepticons bad, everyone wants to find the all-spark, roll out!) but a lot of the characters added in seemed underdeveloped and not terribly useful. It sorta felt like a lot of the character roles didn't have enough substance on their own. Like, you have the chick and her hacker group, and then her recruited friend, and their whole involvement came down to a) decode the signal and get a transmission out. Why was that initial group needed? Did we really need to involve the guy's grandmother and cousin? Or even the whole interrogation scene? All of that probably could have been accomplished through some no-name second tier computer expert working under the commander or something. Even just the girl alone would've been fine. After all, she'd already butted in on that meeting and seemed to show she had a better idea as to what was going on than anyone else. Why introduce a team she didn't need and a bit about her going to someone better and getting arrested over it? It just felt like the movie could have stood to be condensed some. There were a lot of cute human moments, but the vast majority of them were just unnecessary (the little boy whose sole purpose was to show the way to a cellphone, Sam's weird friend, "are you the tooth fairy?," Sam's Happy Time, etc.). That, and a few things just didn't seem to mesh with me, though perhaps I'm just missing something. Like, if Bumblebee was calling the rest of the autobots with a spotlight, how the hell did they see it through the cloud layer? Why exactly was it a good idea to take the giant alien robot fight to a highly populated city core (full of innocent bystanders to get punted by Megatron), instead of out in the badlands-esque area they drove through anyway? It was fun enough, had some nice throwbacks to the original stuff, the bots themselves were handled pretty nicely in terms of presentation... but I dunno. I just wasn't really satisfied with it.
  11. Yeah, I've been country-hopping lately. I should be here for a few stable days at least though, though probably not on AIM much. Kyle, can I send project-related shtuffs to your gmail account?
  12. That is an utter delight. I wonder if the villagers will randomly cycle during the fight, or maybe every time you access the stage or something.
  13. Take this with a grain of salt, but I wanna say I've seen the image on the bottom screen a long time ago...
  14. Regardless of the fact that the voice-over does sound like a Disney straight-to-video promo, wow, a lot of the comments are full of whiny bitchiness. "O noez, a colourful whimsical game! My sexuality is threatened!"
  15. IIRC, it's something along the lines of any move with a base power of 60 or under gets boosted by ... 1.5, I think it was?
  16. No progress in six months? Bwaaaahahahahaha. What bull.
  17. Probably because the remixers didn't submit them to be posted?
  18. I'm pretty sure pokemon from linked battles won't show up in your dex/GTS list...
  19. Oh, that's a total blast. I'd be surprised if more people don't do that.
  20. Also, not instead. They're working on it. It'll be out in September IIRC.
  21. Like Sonic Advance? Or Sonic Rush, which still plays 2D despite having 3D models?
  22. Ah, gotcha. I was thinking like everything contained had been eaten or something, not just the name itself.
  23. Well crap. We didn't lose anything, did we? No recent WIPs were just uploaded or anything?
  24. ^ I just started on that today, since the first Eevee I got was female. Seems to be a hell of a gender ratio for them though; all the hatched ones have been male.
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