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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I got to shoot some settings today. Looking into one or two pieces of equipment and renting a room too... I've also got a buddy in another city who I want to cast for a role so I'll have to bus him in... and I'm talking to someone realistically about costumes. I hope I don't over-reach making this happen and wind up getting screwed on deadlines.
  2. I have to say I feel the same as SiriusBeatz. I enjoyed the comic for about... um... 200 strips? Then each character got to be nothing more than simple bit-jokes and the repetition killed it for me. I rarely cling on to webcomics actually trying to maintain story. I prefer my comics to be stupid, quick, random one-shots... if I wanted any kind of story out of a webcomic I'd read a graphic novel.
  3. I'm going to leave it unchanged for ENTIRELY too long too. ... Actually I don't even like it anymore. Now it's a spite thing. Thanks asshole.
  4. Your podcasts are so long I have to listen to it in parts over the course of several days. I just finished 25. Gimme another one.
  5. Sorry to bump a pretty much dead thread, but I picked up some hardware today and I'll be DJing as early as this weekend. If you can spend 5 minutes to rack your brain and help me find some latin inspired house/lounge music I'd really appreciate it.
  6. A year or two back I invested in a small portable digital recorder. It set me back about $180 because I bought a good one that recorded at 168 through TWO mics in stereo up to 4 hours. And you know the technology's only gotten better. Anyway, I use it maybe three times a year if that... but I'm always glad I have it. It's empowering to know it takes 30 seconds to grab the recorder and then you can immortalize anything you could be hearing at any time ever. ... Sorry I forgot what thread I was in. You guys chew balls. EDIT: Wow, it actually IS funnier if you read along with it.
  7. You should make recordings in cramped-van transit too. "Devon stop touching my leg, stay on your side damn it."
  8. Ugh. Still no progress. Maybe I'll make an ad tonight...
  9. Is this all that the show is gonna be now? You guys reading fan fiction?
  10. Interesting. You have my attention. At very least I'll be watching.
  11. I actually turn to Chill at work most of the time. My co-workers opt for that New Indie channel or the joint, but chill is easily my personal favourite. That or Laugh Attack. Wish there was an idm channel though. I don't think I can hear Squarepusher on any station. (I think one of my favourite songs from the channel is Fourtet's Circling.
  12. I'm the Kitchen Manager at the restaurant I work at. It means I've got 2 lunch cooks, 3 dinner cooks, 1 late-night cook & 1 dishwasher under my direction. In the front I share command with my front of house manager over 3 or 4 bussers, 3 or 4 servers, & 2 bartenders. It's not MY business but there's more people below me than above... it's also MY kitchen. On the side I'm looking into food photography as a potential side business, as well as djing for our evening bar crowd. That's all for now, but business ideas are always popping in my head. Cool to hear about your work Biznut. Why are Canadians so awesome?
  13. 'It's a me' made me go 'awwww...' Similar to the kind of video game cover I'd like to make.
  14. Nice buddy. I hope you get all the shots you want on the road trip. It would suck to get where you're going just to find out you forgot to charge the batteries.
  15. I just realized that I downloaded ep 24 at work... and now media with rape in the title and in the browser history. Thanks guys.
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