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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. YES! Loved that joke. By the by... if there's Canadian bashing in ep 17 I will avenge you if I ever get on it.
  2. HA. I can honestly count 6 solid new music video ideas or more, all of them WAY more difficult than this last shoot. That was one of the things that attracted me to this video idea in the first place; no need for sfx, animation, difficult editting tricks, green screen, dancers, any actual talent... etc... just shoot people doing stuff... 10 bucks for a rose budget. Thanks to everyone who made something in general. I figured 10 vids (roughly how many showed interest) would be outstanding, 4 or so could be expected, and 1 or 2 would be unfortunate but 6 indeed made the gathering worthwhile. I took the time to read through the whole chat log and I have to be humbled and thankful once again to the tremendous response from everybody. Honestly. I feel tremendous love here. When I got the camera in December I thought I might do some corny comedy shorts or just take nice pictures... I never thought it would go this well this fast. I've suddenly caught a real bug for film in general, and working with my limitations was a fun challenge. (Panning with the tripod looks bad? Ok, let's re-think this angle. No one's around to shoot this for me? Ok, let's shoot it off the mirror.) A couple of things I wanted to touch on that I read from the IRC; a little late but here it is... a) [21:49] <Bahamut> from a movie prob Nice. How is this not a great compliment? That's actually my balcony view. Don't worry, I pay through the teeth for it. [21:50] <@diotrans> poor flowers guy On one of the takes some random passerby actually thought that was my real reaction to him and he was cussing me out for being such an asshole to him. Jack was great to work with and was happy to add some of this footage to his demo reel. c) [21:53] <starla> laos is a goddamn overachiever d) [21:53] <@diotrans> he said his actress quit like most of the way through... [21:53] <@diotrans> how did he finish that? She didn't quit; we're still buds. She took a paying job that happened to be on the only day I had free to shoot. What I didn't get to film with her, obviously, you didn't see. It left me with a much subtler narrative in the end which worked out great. I was going to have a scene where I won her that fake rose, an argument scene before I go out for the cigarette and the music starts, and a shot or two of her looking sad out the window on the train with her suitcase. Without her, and those scenes, all of these blanks were conveniently filled in our heads instead. e)[21:54] <soulinether> he probably changed it from a happy ending (her being there) to a sad one? :/ The jump/race back with the beat was with me in initial concept. Then that flashback idea built the bulk of the video; that 'dream' concept the lyrics are talking about. But then that beat is only there for a short time and then cuts right out again. There was something so sad to me about that held chord on the vocals in the last 20 seconds of the song that I knew I had to tie it to a big feeling of loss, something great disappearing and just out of reach. And to me there's still nothing sadder than someone's delusion (Requiem for a Dream/Brazil ending?), showing the happy dream before reality was about the saddest thing I thought I could muster with just body language. I've got a little bonus I'll put out in the next week or so. I had enough extra footage to have deleted scenes & bloopers. I'll also be uploading the avi soon, but honestly I DIDN'T notice that big of a quality difference. It's not that much better.
  3. Everything was shot on my Nikon D90 @ 720p 1280 x 720 with a 1.8D 50mm lens. I would LOVE to have had access to some other kinds of lenses; any kind of zoom lens would've made a huge difference in terms of my shooting options. My only real issue with the camera is when the light levels change a lot it adjusts the lighting automatically by a notch which then shows up in the shot. The most obvious moment of this is my ending shot where I'm looking around with the rose. Other than that I've been thrilled with the outcome. And thanks again to all. Sorry I couldn't join you in IRC.
  4. THANKS DIOTRANS! I appreciate the logging. Watching with you guys now. UPDATE: Hi-quality file: http://luke.markdittmer.org/Dreaming.avi
  5. Try as you might... this is going to get a 90% reaction but I don't care in the slightest. This mix took balls and the execution is indeed polished. Well done. Respect.
  6. Sorry... I would be chatting with you all... but I'm sitting here waiting for a link bored out of my skull.
  7. DAMN it. Looks like my connection is too unstable and enterthegame keeps kicking me. I might not make it on the IRC tonight (I'm WORKING ON IT!) but when the link to the playlist is live please post it here so we can all watch it outside the channel too.
  8. So maybe in this thread we can now talk about a future ocrmv challenge. One aiming for mid/late June?
  9. Wait... it's 9 EST here and on the facebook invite but it's still 7 EST in the competition thread. EDIT: Also; I've been informed that the #ocrmv channel needs a chanserv so it doesn't fill.
  10. NICE. I didn't even know about the fb event and 19 members strong already; nice indeed.
  11. So I guess just a publicly linkable youtube playlist? I think this might make sense for another reason too... I don't know how well the buffering system would work with synchtube but I know we all have different connection speeds. I'd hate to have people chatting about a video that's playing for them but not for someone else. At least with a playlist people can pause and let the video load for a minute; sure they'll be behind by a bit, but at least it won't be choppy with its buffering. EDIT: Sent Biznut my video last night.
  12. Read the OP and the latest page; given the information we have I have to say: either this guy played his online persona completely right or completely wrong.
  13. Happy birthday. My present should be arriving soon.
  14. More details on the IRC plzkthx. STILL facing random rendering inconsistencies. Probably a late night tonight. EDIT: yup.
  15. Still putting the finishing touches on mine. Should we be adding titling in the corner of the video like with traditional MTV videos, a full credit screen/frame, or or should we just have that in the youtube details?
  16. DAMN it. Well I only have myself to blame for this one I guess. I've got no time left tonight and only this coming Wednesday off to make it work. I'm going to be right down to the wire on this one. I should have my video uploaded and privately linked the morning of the 4th. Right down to the wire... lame...
  17. BUMP: Re: BIZNUT! Any action on those things I said? We are looking at a week today right? Maybe someone should make a pretty picture or something?
  18. Whatever you wind up getting; just remember to make an ocrmv with it.
  19. Now would be a good time to push a publicity front. Biz-nut? You think a new community forum post ad is in order soon? Info on the channel? EDIT: Rage; for the 100 things Vegas does better it still renders 4 or 5 things wrong/not at all and I'm not sure how to fix it.... and I always find that out AFTER a 20 minute render.
  20. Ugh. All the footage should be there now. Just have to muscle through another 2 or 3 hours of editting. It doesn't help I work, like, 60-70 hour weeks.
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