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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. How did OCAD go from being so sensitive about VGDJ dramarama that they would censor the name to this? Still listening. Haven't decided if it's worth the yet or not.
  2. I want to get my buddy in on this. He set the coding bar SUPER high already. His game 'we rise' features mario having to get past a thwomp and, I kid you not, a rewind, play, and fast forward button that controls time.
  3. I lol'd Also, I'm glad we finally have a machine to determine the type of music we want for us. I know it knows us better than we know ourselves. It's like those dating companies.
  4. I think Tepid already proved that acoustic guitar and Zelda 3 are more than a little compatible. Tepid's cover was one of my favourites... but GOD DAMN. If every mix on this site was this classy I would have that OCR tattoo by now.
  5. Just picked it up today. Don't have a wii but I'm planning to have one in the next 3 months or so. Two or three of my buddies already have 4-6 games a piece featuring mario and gore for losing. Very funny shit. It'd be nice to have a little network of friend codes going. I really hope this game gets super popular.
  6. I'm loving the excitement I caught about this game overnight. I hope to pick it up AND a wii in the coming months and I would love to make semi-regular contributions.
  7. This is almost immediately what I thought. It's no worse than this. An anime dvd you can play and fall asleep to that primarily features a anime girl in her underwear sleeping. That's it. Lonely guys are supposed to pretend like it's their hot anime girlfriend and feel better about themselves. I'm not sure how that's supposed to work.
  8. I don't think ANYONE could do Earthbound justice. It's too unique a blend of so many things. I don't think it would make sense on film. But then, they said that about a clockwork orange didn't they?
  9. It IS like 1/12th of a representation of Canada. It's kind of like saying: "Arizona... Nevada... Texas... America's pretty much just a big desert colony. Kind of like a giant, prouder, fatter, Mexico."
  10. On the plus side, your silly voice didn't bring any Canadian embarassment. You held your own pretty well. I was also pleased to hear that all of the Canada bashing was in itself ignorant and pathetic. They just blurred Canada mockery with France mockery with little success. Making fun of us for our baguettes. Right, cause that's what french Canada is known for. Don't worry guys. Now that medicare is on the way (), and you're gonna have a nice tiny dollar, I think a little good ole fashioned catch-up humility is on the way.
  11. It really makes you stop and think about what CAN get posted here. Many people strive to get their quality up or their concept accepted but miss the mark. Another broad category of mixes exist with passable quality but don't take themselves seriously enough, these usually get posted at olremix. But all this said; the occasional mix pulls a fast one on us. I've decided; I'm going to make the most amazing techno remix with unrecognizable sliver sized samples, have it pass, get it posted with flying reviews, and then reveal that the samples were of me taking a shit.
  12. Coming back to this thread to re-affirm my love for this mix. Excellent.
  13. I'll be the judge of that. I'm watching you OCAD. EDIT: Also, for some reason I'm having a hell of a time finding that moment in a recent OCAD episode where you, brushfire, after leaving crying for a while, return to whine loudly and incessantly about how you try to provide for the rest of them and keep them happy. Anyone else know the moment I'm talking about? I thought it was recently but I scanned 14, 15, and 16 without finding it.
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