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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Wind scene gets an incredibly high quality cover every time it's windy out.
  2. What's the most covered song in any game? I give this thread a 5/10... but I'll contribute. Schala's Theme.
  3. I went through the thread and apparently I didn't bring this up yet. (At the 1:00 mark.) Robotrek - Cave - RSN It's a horrible exercise in dissonance, the loop's pretty short, and most of the instruments are grating. I never played the game to closely and don't know how many times you have to hear this song... but it would suck if it's a lot.
  4. You're the only one of the three that can manage the fine intricacies of setting music to low in the background and inserting the mentioned songs after announced? Man. Devon and Brushfire must suck at life HARD. Also, that date sounds hot.
  5. Very very strange but funny. Excellent music. Ok. I'll contribute. I've recently become addicted to Pan-Kun videos. If you don't know the name you need to watch him RIGHT now. Specifically: Pan-kun does situps with James Pan-kun with a magician and Pan-kun crossing the street (4:40)
  6. Sexy; you are NOT wrong. Keep 'em coming. (Morse is already in the playlist 3 times)
  7. Creepy. Also; Taucer, you get the zombie thread of 2010 award. Now eat my taco. EDIT: Well so long as we're talking about good videos we stumbled upon; this one was useful and amusing:
  8. Little interest in my really interesting thread eh? Well I found another perfect fit;
  9. I don't talk to my mom much... she's not very cool and I don't really need her for anything anymore so...
  10. Yeah, for real. In the Mexican Restaurant I work at we just opened a bar/lounge on the second floor. Ideally I'm going to dj there in the evenings but, for now, I just want to fill an ipod playlist. The music can be house, chill, lounge, any fusion, bossa nova, a little rock, or top 40, and since there's a big hipster scene in the area even a little indie, electro, and of course anything with nerd/nostalgia/VG reference. ...buuuuuuut it's very ideal that it has a mexican flair. Salsa, spanish singing, mariachi... it's a delightfully specific little genre I'm talking about here. Here's three great examples of the kind of music I'm talking about: Castle Logical - OK House Any suggestions I should check out? Gracias!
  11. Just left my tripod on the streetcar. Need a new one now.
  12. I never know what the fuck is going on around here. He looks like he has no teeth, just gums.
  13. Didn't hear to the end of the episode yet, if this was your 'song what needs to be remixed' I'm impressed and completely agree. Love this song and the whole soundtrack for that matter.
  14. Man... all this for that Zeratul track? It's pretty mediocre.
  15. Waiting for the next OCAD to come out is like waiting for surgery. You know it's inevitable, and you can count on it being painful.
  16. If memory serves, (because I'm having difficulty checking my facts at the moment), that might've been off of the Brink Of Time album.
  17. It's Chicken with chicken chicken chicken and chicken. Chicken 5 ways.
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