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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Try your best not to be discouraged Rexy. I'm on the outskirts. Always on the outskirts.
  2. Not reading the thread out of fear of spoilers. I'm excited to watch this one in it's most ideal and pristine form... and I'll re-visit the thread after with comments of course.
  3. Oh man. I missed a potential extension? That SUCKS. I'd do a bonus entry but I know I don't have THAT much free time.
  4. RTF's Bonsai Garden was a bad first choice... I sincerely doubt that anyone here is that cool. Interesting question though... it's not a bad one if people can actually think outside of the 'favourite songs' mentality. I've attributed songs to things like break-ups, first snows, particular days and particular settings... particular people isn't far off. It'd be hillarious if someone with low self esteem picked a song they didn't even like... it wouldn't be a favourites thread then.
  5. There is just TOO much hotness on that page. Oh, and I re-visited my old Bible College recently... those kids pair off DAMN fast. In the last year there were 2 marriages, 2 engagements, 2 engagement breakings, and a near eloping... and that's just people I knew... people who went there 2 years ago.
  6. One of those mixes I feel I need to comment on. Tasty work here Maxo, the instrumentation and interpretation is prime. Full of character. A+
  7. And sometimes things just make sense... like any ska band covering Kirby Super Star's Gourmet Race.
  8. Arg. It's doubtful... but I REALLY REALLY hope to enter. I've got a great idea or two that would suit the style and if it fails it'd still make a great OLR.
  9. Y'know how certain artists have a certain style? I was curious if any of us had some requests for a certain song in that artist's style. It's a little more specific than just a genre request since some of the big guys around here have finer qualities and a more specific stylistic approach. For example, I loved Mazedude's screaming 8-bit inspired synths in See Sixty Funk and would love to hear him apply the same style to Kirby Super Star's Arena theme blended with some classic asian instrumentation. I also thought Dhsu did a great job with the darker elements of his recent Mario World/FF6 crossover and could easily hear that being brought out in some of the DKC2 soundtrack; namely Wasp Hive. Is suppose we don't have to be talking just about OCRemixers as well. I could hear Telefon Tel Aviv doing lovely things with some of the more pleasant melodies I've come across. Any other ideas?
  10. I think there's a lot of things that could affect the trends of popularity here, and ultimately we need not be concerned about the competitions all being in this little competitions cranny. I mean really, if people want to mix it they're going to mix it. I haven't missed checking out a single source tune since PRC17... (Except 2 or 3 during an internet disconnect of a month or so) I know I always mean well. Maybe if mixers encouraged other mixers to come out and compete against eachother it'd be more likely to happen.
  11. There's a story there. Yay for wicked sweet source tunes. If I'm not in I'm gonna be seriously pissed and disappointed with myself.
  12. Still... glad to see the thread is trudging on. It always should. FOREVER.
  13. The main poster art features the two competing in a hurdle race? Are you kidding me? Mario's nimble at jumping but there is still a clear winner here.
  14. It was a beautiful movie. After seeing it (at a birthday party) me and three friends made this:
  15. I'm out. Too much going on irl. That and bladiator is a wiener.
  16. Yeah; sorry about biting them off but you DID ask for it rough.
  17. I thought that even in free mode eventually you just rolled everything up and you were left in a vast expanse of water.
  18. I'm in. Just gotta post the picture but my roomie has the card reader I need. Don't end the comp without me.
  19. You guys know why Karl never sings? He's the oldest person on record having not fully acheived puberty. His voice still cracks at 27.
  20. Gorgeous. Yes the pitch on the male isn't quite there and leaves a little to be desired. And because of this, I won't disrespect anyone who can say 'yeah, it's neat, but it isn't my cup of tea.' But LISTEN to the character of the voices and how they compliment the rest of the song it's not hard to hear how pitch is NOT the biggest factor hear. Haunting is accurate, unique is accurate, not for everyone is (unfortunately) accurate, but the adjective that's most appropriate for this piece in my opinion is SEXY. Hard for a piece like this not to affect your mood.
  21. I definitely don't hate it. Also, the work tests I was using as an excuse for a lack of involvement for the last month or so are done (and was worth it, I got a raise) so maybe I'll turn out for this one. Oh, and if I do, my singing is nearly guaranteed.
  22. This thread filled up fast. Anyway, all I really have to contribute is this from my interview with J. Doerkson a.k.a. Lesser of the Tigerbeat 6 label: LUKE: Do you aim to confuse your listeners; if so why? J: Wellllll..... To begin with, I would say that I am not trying to make music that 'shocks' or confuses folks... this is really just the way that things sound (points to his own noggin) up here. Having said that, ya.. I am really just trying to get people to think about what is music. I mean, really how little can still be called music. I think my stuff is basically pretty perverse.. like... here's something catchy, and it lasts for 1-2 seconds.. now its gone, replaced by something really annoying. There are PLENTY of musicians giving you exactly what you want... even if you don't know what it is... even if you would not have known that it was what you wanted till this very second. But I try not to do that. I don't give you what you want... or I make you wait a REALLY long time for it and, even then, it doesn't last long enough to enjoy it unless you sample it and make your own song. So.. the short answer is YES, confusion is good, if it prompts the listener to question her preconceptions of what music is. Whew... The thing I always look for and respect in new music is 'sounds or ideas I've never heard before'... it's growing increasingly rare. One of my favourite dance songs featured a filtered harmonica sample, some of the songs I consider most beautiful are time-stretched or chopped to pieces. Some of my favourite genres are wild and unpredictable, one or two of my favourite bands/artists inspire me specifically because I don't know, even with a slightly-above-mediocre musical knowledge, how in the heck they were produced. I would be a bad OCR judge because I think I would praise new musical ideas and concepts over overall quality. This trait nearly unimportant to me.
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