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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. There's a song I have which I have permanently tied to the memory of when my first girlfriend agreed to go out with me. A good day indeed. It was a hot summer day, I had it playing on my minidisc player on the bus ride home, the cool wind was blowing through the open bus window into my face, and right as the bus reached a certain intersection (Wharncliffe & Baseline), and the song reached a certain point, (around 2:53) I felt what can only be described as a perfect moment. Life was beautiful. 21 years; and I don't think any moment has topped it. Anyway, it was a very good song... but from that moment on it's been a very great song.
  2. *listens as well* I feel inspired to do some drawing.
  3. I really really liked the song from the credits.
  4. First it was the OneUps leader from Arkansas, this week it's the Spazmaster TOMC Champ from Fargo, ND and the producers are based out of Brooklyn. ... And a kid from Ontario, Canada makes the connection. Small world.
  5. Top ten reasons why you shouldn't go to Bladiator's birthday party: 10 ) He'll start crying cause he's not used to having friends around. 9 ) The second you try to go to the bathroom he'll bust in yelling 'Pee fight! Pee fight!' 8 ) His only party game is 'pin your tail' on his 'donkey'. 7 ) Any kind of pop, cake, or sugary snacks will instantly make him go into a diabetic coma. 6 ) Even if his party is a sausage fest he will insist on playing spin the bottle. 5 ) Who wants to be caught partying with a 27-year-old; it just looks bad. 4 ) Despite it not being a costume party, he will be in costume. 3 ) Drunken vomit at that height ensures you'll be caught in the cross-fire. 2 ) He'll show you the Fisherman's Revelation. It's his pole. (How's that for a birthday suit?) 1 ) You won't be able to resist his ass. Happy old day dr. old. Maybe next year someone will make the thread for you.
  6. I'm pretty sure unless Kevin Smith spent a few nights hammering out some good comedic dialogue for this kind of 'discussion', it's not going to go much farther than lame and nerdy. Also; the ending of Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty rad... Sonic needed to grab rings while Shadow fought the boss and then they switched? Sure, it doesn't make sense why they can share rings, but at least they're ring usage/power relationship was canon.
  7. Bladiator is a pimp, Tepid not quite cold. Tepid is a youngster, Blad is friggin old. The song is great; precisely the kind of thing you'd expect from the two. Catchy, fresh, and very enjoyable. I expect to listen to it a lot.
  8. Dude. It's gotta be like everywhere.
  9. Not to split hairs, but I did call him recently and asked him if he thought this word could be used to accurately describe him. He felt it wasn't. He claimed that since it wasn't a natural talent but one that he had to practice at profusely to master, since he is socially capable, and somewhat skilled in other areas of life as well, that savant is inaccurate.
  10. Damn straight Andy. That is how you do it. Tops 'Neighburgers', 'Live at the Sandopolis' and 'See Sixty Funk' for best vg remix to give the horns to. Holy hell man.
  11. Amazing. This would be incredible coming out of someone in their 20's let alone someone pre-pubescent.
  12. I had a dream recently I had a pet miniature Canadian Goose that was super smart. Never had an OCR related dream. Sorry.
  13. Ruined. I think I saw some clown named Dhsu doing a trick with his bag but it's all a blur since this is all just trauma for me now. ... WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER!? OH GOD! WHAT DID THAT ASIAN DO WITH HIS BAG!?
  14. WTF. I travel all the way from London, Ontario to see the last OneUps show... and it wasn't even the last OneUps show? All of my precious memories are ruined.
  15. Anyone else catch that? Nice one. Congrats dude. Damn, we're ALL pairing off these days.
  16. I thought that name sounded familiar. More than a little accomplished it would seem.
  17. If anyone in the vg remixing scene gets into the next DDR that would be SO pimp.
  18. Shame I only have a little over a week... wait; what's this: ENH! "There is no guarantee there will be any winners."
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