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Everything posted by Arian

  1. This is nowhere near what I normally listen to, but it's just too catchy to not love. I love the robotic vocals and uptempo dance/rock combo, and I think this mix is great at balancing repetition and changing things up enough. All around, very professional sounding stuff. Thanks!
  2. This is SO right. Funny Chris Rock clip though!
  3. I love Orchestral! I love groovy metal guitar riffs! I love Hell March! And I sure as hell love this! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hahaha! That's so cool! And I love that OCR is getting more and more variation!
  5. As someone who enjoys some soundtracks and classical music, and who's studying it, I gotta say! Great stuff!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful buildup, and the climax was moody and magical. Turn it up guys, this is very atmospheric soundtrack-like material!
  6. How could one shrug this off? Even if you don't like him.. it's friggin' MICHAEL JACKSON! He was the biggest music star of last century, only surpassed by Elvis. RIP Michael! ps always thought you were innocent.
  7. Seems like the game's good, although flawed. Definately up for a playtrough someday! Huge ghostbusters fan here. Poster on my wall and everything! I used to have all the toys.
  8. Hey that's pretty awesome!!! Nice job, very epic.
  9. Shwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! This new Telltale team is actually loads of old LucasArts guys. The same guys that gave us the old MI games. And they've even got Michael Land on board!! Such an awesome composer!!!
  10. Sounds good you french person you! I Cannot place it though... I'll see my friend the soundtrack buff this weekend.. dunno if we'll be able to get some alone time with a computer, but if so and no one's guessed it yet..
  11. Awww... only three? Dang. Well, at least they're three really good ones!!! Nice work guys.
  12. I'm almost afraid of lynch mobs after all these raving reviews, but... I'll take superbuckjazz over this any day. The one thing that bugs me about a lot of jazz it's the messy solo's that are all over the place and aren't melodically pleasing, but tend to sound like one big cacaphony. And this mix has oozes of that.. it gets on my nerves real quickly. Yes, it sounds professional, but I prefer simpler jazz with less wankery.
  13. I'll do my best to nitpick my way though your tune. First let me say, great stuff, nice and relaxing. I love the source tune, and I love your realistic sounds and programming (playing?). Possible 'lethal judge panel' problems: 1 - (still) not enough variation 2 - mix too close to source material - it's probably too 'safe' right now Suggestions: - the first minute isn't that interesting... Try to do something crazy with it... other chords, New 'build up' melody that incorporates a few little things from the gerudo theme... as in.. hint to gerudo, but have a different mood.. then when the theme and it's chords enter it's gonna be really awesome and magical. - later on, introduce a countermelody in a range lower or higher. Perhaps that intro melody i suggested. Or improvised guitar, bass, trombone, marimba or piano playing. - that repetitive hand drum rhytm is nice for a few moments but gets annoying real soon. It really stands out on my speakers because it's so much to the left... make it more stereo and vary it up! Leave it out (completely) in a few parts, and when the song progresses, Go more crazy with the hand drumming (perhaps go a bit 'tribal' for a few moments) Also make more changes in the rhytm! Use some different type of drums with different patterns here and there. - throw in a B-section at some point with completely original material (that still fits the style) - good for both variation and more self-input. Be bold. I hope this helps. Now up and at it!
  14. Yeah I was a bit worried wheter or not to pick this (awesome) subject... most people into these games are approaching or past their 30ies. I'm not completely sure how much people on ORC are too young. Anyway.. they're gems! Try to get a hold of them, young'uns, especially if you have these qualities: Intelligence, patience, a sense of humor. A love for stories.
  15. This is a very gentle and modest piece. It sounds very professional. I agree it's also very safe, but there's no fault in that. Not everything has to be cutting edge.
  16. It's not the drawing in you sig, is it?
  17. That stuff's pretty awesome too! *headbangin'*
  18. My vote goes to all out to DESCENT 2 part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOlLCPzB56g part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrlPvDzZpQ4&feature=related part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkbUFEZpphY&feature=related part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jeKrdLkak4&feature=related I listen to the D2 cd-rom just like a regular Audio CD - never even played the game. The music is a nice blend of various electronic styles and well... more FUCKING METAL. It's like the extremely slick soundtrack to a postapocalyptic world filled with Mecha's and other robotic bad-assery. Real terminator vibe going on. I love it! This is just top A-class music.
  19. This always been one of THE ReMixes for me. Cream of the crop of the old days.
  20. LOVED IT!!! One of the best ReMixes out there. Congrats to all involved.
  21. How could I forget to mention that one in my write-up?! Those are the best!
  22. Yay me! THANKS GUYS!!! I'm hoping to go pro with drawing, and this is really encouraging.
  23. Production is great, don't like the music though... this type of Trance sound more or less originates from my country (Holland) and I've never liked it, nor do I like the crowd who dances to it. That said, production's great and I do like some other stuff from blind, like the awesome Temple Trance, an OC remix classic.
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