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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. UPDATE Pendulum released a mega-mix of clips from songs off the new album http://www.pendulum.com/blog/InSilicoElHornetMiniMix.aspx Feeling very mixed about this, three versions of Granite? Four versions of Propane Nightmares? Hopefully this is just for the mix and we're still missing a few songs
  2. FiremanJoe, thank you, totally know what I'm getting at I mean look at the live shows, they're pretty much the only electronica band that actually preforms their stuff live with a full band. They've posted that they wanted to blend the synthetic with more traditional instruments, you can totally hear that in say "Girl In The Fire." The only problem right now is that the fans are taking sides between Granite and Propane Nightmares, saying one is better than the other and insulting the other. Learn to love it all together This one blows Granite way out of the water still, hopefully the rest of the album goes in this direction
  3. Sounds good, natural progression on some of the vocal tracks in the first album, the lyrics got much better, and it's a nice mix of genres instead of my fear that they were too much into their own sound and were making "safe" music
  4. You mean 7 to 10 Also, Arcana Heart 1 comes out in NA next month, so get Arcana Heart 2 instead
  5. Remember that one time you got me to make a song for you and it got on OLR? http://olremix.org/remixes/464 Good times
  6. This game IS my childhood videogame, I really wants to do somethings
  7. The pissing thing with Otacon was great because it was ZOMG way too big and SO MANY PEOPLE got stuck in it, not to mention Egoraptor just has great voice acting
  8. RE-ROLL pu freak, sawrry (btw, SML3:WL was my childhood on my GB Pocket)
  9. We've all heard of this "groove bias," my question is... What exactly is this groove and how do I put it into my music for an easy YES?
  10. I trip a lot actually, it seems to have something to do with dash dancing, moving back and forth, who knows
  11. You just can't think Mew2King is the leader of tournament players, many tournament players like the game right now, he's just pissed because he can't be instantly good at the sequel and might not be one of the best anymore, boo hoo for him
  12. I can play a pretty good Bowser, here's me against a local Fox Also, Arek you're wrong, IC are pretty god awful in Brawl, viable for worst in game, I know I've been playing them in Brawl
  13. Game: Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Song: Clock Tower Stage Composer: Tetsuya Shibata Copyright: 2002 Capcom MIDI: Clock Tower MIDI MP3: Clock Tower MP3
  14. Kind of wrongIf you attack him with just about any other move he can use the up b again pretty quickly and gain even more air with it. If you actually grab the robot he falls really fast and has a huge moment in time where he just can't use it, we tried it out today and it is FACT
  15. This is the most important thing confirmed for Brawl SONIC BOOM MUSIC CONFIRMED
  16. Arcades used to be able to pull in money from all sorts of people, but now arcades are about small groups, like the hardcore fighter fans, the hardcore old school game fans, the rhythm game kids, all that. Now with online gaming, gaming at home, you just aren't making money having an arcade unless you can pull in one of these crowds constantly
  17. Looks SNK not Capcom, still cool, but it makes me think Capcom Fighting Jam
  18. For the old name EazyP, I was at a lan party and I had no name, I was kicking ass in CS and some spazz started saying I was EazyP and it was funny, so I used it For this name, I was sitting around thinking up rap names. I always say that I can't read, so I thought ILLiterate
  19. Terrible, hopefully the mother won't do anything to her
  20. I think this is what you meant to say
  21. Laid back grooves to the max. Love the lo-fi and the piano is great, the song has a lot of heart and you can tell which makes a really good sound all around. Cheers on the project
  22. Really great music from an insane team of artists, everyone should check this site often
  23. See this is irony because my song is right after Monobrow's just like my post is right after Monobrow's Also nice album, something of such quality is great to be apart of
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