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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. Binster is a flow of quality in the form of audio
  2. Smashboards people say you can get out of it, like the people who actually know what they're talking about Also depends on character, you can't say it works on everybody and only show it being done on one character. Also this guy has made false discoveries before
  3. Horray, my old name is in a write up Yeah, when I first heard this on piano I LOVED it. It's a direction I don't think we hear enough of in the remix community. It's minimal, it's full of emotion and it's easily my favorite take on the Brambles theme You're a champion for this one
  4. Saw it today, it was average maybe below average There was just enough fighting for it to not suck. Tony Starks had the best acting in the entire film. The drama stuff bored me to the point of zzz I was a big fan of the live action TV show and this compared to that was lame. Very let down
  5. Hm, CD Baby just emailed me that they shipped my copy... Neat but it's June 12th not June 17th
  6. Dan Hibiki, I always find it fun to play with characters in fighting games (like how I use Bowser in SSBM) that have significant disadvantages. It's a challenge. Plus he's just a pimp if you've ever read stuff like Street Fighter Legends Sakura
  7. I told you to come down the the tournament we had. Zhu, Silent Specter and Falcomist along with others like HomeMadeWaffles was there playing Melee and messing around in Jack In The Box with us
  8. Super secret AIM interview [16:50] eazypinc1: so I have you ask you a few question about your album before I consider purchasing it [16:50] eazypinc1: ready? [16:50] tweexmusic: hit me [16:50] eazypinc1: ok [16:50] eazypinc1: how polka heavy would you say the album is? [16:50] eazypinc1: on a scale of very to much [16:50] tweexmusic: the album is steeped in old time polka [16:51] tweexmusic: i even flew one of Scotland's premiere yodelers in [16:51] eazypinc1: gasp, fantastic [16:52] eazypinc1: now [16:52] eazypinc1: I heard some of the U.S of A's finest physicians worked with you to get this album into competitive dance quality greatness. Yes? [16:53] tweexmusic: the album is taught, firm, and ready to compete! [16:54] tweexmusic: it has studied tap, jazz, ballet, and interpretive dance with some of the worlds most well respected teachers from brazil, germany, and new york [16:54] tweexmusic: they may have no sense of humor [16:54] tweexmusic: but damnit, they can dance [16:54] eazypinc1: Those krauts know what they're doing where it comes to fine shaking of groove things [16:54] eazypinc1: and they're not as interested in their own feces as the French are [16:55] tweexmusic: hehe, true true [16:55] eazypinc1: Well beyond a shadow of a doubt this is worth a purchase from me in the near future [16:57] tweexmusic: it most certainly will be. and this hasnt been released, but i will let you in on a secret: elvis has come out of hiding to personally sing on this CD [16:57] tweexmusic: so you are in for quite the treat GET IT MEOW....well, when it's available
  9. Machine Gun was a really weird single, but they achieved their goal in that song perfectly by making a very soulless piece of music. Portishead inspired the Silent Hill series' sound and you can tell why, Dummy is still one of my favorites Will have to listen to the rest of this
  10. Movie is like rainbows and good exploding in your face Saw it with a bunch of friends, high fiving and super into the movie the whole time, so much silly fun. I still love to watch the original Speed Racer and the W.Bros did an amazing job here IMO If you like the original Speed Racer at all, you'll love this Only complaint, terrible start, first 15-20 minutes sucked out of control. Once you get to The Crucible it becomes the best thing ever
  11. Reaching new levels of legit every day with every new mix
  12. Thanks to my neat skills in a local Brawl tournament, I now has a DS. Horray! I was wondering what peoples thoughts where on the online games for the handheld? I am really looking forward to Dragon Quest 9 but right now I'm wondering about Custom Robo or anything else with good online play.
  13. Hay Guyz Whut Aboot Arena?
  14. Ha oh man, this needs to be brought back And I need to finish mine
  15. Saw it on EGM's frontpage I really want it to be good, watching Rick's body and flesh fall to pieces while he gets damaged looks AWESOME. I had my doubts but Mark of Kri eh? Loved that game, sounds good
  16. Horse The Band live makes me die of laughter, a lot of people are just confused and don't know what to do Also they're pretty funny, some of the stuff like Sex Raptor and Kangarooster Meadows is just fantastic
  17. <3 Always loved Binster, ICON amazed me, and since then I haven't been let down. Inspiring stuff While I do wish there was more stuff I hadn't heard on here I can't complain, and if someoen hasn't listened to Binny, this is the way to get them started
  18. I jumped right on this when I saw Busta's name attached, and it is just a treat to listen to, great job
  19. Same here, a lot of fun trying to guess what was coming
  20. Not going to sign it just for the fact that I've had fun watching some of his movies and I'll have fun watching his future ones I mean comon, House of the Dead is a comedy classic
  21. I thought it said NAMBLA for a second Voted
  22. HAY we needs to have IRL 2D fighting one of these days again
  23. Gollgagh is correct, it comes with MGS1, MGS2:S, and MGS3:S (no 2nd disk)
  24. EC doesn't come with the second disk for MGS3:S Having said that, I never got to play MGS3:S with the new camera and my god it makes the game a thousand times better I also never could get a copy of MGS2:S with the Skateboarding and Snake missions and I couldn't find my copy of MGS1 so this pack is easily the best thing ever
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