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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. In Olimar's defence. Kirby is only 6 inches tall. The characters aren't to scale at all, so he could easily be a character if they wanted to make him one.
  2. DoS was a great game. Similar in gameplay to Jon, but it has it's own little twist on magic and the like. After unlocking 100% in both games, I can definitely say you get a greater feeling of omnipotence in DoS than you do in PoR.
  3. It also glows with the same color which put on the idea in the first place. Also couple that with the fact that I don't think the recurring characters are going to have many changes to their movesets.
  4. It's probably the tool/item he uses to activate his reflector. It's also a probability that they made it so that he can only reflect one direction? I doubt it because the reflector wasn't -too- overpowered in my opinion.
  5. Actually, DK does less than he did in DK64. He lacks his gun and all those other wacky moves. So this kinda shuts down your "give them movesets that don't fit the character."
  6. Oh wow, another Philly meetup? Hopefully I can make this one unlike missing last year's. I recently broke it off with my girlfriend who goes to Drexel, but I know the area well enough to meet up with you guys from the start. I prolly won't be able to stay late due to parents liking a tight leash, but it should be fun. Also, I read a few of the earlier pages and Jill works at Bubble House? I've been a there a couple times and it's pretty awesome.
  7. I'm sorry I'm tired, but UC?
  8. Yea, I'd be okay with just four letters as long as I got the game earlier than most so I could secure whatever names I wanted for myself.
  9. Now that I think about it, it makes sense to assume that there will be tournaments that determine the style you have to play with, possibly forcing us to learn them all at some point.
  10. This is a good time for Nintendo to develop a Wavebird that's Wii compatible. They'll call it the Bluebird. Err...that name sounds dumb...but you get my gist.
  11. lol. This does bode very well for the casual gamer especially if they have/had a cube.
  12. I don't think arguments about harder playstyles can come up in tournaments and stuff unless they're idiotic and don't realize how easy it is to switch. I don't think motion sensing will take part, to be honest. Smashing and such can still be done without a stick. Take Jump Superstars as an example, it's practically a Smash mimic on the DS that uses solely the dpad for direct combat controls, and it works. Though, I'm thinking that the WiiChuck setting will be for those that want the motion controls...but this is purely guessing. I personally think that the best players will want to stick to either the classic (never used it, so I don't know the feel of it yet) or the Cube controller because it allows for the reaction speed that you need and holds familiarity. Does this mean that cube controller production will have to increase? The demands still exists now...but is it enough for Nintendo to warrant the maintenance of practically two systems in terms of peripherals?
  13. We Love Katamari: YES Title says it all, people. DoA3: NO While the Dead or Alive franchise is known for it's bouncy female fighters, it never has stood as a particularly strong fighting game for me. This can be argued, as I do know the potential the game has, but for me, it's just about the physics, which doesn't warrant a YES. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: YES Amazing sense of style and presentation with a great amount of humor to boot. This is not a game to pass up if you like the tied and true elements of an RPG with some substantial "paper" and "Mario" twists to them. Trauma Center: Under the Knife: YES Fast paced fun that really lets the DS show off what a good game can do. The game itself isn't really too challenging, but it is an extremely good time to be had. Frequency: NO Get your FreQ on! An awesome soundtrack with stupendous gameplay. However, the learning curve is far too steep at higher level play for the general gamer. I still find this game somewhat challenging after playing it for so long, but it is so much fun. It's not a must have for everyone, but if you're into the whole rhythm game genre, this is a perfect game for you along with it's sequel: Amplitude. Megaman ZX: NO It was a fun game that stayed the course with the oh so standard Megaman formula. It did add it's own twist to the system of course as all sequels should. Boss battles were not difficult by any means until you decided to get perfect ratings on them, which, counter-intuitively, involved NOT shooting the boss' most susceptible area in order to not damage his core. I'm just saying it got annoying to accidentally hit it just once so you'd have to either restart or just stand there and take it so you could die and try again. Not for anyone who doesn't like Megaman and needs a fix.
  14. If I'm being lazy, I'll probably just play with the Wiimote because I do think it would be possible, just not as effective due to a lack of stick. Serious Smash players will undoubtedly stick with the cube controller because it's the only one that will give you the control and speed you require at higher level play.
  15. NO no no. PLEASE do not start with the rattling of random characters you'd like to see in Smash. It's honestly a waste of time because you'll always love/hate the characters that are in there and then love/hate the characters you wish were in there.
  16. This is amazing. First thing I'm taking care of when I get home. I'm also quite ashamed I didn't know of this earlier.
  17. Wow man, don't sound so tentative about such matters. This is the internet. It's commonplace. But regardless, it might have been for female gamers, too, y'know. Regardless, it's a common joke about Rez that also happens to be a reality.
  18. Him being in all the trailers served to generate some MASSIVE hype not to mention Kojima probably gave his own demands because that's just how he is. I'll still bet he'll be unlockable tho.
  19. I would like to think that they'd keep the starting lineup not too different from it's predecessors. There have been some characters that have remained on the starting lineup and some that have remained as unlockables. This will probably be the case. I don't think (though I wouldn't bet on it) that any of the new characters will ready at the start. Especially not MetaKnight due to his closeness to Kirby or ZSS (if she's a separate entity) for her closeness to...herself (ooohlala).
  20. Power bomb?
  21. That logic seems to be at the base of all games capable of high-level competitive play in my opinion. In theory, if you know the game enough and can read people well you can be good at the game. This doesn't bring physical factors such as quick eyes or reaction time into play however.
  22. That was my idea when it came to her being unlocked..but that seems too easy for a Smash unlock.
  23. I personally think that having ZSS as a character after you final smash or w/e it's called sucks. They're going to play differently and you want some sort of control of which one you're going to be playing as. Unforunately, that may lead to a handicap in not using a final smash as Samus. I hope they won't do this. I really think it'll be another character entirely to be unlocked by some means because all of Samus' current moves are key to her play so there's no place for a transformation command, unless it's some sort of Wii special.
  24. The best part about every single comment about Rez sounds so much funnier when you think of the "secondary uses" of the trance vibrator.
  25. Not that I'm bias or anything to the name , but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
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