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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. Sure the iProducts could be a handheld gaming force IF anyone was making games for them. Problem is that most of it is shovelware and the big titles are still your app games that are crap like Bejeweled or Peggle. So I wouldn't get your hopes up at all for them. If I do recall there was a Sessler's Soapbox like three weeks ago on this very topic.
  2. Eh. Bleach is fine if you stop after episode 53 or so. You'll know it's the right time to stop. I know Ghost in the Shell was mentioned and I'll echo that. If it hasn't been mentioned but I'm pretty sure it has try out Darker Than Black. Also Viper's Creed for something not so mainstream.
  3. Bleck's post made me want a remake of Duck Tales.
  4. This is how the industry has referred to it.
  5. -Coop The main reason they keep releasing new versions is to have even deeper penetration into the market. Instead of the previous ways of thinking of systems having a life cycle where it would have to be replaced I don't think many (if any) people are thinking they want a new generation of consoles. So how do the three companies get more consoles out there? They make better versions with more built in bells and whistles and that makes the older versions cheaper. Die hards will buy the new one because they want it. Those tentative people who didn't want to pay too much buy the older models that still function just fine like you mentioned. Or people who know about tech and that it'll improve wait for the updated version and buy it for the same price the original launched at. It's the same logic with Apple products. You know better stuff is coming. You know you're going to want to buy it eventually. If anything this gives you more options. Though I do feel for you in that there are those instances where if you -just- bought a 360 then the newest version really stings.
  6. I can see the games going for 20 if they are all XBLA and the like which makes sense considering the larger internal HDD given with the new 360s.
  7. While I think Microsoft had a good conference I still think that they wasted a lot of time with Kinect and without a price point yet I can't get excited about it. Hell the most excited I got about it was when I saw Child of Eden at the Ubisoft conference. I think that they'll really have to set that price point properly or Kinect isn't going to see much penetration because the only reason I see myself buying it is because I'm a huge nerd for Child of Eden. I doubt there are enough people like me that will buy it for a single game. They'll really need to produce solid software or make it very reasonable. And I'm talking $50 reasonable.
  8. It's speculation at this point IIRC. They are probably going to be using higher capacity cards than regular DS games but in the end it should still be a SD slot? It's quite possible. Edit: And barring the unfortunate interference to the Zelda demo (which on the show floor apparently is as good as they say) I thought they were super prepared for their press conference. In my opinion, for anyone old enough to have any kind of nostalgia (and even to those completely new cause hell those were a LOT of reveals) this was the best conference by far. No time wasted on breathing simulators or talking like a commercial. Also no Cammy!
  9. Guys. The 3DS is a completely new system. It's not a little upgrade like the DS-Lite -> DSi -> XL (DS->DS Lite actually had a better battery and more settings for backlight like Rambo mentioned). It's going to be able to output graphics at almost GCN levels. Did you see the new Kid Icarus game? Also the 3D aspect is completely non-gimmick from reports from the show floor and can be adjusted freely. This isn't one of those things where you'll be able to play new 3DS games on your regular DS. This GBC -> GBA again.
  10. I have spent the last two weeks or so in senior celebrations days at Rutgers (ie: constant parties) and am now a graduate so I'm finally back and up to play this game again!
  11. Honestly thought Roll was a dude at first...man that's just bad...
  12. Yeah there's no saving your motivation for this game if you don't enjoy every battle once the system has been unlocked for you. This game is solely defined by how kickass the battle system is.
  13. So I'm in this now. Name's Zero.ignus or eternalzero at gmail dot com if you want to be real friends on there. I'm 1v1 Gold and 2v2 Silver. I play Random because I'm baller.
  14. I can hear 17 clearly and can barely barely make out 18. I'm 21 so I guess that isn't too bad. Been playing in bands and orchestras at all various levels (terrible elementary school band to touring other countries) from 4th grade till I graduated high school and even now as I'm finishing undergrad I blast music on a regular basis. Definitely noticing the damage.
  15. As an NA inspired hero she should follow the same philosophy. For NA it was 3 nukes + Dagon = 1HKO and you pretty much eliminate a player or two from the game entirely. So she definitely needs a straight damage bonus on her ult hit. That will give her the third nuke she desperately needs. With each hit snaring and doing a little damage it just gives too much time for the enemy team to respond.
  16. It is mostly how much damage your weapons can output and to a lesser extent the enemy spawns. It's harder to gauge when and what kind of enemies will spawn but the intensity of the songs makes it easy to figure out your weapon power. This isn't a the game for you if you're looking for a really music-based game. This is primarily a bullet hell/geometry wars type of game that has an association with music.
  17. Yeah I'm playing Fayde like NA from now on. Bottle, boots, and codex every time. Even if I'm carrying it seems necessary.
  18. So some little updates and fun stuff: Current aim is to hit 1800 (even 1900 since I am just as good as those players) with antigrav but this means choosing battles carefully and/or finding a group. So I will most likely be on ZeroEdition when messing around with you guys cause I can't always be wound so tight to win all the time and play at my best. It isn't always fun for me. Also. When you get the chance stats FirstEdition. Try and figure out what I'm going to do with that account. Should be fun.
  19. Y'all need to shut the hell up and get back on topic. I'm pretty certain that this was no accident especially considering the very important silence order on another certain phone that was lifted not too far from this event. This is Apple stealing the thunder and taking attention away from its competitors. Money says that if they haven't declared it already that they will officially reveal the specs of this phone on the release date of said competitor.
  20. While I'm still not totally sold on this game I think I just might cave and buy it anyway. It looks like it could be pretty fun.
  21. Mouse > Keyboard unless you DVE when they are equal, haha.
  22. I got the dreaded "Dethroned" email from Audiosurf for Jade Catacombs. Dunno if I want to spend the time reclaiming the throne. This guys is probably a lot better than I am.
  23. Generally when I've talked about songs in Audiosurf you definitely have to distinguish between length and difficulty. Difficult songs that are short are even harder to get higher scores on because a good run has to be that much more perfect. For me, personally, with DVE it's hard to gauge what songs would be best suited for it because you want them to be difficult and full of notes but at the same time if it drags on too long then a single white block mistake can totally ruin an otherwise perfect run. If at any point I find myself thinking "what do I need to clear this row" instead of just taking block after block without thinking twice then it isn't a good run. I wish I could be good at Pointman. I am pretty good with Eraser cause it's hard to be bad with it, haha, but only after I've really learned a song do I even dare to do Pusher. Oh also I tend to avoid playing Pro or Casual unless specifically asked so I usually won't try to update those scores to beat anyone else.
  24. So apparently I've tried Unsealed before, haha. Just had a little test run again of it and man is it hard. No idea how that dude got even close to 2mil. What an absolute baller.
  25. I think I just might go for that record. Ninja Pro can do the fins but cannot jump.
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