eternal Zero
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Everything posted by eternal Zero
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Btw for any of you looking to buy any skins and want to see how they look: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=123056 -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
AP Kog'maw = 4th of July of DEATH -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
He can't do the Tribunal until he hits level 30 and even then the IP gain isn't worth it. There is a good comedic factor seeing what some people will do in game though, haha. But as for getting IP there is no fast track, unfortunately. Just gotta play. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
AP Kog'maw with Lion Dance skin. Best time ever. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
It's not so easy to pop someone's veil when both teams are capable of CC and poking at each other before a team fight to try and garner advantage. Banshee's will cancel out a mistake that could lead to a lost team fight. Or an entire team of champions with banshee's veils can waltz into a fight knowing that the opening volley of cc either comes slower due to wasted time casting another ability to pop veil (in which they will be free to use their own CC once in range and win the fight for free) or only half the team will get CC'd due to coordinated stuns but that still leaves you at a large advantage cause you're ignoring spells entirely. This isn't at all comparable to Nullstone because that can be entirely useless against a good amount of the cast. Banshees will always be useful. There are tons of specific examples of banshee's being annoyingly good. Some examples include: TF ult, Karthus ult, Ashe ult, LeBlanc not being able to completely annihilate a champion in a few seconds cause of an incomplete combo. Not to mention it gives solid mana and hp and good magic resist (just a Negatron Cloak is more than sufficient MR in most situations) to boot. In my opinion it is the premiere defensive item in LoL. I get it on pretty much every champion by default unless I'm snowballing so hard I forego any kind of defense. This includes guys like Vlad, Kat, and Shen who waste the mana part. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I am online. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Wasn't around today cause I was out being social (ugh I know, right?) and tomorrow I'm working at a clinic so I'll be on but late like maybe 11 CST. Definitely want to play with you guys. Also, Zircon: You'll get used to the number of items. They're organized really well in the shop. Just click on what you need and the list just presents itself. Also if an item falls under two different categories it will show up in both. For example Bloodthirster gives you both Damage and Lifesteal. So you'll find it under both sections of Atack. Also to be honest a few of them are downright useless. There are a few important ones to learn and in general you can just ask whoever you're playing with for an opinion on what to get. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Halve the deaths and I think that was my score. At about 40m I sold my boots for another deathcap. I'm just thankful that once you hit 18 you had enough lifesteal to deal with the impending creep waves cause I had no way of dealing with those myself. I took care of killing their entire team, you kept the base alive, and once Tensei got his bearings we just rolled them outright. -
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Good games yesterday, guys. It was pretty rough going at points but it was still a lot of fun. I look forward to more games. (This time I'll be on my alt, though, promise!) Also as a side note to the whole HoN/LoL debate: I really feel like the community of LoL as a friendly or teaching group as well as being competent like having the general knowledge of wards and team comp (once you hit level 30...not going to comment on lowbies cause that's the same in both games) is a lot better. Very rarely do I get teams of 5x carries cause everyone just wants to do that. You get a surprising amount of pubs willing to jungle or tank or play support but I think that's inherent in the game itself. You're able to still get some items for yourself while being a ward bitch and jungling isn't limited to very few characters because any (and I do mean any) champion can jungle as long as you have the right rune/mastery setup. -
Yeah so someone mistakenly told me that if I logged on now I could get a bunch of the store items for free so I decided to play a game. I decide to test out matchmaking and get an SD game. I get SR, DW, and Zeph. Really lucky pool and I instapick SR cause he's still one of my faves. We have our mid CD die twice to a MQ mid and rage quit. My heart sinks. My first game back after so long and we have a leaver and I can barely last hit and deny not to mention I have none of the mods I used so shit looks so different and I'm just at a general loss. Also I'm laning against a Behe/Succ lane and I forgot how good both of them were godamn. LoL really needs its equivalent of both of them. But from there I take up mid and eventually we win the game 4v5. Sure there were a ton of things wrong with my play like I bought no activated items most notably no ghost marchers cause I didn't have any of my item hotkeys bound (I had a fresh reinstall), I had a grand total of like 4 denies cause I haven't denied in a year and a half, I remembered about runes but it didn't register until I had an invisible MQ ult me, and cause I had no idea what Nomad could do I died a bunch to him. Oh and I totally forgot about missing uphill and line of sight up and down terrain. MQ was having such an easy time pelting me with moon beams from the top of her ramp and I was so flustered. On the plus side we had a Chronos and a Pesti who were pretty competent and we just rolled them teamfight after teamfight cause I just built tanky and played some solid support. Our MM kinda fed, though. He got real unlucky with them ratpacking through our jungle and just murdering him. Ended up with some pretty nice stats like 2 KDR and some extra PS/MM-R and what have you that I'll never see again. Was a fun venture for old times. That being said I really felt uneasy with how different the game is from LoL after not playing for a year and a half. Don't think I'm coming back to this game to any degree I used to play but it'd definitely be fun to goof with you guys. I really miss it. Who still plays regularly? As I logged on I noticed Tensei and Hemo log off and if you guys remember him I saw Angel online too. Otherwise it was pretty barren but it is kind of 5AM central as I type this, haha.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
Holy shit wait hold up. For real?! Uh...my bad, dude. That was a long time ago. -
I want to play it just for this. The fact that it plays smoothly like Super is icing on the cake.
League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!
eternal Zero replied to Garian's topic in General Discussion
I play this. My summoner name is seiZero. Look me up! But if you're not level 30 or feeling up to playing your best to try and win my primary alt's name is Final Sparkle. Unfortunately I'm not usually on to play unless I've already got a group going in. There are a bunch of ways to get a hold of me though (steam, fbook, PM, etc) so I'll gladly play as long as you can get a hold of me. The HoN crew can attest to the fact that I used to be pretty intense with games like this but I've mellowed out quite a bit in my opinion. I tend to play all of the carries (both AD and AP) and rack up kills and bring the team to victory by breaking enemy spirit but I have experience and can confidently play any hero in the lineup. That's both in their proper roles and then completely disregarding their role and playing them like a carry. Most notably I've done this by going solo mid with Shen or Amumu and just killing people. Though if I had to pick four at random I'd say (in no particular order) Akali, Warwick, [insert ranged AD champion here], and LeBlanc. -
The matchmaking is pretty brilliant. The only time you'll go up against really higher level dudes is if you're grouping up in a large premade or with guys who are also higher levels. That's why just changing to alt accounts that are lower levels fixes the problem. Also level difference only means so much. I've always said it's a crutch and I stand by that. Some champions can't jungle without a specific rune/mastery setup but that's picking hairs. Also this is going to be my last comment about denying. It did make a big difference to me at first but now the only thing I miss about it is being able to hold the lane where I want it to be held. Otherwise it was just a thing to do to min/max your advantage in lane. Not a big deal. The other big change it brings about is that if you end up with a mirror match in lane (non-ranked matchmaking is blind pick so only limitation is no repeats on the same team) you actually want to autoattack and then time the last hits so that you get a level advantage over your mirror because you can't control where the lane is positioned anyway. All of you guys should at least give it a shot if you're not playing HoN as regularly as we all used to. Tensei, Zircon, Bardic: PLAY WITH ME. You know it'll be fun.
To be fair it was a pretty rough transition for me, too, cause with HoN I had all of my prior DotA knowledge to carry me over. With LoL I was really learning everything from the ground up. What saved me was instantly finding a ranged carry/DPS to have my fundamentals win games for me. "Oh yeah I know how to space and lane properly. I can last hit near perfectly. Oh these are the normal damage items? Right click to attack. Farm up. Get fed. Win game." I was summoner level 8 playing with and against 30s who were teaching me. Summoner levels make a big difference in power, unfortunately, so I had to try really hard to do well, but alt accounts fix that problem most of the time so you're not pitting low levels against high levels where they can get upwards of a free 25% armor penetration that a low level player can't have. In the end having summoner levels allow for a lot of customization in playstyle once you do hit level 30. At level 1 it's like you're playing HoN or DotA where you're pretty much starting at absolute zero with every game. Recognizing the same ideas they use for building a hero and knowing how they'll play or what their skills mimic from DotA. It's like when you're trying to create a hero. You have a basic concept and skills that stem from that. Skills you may or may not take from previous ideas and iterations to tweak. It's all there. Just with different names in the end. Biggest thing was removing the idea of Str/Agi/Int and allowing spells to scale with items (which is awesome, btw). After playing both games at a high level (well not LoL I guess but considering the guys I used to run with in HoN I can say I played that at the highest level for some time) I definitely prefer LoL as a game but I feel like HoN is definitely more suited for a competitive experience. In the end it has archaic and purist values (which I still love) but LoL seems to be more popular and really listens to its community for better or worse. So things like that are the reasons it's got a spot at Dreamhack and WCG over HoN or DotA. tl;dr: In the end it's really the same game and like going from one fighting game to another your fundamentals will really allow you to pick it up fairly quickly and have fun with it.
Hey guys. Been a while, right? Just popping in to say I've actually shifted entirely to LoL for the greater portion of the last year or so. I definitely think it's a much more laid back and fun version of the game. Sure I still miss denying and being able to do awesome things like share consumables and have extra storage space and a courier...I really do miss that. BUT LoL definitely isn't something to be scoffed at. It's a solid game in and of itself even if I really question how much these developers know about balancing a game like this cause sometimes it's just really dumb and hand-holdy. For example a patch is coming that's going to "band-aid" stealth being an issue when only maybe three characters get access to it and there's no item that will give it to you. But I digress. Denying isn't really tedious if you're better than your opponent. If you're the one getting outlaned then it does get pretty boring to take even longer to level up and get your gold. It definitely doesn't favor the weak. I definitely know what I put other people through when I laned against them in HoN. Both games are just fine and, well, considering I don't play HoN anymore if you guys want to hit me up on LoL just PM me or something. I'd be happy to show you the ropes and carry you and stuff. Also as a comment about the relative difficulty of the two games I'd definitely put myself above average in both games but it's a lot easier to be above average and win a game by yourself in HoN than it is in LoL due to the denying system and the presence of real hard carries. LoL really doesn't have any solid methods of getting super far ahead without some really awful opponents. Okay so I thought of more things as I was typing. I haven't actually played HoN since that guy with the water aesthetic was added but I see they added your character, Zircon! That's pretty rad.
Hey, OCR. So I know I don't really post here at all anymore but I hope some of you do remember who I am. On April 1st this year I will be participating in an event called St. Baldrick's Day in order to raise money for research into children's cancer. As part of the event many volunteers (including me) from my medical school class will have their hair shaved off, probably for the amusement of passersby. This is a major fundraiser for Rush University. My personal goal is to raise $300, and Rush usually finds around 30 volunteers to be shaved. I know it's kind of bad form to be asking this on a forum that I don't frequent so often anymore but I figure this is a solid way to reach out to guys that I may have lost contact with over the years. Also this would be a great way to show some support for a good cause. I'm not expecting anything out of this but I'd also like to raise your awareness to this event and maybe you can find one happening near you and participate in it. This is my profile page: http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/participantid/462760
Likewise. Also awesome Cap and Ryu even though I play neither very well.
Lord Scout Judge etc are determined based on your playstyle. I was a Lord cause stability was maxed but now I'm a Scout cause stability and advanced offense are tied. I dunno whatever. He can't be a 5th lord with that little of games. I've seen that decently often the game won't be able to bring back their exact win/loss record before the match but will show it accurately after. Personally I don't bother looking at their record and just focus on winning.
Haha still remembering me from purely HoN I see. I go by Zero round these parts, remember? Yeah I figured I'd start posting around here again for just a little. They were good matches for sure. A_Rival is a monster. I need to learn how to deal with good Haggars and I came up with something so we'll see how it pans out next time we play. Yeah. This. Also to you guys that don't have me yet my tag is seiryuZERO so feel free to add me so we can throw down.
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
eternal Zero replied to Malaki-LEGEND.sys's topic in General Discussion
I've played with Bardic some already but just posting to say hit me up for some games! I have a fully maxed Charlotte and a pretty decent Shanoa so a Hard mode group would be preferable but I'm down for whatever. -
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking - Custom OC ReMix music!
eternal Zero replied to Murmeli Walan's topic in General Discussion
Brawl minus does what it says it will but some characters are still quite lacking like Dedede. And the other thing kind of lacking is that they haven't touched the smash ball moves enough. Only small stuff like either Samus variant remaining as that variant. -
360 camp here.